Message from @SenpaiSonic
Discord ID: 745879574377791568
@badlydrawnface why exactly do you support the President?
i firmly believe that he will fix the economy and bring the country back to the top where it once was, and to continue the amazing work that he has done for the past 4 years
@badlydrawnface what did you type in to find this server?
i just typed "trump discord server" in duckduckgo and found trump servers in the results
!!role @badlydrawnface trumpist
Added **🛡️ Trumpist** to **badlydrawnface#3360**.
Found on a discord server list
!!role @JD neutral
Added **✨ Neutral** to **JD#7784**.
1. Your age. 20
2. Your political stance. Conservative (very tradtional)
3. Are you a Trumpist, Democrat, or Neutral. Big time Trump supporter
4. Where did you find this server. Found it online
?whois @StereotypicalViking
!!role @StereotypicalViking trumpist
Added **🛡️ Trumpist** to **StereotypicalViking#9479**.
!!ban @furiousfuhrer
Banned **furiousfuhrer#6368**
!!role @MeetATime trumpist
Added **🛡️ Trumpist** to **MeetATime#3147**.
@SenpaiSonic what is your ideology
I do not understand
um equality? I dunno dude
It's now a hard question
What do you believe in politics/life style
I don't really know, I'm kinda like new to this and just tryin to learn
@SenpaiSonic learn about?
why people care so much about politics
Im the one asks questions here not you
Because i can.
i mean thats what I wanna learn about
What are your believes
If you don't wanna take this serious i don't care man
1. I'm 18 years old
2. Environmentalist and nationalist. Not completely decided on ideology.
3. I don't consider myself a Trump supporter but I like some of his policies and I greatly prefer him to Joe Biden.
4. Disboard
To enter the server, please state:
1. Your age. (this server is 13+)
2. Your political stance.
3. Are you a Trumpist, Democrat, or Neutral.
4. Where did you find this server.
1. 23
2. Apolitical
3. Neutral
4. Disboard
!!ban <@745997614453096468>