Message from @rivenator12113

Discord ID: 623350630244679688

2019-09-17 02:14:41 UTC  


2019-09-17 02:15:53 UTC  

Nice FES meme ^

2019-09-17 02:18:18 UTC  

you guys always seem to champion around that laser

2019-09-17 02:19:31 UTC  

@Deleted User gotta have temp control

2019-09-17 02:22:50 UTC  

2019-09-17 02:24:19 UTC  

not yet

2019-09-17 02:27:53 UTC  

mathieus, i've explained to you multiple times why you're wrong, why do you keep posting the exact same things?

2019-09-17 02:45:16 UTC  

Hello other flat earth believers

2019-09-17 02:45:27 UTC  

The cause of rotation of torsion balance in Cavendish experiment. Although the cause of rotation of torsion balance has not been investigated yet, the Cavendish experiment is used as proof for the law of universal gravitation and to calculate the gravitational constant. However, it is not difficult to verify that the real cause of the rotation of torsion balance is not gravitational force, but the interaction of two pairs of masses - systems of duality, as it is shown on the picture. In the first column, combinations of pairs of masses and torsion balance which can cause the rotation are shown. The first combination at top left corresponds to the Cavendish experiment. The rotation of torsion balance can take place even when the masses are on one line with the masses of torsion balance, which does not correspond to the concept of the force of gravity at all. All the combinations in which one mass is removed from the experiment do not cause rotation, therefore, the Cavendish experiment with one mass and torsion balance contradicts the law of universal gravitation. The insertion of the second mass can cause rotation again.

2019-09-17 02:48:05 UTC  

I see that is very interesting other flat earther

2019-09-17 02:48:23 UTC  

heh mathieus, i spent a whole hour talking about experiments but you were ignoring me and saying "still waiting on experiments to prove blind faith" which 1) makes no sense since blind faith requires no experiments and 2) means you're just being dishonest. so who's actually trolling? it's ok, i didn't expect much from you anyways

2019-09-17 02:48:45 UTC  

it's not that I can't answer your questions, it's that you can't understand words

2019-09-17 02:49:56 UTC  

@Akhanyatin All you've been doing is rambling and debunking flat earth on the basis of globe earth model, where are the experiments that proves the sun is 93 millions miles away?

2019-09-17 02:50:04 UTC  


2019-09-17 02:51:08 UTC  

come on river, i sent a video already but you didn't understand it

2019-09-17 02:52:01 UTC  

Come on we all know that the earth is flat or else we would fall off

2019-09-17 02:52:23 UTC  

LOL wait what

2019-09-17 02:52:38 UTC  

You keep making those assertions

2019-09-17 02:52:41 UTC  

where are the evidence?

2019-09-17 02:52:51 UTC  

sun is 93 million miles away

2019-09-17 02:53:00 UTC  

i'm going to mark all your ad homs mathieus, maybe you'll be able to post one comment that's not an ad hom (or another fallacy)

2019-09-17 02:53:40 UTC  

prove to me the sun is 93 million miles away please, you know that for a fact why don't you provide evidence?

2019-09-17 02:54:23 UTC  

bunch of lies

2019-09-17 02:54:28 UTC  

1) watch the video
2) you can't have a local sun illuminating Antarctica 24/7 during southern summer

2019-09-17 02:55:09 UTC

2019-09-17 02:55:28 UTC  

@rivenator12113 that picture has no context, if i recall, it was a picture to show the difference in size

2019-09-17 02:56:11 UTC  

@Akhanyatin What happened, don't you believe in those space agencies?

2019-09-17 02:56:19 UTC  

I swear anyone who believes that the earth is flat then they have small Brain not big brain

2019-09-17 02:58:11 UTC  

yeah i too also hate proven science

2019-09-17 02:58:14 UTC  

@Happy-goose What is even more big brain is knowing that the sun is 93 million miles away but can't proving it lol

2019-09-17 02:58:23 UTC  

Gravity is as real as my mother’s love for me nonexistent

2019-09-17 02:58:58 UTC  

@rivenator12113 it's not a matter of believing a space agency, it's a matter of having data on pictures

2019-09-17 02:59:40 UTC

2019-09-17 03:01:24 UTC  

@rivenator12113 also, the orbit of the moon around the earth is elliptical

2019-09-17 03:01:54 UTC  

keep trying mathieus, maybe one day you'll be able to bring something useful to the conversation

2019-09-17 03:02:37 UTC  

oh yeah that moon thing

2019-09-17 03:02:56 UTC  

here, i'll be nice, i'll even give you one free answer, i looked for polaris in the south sky and didn't find it

2019-09-17 03:02:59 UTC  

dscovr's field of view is very small

2019-09-17 03:03:13 UTC  

now, i won't answer you anymore if you keep up with the fallacies

2019-09-17 03:03:47 UTC  

If the earth is round then how come people in Australia have not fell off yet