Message from @Kalerteth

Discord ID: 581273654520709121

2019-05-23 23:24:09 UTC  

yep--fair point <:BigGrin:507986757753634826>👍
but yep,, this time it was not that
it was.. mass-ping (mass-Mention)...

2019-05-23 23:25:29 UTC  


2019-05-23 23:45:30 UTC  

In employment

A person who has been unemployed for a long time may have a hard time finding a new job—even if they are highly skilled and qualified. Potential employers attribute wrongly the person's lack of employment to the person rather than the situation. This causes the potential employers to search more intensively for flaws or other negative characteristics that are "congruent" with or explain the person's failure and to discount the applicant's virtues.

Similarly, a person who is in high demand—for example a CEO—may continue to get many attractive job offers and can, as a result, extract a considerable wage premium—even if his/her objective performance has been poor. When people appear successful, potential employers and others who evaluate them tend to search more intensively for virtues or positive characteristics that are "congruent" with or explain the person's success, and to ignore or underestimate the person's faults. People who experience positive social proof may also benefit from a halo effect. Other attributes are deemed to be more positive than they actually are. Additionally, the person's attributes may be viewed with a positive framing bias. For example, a person might be viewed as arrogant if they have negative social proof, and bold if they have positive social proof. For these reasons, social proof is important in determining a potential employer's consideration set.

Social proof naturally also applies to products and is used extensively in marketing and sales.

Situations that violate social proof can cause cognitive dissonance, and can cause people to have a sense of loss of control or failure of the "just world hypothesis".

2019-05-23 23:45:47 UTC  


```Social proof, a term coined by Robert Cialdini in his 1984 book, Influence, is also known as informational social influence. It describes a psychological and social phenomenon wherein people copy the actions of others in an attempt to undertake behavior in a given situation.

Social proof is considered prominent in ambiguous social situations where people are unable to determine the appropriate mode of behavior, and is driven by the assumption that the surrounding people possess more knowledge about the current situation.

The effects of social influence can be seen in the tendency of large groups to conform to choices which are either correct or mistaken. This is referred to in some publications as the herd behavior. Although social proof reflects a rational motive to take into account the information possessed by others, formal analysis shows that it can cause people to converge too quickly upon a single distinct choice, so that decisions of even larger groups of individuals may be grounded in very little information (see information cascades). ```

2019-05-23 23:50:26 UTC  


Sheeple (/ˈʃiːpəl/;[13] a portmanteau of "sheep" and "people") is a derogatory term that highlights the passive herd behavior of people easily controlled by a governing power which likens them to sheep, a herd animal that is easily led about. The term is used to describe those who voluntarily acquiesce to a suggestion without critical analysis or research in large part because the majority of others possess a similar mindset.[14] Word Spy defines it as "people who are meek, easily persuaded, and tend to follow the crowd (sheep + people)".[15] Merriam-Webster defines the term as "people who are docile, compliant, or easily influenced: people likened to sheep".[13] The word is pluralia tantum, which means it does not have a singular form.

While its origins are unclear, the word was used by W. R. Anderson in his column Round About Radio, published in London 1945, where he wrote:

"The simple truth is that you can get away with anything, in government. That covers almost all the evils of the time. Once in, nobody, apparently, can turn you out. The People, as ever (I spell it 'Sheeple'), will stand anything

2019-05-23 23:52:33 UTC  


2019-05-23 23:56:58 UTC  

cute sheep

2019-05-24 00:07:26 UTC  


2019-05-24 00:07:30 UTC  

what planet should we colonize

2019-05-24 00:07:35 UTC  

im goin for jupiters moons here

2019-05-24 00:07:41 UTC  

water has been found at europa

2019-05-24 00:07:45 UTC  

so das nice

2019-05-24 00:07:47 UTC  

gn cuties

2019-05-24 00:07:48 UTC  

also venus

2019-05-24 00:07:49 UTC  


2019-05-24 00:13:58 UTC  

I'm behind Sheeple and back him 100 %

2019-05-24 00:23:54 UTC  

Would you trust a murderer who investigated himself for murder and found he had not murdered anybody?

2019-05-24 00:24:14 UTC  

Would you trust a pharmaceutical company who investigated themselves for vaccine damage and found they had not damaged anybody?

2019-05-24 00:31:24 UTC  

Sounds like someone has a problem with authority.

2019-05-24 00:36:27 UTC  


2019-05-24 00:37:48 UTC  

Opinion on pro jared?

2019-05-24 00:38:04 UTC  

Who is pro jared???

2019-05-24 00:38:17 UTC  

Some flat earther guy he seems like a sound guy

2019-05-24 00:38:29 UTC  


2019-05-24 00:38:40 UTC  

Yeah, people hate him for some reason

2019-05-24 00:38:41 UTC  

Idk why

2019-05-24 00:39:39 UTC  


2019-05-24 00:42:59 UTC  

Hi I am debating whether the earth is flat or not

2019-05-24 00:43:03 UTC  

can someone help?

2019-05-24 00:43:32 UTC  

Sure I can

2019-05-24 00:43:40 UTC  
2019-05-24 00:43:45 UTC  


2019-05-24 00:43:58 UTC  

First step: Don't be stupid

2019-05-24 00:44:05 UTC  

Second step: The earth is earth shaped

2019-05-24 00:44:19 UTC  

Third step:

2019-05-24 00:44:31 UTC  

who is that???