Message from @SenpaiSonic
Discord ID: 745880555274502185
!!role @JD neutral
Added **✨ Neutral** to **JD#7784**.
1. Your age. 20
2. Your political stance. Conservative (very tradtional)
3. Are you a Trumpist, Democrat, or Neutral. Big time Trump supporter
4. Where did you find this server. Found it online
?whois @StereotypicalViking
!!role @StereotypicalViking trumpist
Added **🛡️ Trumpist** to **StereotypicalViking#9479**.
!!ban @furiousfuhrer
Banned **furiousfuhrer#6368**
!!role @MeetATime trumpist
Added **🛡️ Trumpist** to **MeetATime#3147**.
1. 22
2. Indifferent
3. Neutral
4. searched internet
@SenpaiSonic what is your ideology
I do not understand
um equality? I dunno dude
It's now a hard question
What do you believe in politics/life style
@SenpaiSonic learn about?
why people care so much about politics
Im the one asks questions here not you
Because i can.
i mean thats what I wanna learn about
What are your believes
If you don't wanna take this serious i don't care man
1. I'm 18 years old
2. Environmentalist and nationalist. Not completely decided on ideology.
3. I don't consider myself a Trump supporter but I like some of his policies and I greatly prefer him to Joe Biden.
4. Disboard
To enter the server, please state:
1. Your age. (this server is 13+)
2. Your political stance.
3. Are you a Trumpist, Democrat, or Neutral.
4. Where did you find this server.
1. 23
2. Apolitical
3. Neutral
4. Disboard
!!ban <@745997614453096468>
Banned **me1234#5166**
right leaning
free market capitalist private corporations low taxes