Message from @The Wildest
Discord ID: 745680482569551912
!!role @StinkMink trumpist
Added **🛡️ Trumpist** to **Weasel#2924**.
!!ban @Moose Man
Banned **Father is that you#9671**
!!ban <@729811191924391957>
<@729811191924391957> is not a valid member or member ID.
!!ban <@729811191924391957>
Banned **𝖋𝖚𝖈𝖐𝖔𝖋𝖋.𝖈𝖔𝖒#2414**
Fuck off
1. Your age. (this server is 13+) ***21+***
2. Your political stance. ***Pragmatic Social Democrat***
3. Are you a Trumpist, Democrat, or Neutral. ***Democrat***
4. Where did you find this server. ***Disboard Search***
@TheMaster stop DMing plz, type here
1. 25
2. Social Democrat
3. Democrat
4. Disboard Search
here to debate
Trump supporter (duh)
@Gage why exactly do you support the President?
Many because between Trump and Biden, he is the lesser of two evils. And because he has done good for America during his four years of politics unlike Biden in his 40+ year career. I believe if Biden won, the US would be devastated.
!!role @Gage trumpist
Added **🛡️ Trumpist** to **Gage#1919**.
?whois @k<3
!!role @k<3 trumpist
Added **🛡️ Trumpist** to **x3#5700**.
what do i do
Copy and paste the questions here and answer them.
15, trump supporter, republican, and disboard :D
oh yeah sure
why did you join at the same time with bricku
doesn't fool anyone
1. 24
2. I'd say right-wing according to the current fads. It's competence I'm about
3. Neutral just cause anything can suddenly go *poof*, obviously not about to support people who were chosen mainly on the merit of their crimes and being easy to control
4. disboard
explain why you joined at the same time
I have no idea what you're reffering to
at the same time with whom?
And why is that account 8 days old
ok, I don't see any reason to sit on the hot seat