Message from @Dia

Discord ID: 583742734360379422

2019-05-30 15:38:29 UTC  

damn discord can have some real issues sometimes

2019-05-30 15:39:21 UTC  


2019-05-30 15:39:36 UTC  

The MMR vaccines has a 93% effectiveness

2019-05-30 15:39:45 UTC  

so they say

2019-05-30 15:39:57 UTC  

i dont trust them and their statistics

2019-05-30 15:40:39 UTC  

ever see how they came up with the 97% of scientist claim climate change is real

2019-05-30 15:41:30 UTC  

I highly doubt that was the same institution

2019-05-30 15:41:51 UTC  

lol all government does this

2019-05-30 15:42:11 UTC  

75 scientist make up the 97%

2019-05-30 15:42:15 UTC  


2019-05-30 15:42:36 UTC  

it is called data manipulation

2019-05-30 15:43:01 UTC  

government and government institutions all do it

2019-05-30 15:46:04 UTC this is who regulates the vaccine industry and they have a patent on 56 vaccines so yea i dont trust them or anyone they use for proof vaccines work. they have a grave conflict of interest here

2019-05-30 15:46:59 UTC  

@Triscuit gotta run peace out hope you get the time to look into these things

2019-05-30 16:37:29 UTC  

first of, differentiate chemicals. Focus on pollutants and suspected agents

2019-05-30 16:38:36 UTC  

with the combination of today's thousands of toxic chemicals that are found in the environment, most studies, especially safety studies are not relevant as they focus on one chemical, instead of looking at the whole mixture

2019-05-30 16:39:05 UTC  

this comes to a word that has no official definition, but is defined through reason and translation (old greek): polytoxicity

2019-05-30 18:51:58 UTC  
2019-05-30 19:45:13 UTC  

autism is a hoax created by anti-vaxxers to discredit vaccines

2019-05-30 19:45:23 UTC  


2019-05-30 19:45:43 UTC  

Glad you have a mind of your own

2019-05-30 23:36:54 UTC  

Shows the various problems with the connections of vaccines causing autism. Although most people will need to kinda die themselves because its directed toward college students, scientists, not the general public. But if any of you actually theorize models for your claims instead of just throwing this and that out there it may interest you to look at it

2019-05-30 23:39:30 UTC  

Also the first part points out problems with previously tested autism experiments. Its actually suprising the amount that gets pointed out even though half of them have advanced stuff in them

2019-05-31 01:18:02 UTC  
2019-05-31 01:18:45 UTC  

Wretch that story is false

2019-05-31 01:18:59 UTC  

Incredibly false

2019-05-31 01:19:36 UTC  

The criminal charges against here were dropped a few days after her arrest

2019-05-31 01:20:04 UTC  

And she was arrested for stealing laboratory equipment

2019-05-31 01:31:27 UTC  

She never received a 4 year gag order

2019-05-31 12:01:03 UTC  

@Triscuit yea and where did you hear this??? the main stream media i am sure hahaha go ahead and BELIEVE it

2019-05-31 12:02:31 UTC keep believing in this garbage and your brain will continue to be garbage

2019-05-31 12:03:07 UTC  

it is called the IDIOT BOX for a reason

2019-05-31 13:19:05 UTC  

@Wretch the measeles vaccine thing is over the course of ten yrs

2019-05-31 13:19:24 UTC  

Tbh 100 deaths over ten years isn't bad at all

2019-05-31 13:42:14 UTC  

autism was discovered by a German doctor during ww2, Asperger. He said these children didn't follow nazi ideology

2019-05-31 13:43:24 UTC  

furthermore on the causal linking, the aluminum containing vaccines were also tested on mice

2019-05-31 13:43:33 UTC  

compared with saline injection

2019-05-31 14:31:47 UTC  

@Wretch no, telling someone theyre garbage is not acceptable. It is a clear violation of server guidlines meant to stop exactly this. Read rules 1 and 4 if you want evidence that makes you have to be respectful. The problem is you dont actually make arguements, you just go after the person head on. Multiple people have been head on personally attacked by you