Message from @ThisIsChris
Discord ID: 448224055108304896
At the Canal in downtown Indianapolis.
I don’t have a Twitter to tweet these. If someone else could, it would be appreciated.
We can put these on the official twitter.
We would like some too if possible @Brunswick
👍 gotcha
This is fantastic
TFW no boat... 😟
And no water to put it in.
TFW no qt gf to row for you 🙁
Looks like Ajax.
Hah, nah it’s not him
@commonplebe - IN dude, such a sweet action!
@Clark Crocetti#7720 I can’t take all the credit. @Piet Dietzel had the idea, and I gathered the supplies and took the pictures.
It was a great workout and more than a few passers by asked about IE
Wow... I want to do this in the Los Angeles river! Great job guys
Arlington, VA
There is at least one photo in there where we should blur the license plate.
@Matthias gotchu fam
What program is that? @ThisIsChris
@Brunswick May we also have the white sticker that’s a bit bubbled?
All yours