Message from @🅱oomer Ted Cruz

Discord ID: 501192793205506070

2018-10-14 19:37:27 UTC  

you need to incentivise usefullness

2018-10-14 19:38:03 UTC  

Of course there are those who cant, at times those who shouldnt work but those are exceptions to the rule

2018-10-14 19:38:43 UTC  

and of course for exceptions there is always room, rather than making the exception the norm and then there is no room for an old or new norm. You'll get the hardest pushback from minorities usually when it comes to wellfare.

2018-10-14 20:48:03 UTC  


A lot to unpack here, so prepare for a read:

I'm surprised you would use IQ and Wealth of Nations here. Supposedly it's an inaccurate study, so I don't even use it myself.

"How do you account for the fact that the IQ in what we now call the developed world has risen ~15 points, a full standard deviation, within the past 100 years?"

You seem to be conflating the existence of environmental factors with the idea that only environmental factors contribute.

How do you account for the fact black Americans score lower on intelligence and PISA tests than poorer Eastern Europeans?

2018-10-14 20:53:21 UTC  

Also, If I recall,"Attitudes toward society" was brought up as being a potential factor in the higher crime rates of **black Americans who are richer than Eastern Europeans,** and I pointed out that can't be exactly true since Jews and East Asians were also discriminated against, and in many areas Jews had it worse than blacks during certain periods of time. Their income wasn't the focus of that point, and it doesn't really make sense to argue about it, since **we are comparing a richer group to a poorer group (Blacks versus slavs, jews versus whites)** in both cases and looking at their criminality.. We can measure Jewish attitudes about race, the United States, and white people, and compare them to other groups.

The point I was making about Jews is that in many ways they have been discriminated against in the past, and therefore have a negative attitude towards white people, arguably even more so than blacks have against white people, but their crime rates are nowhere near that of blacks and Hispanics. But let's say income has some kind of great effect, for the sake of argument.

Could it be that blacks are poorer and Jews are not? Sure, maybe.

Well, then I will revert back to my question about Eastern Europeans and Southeast Asians. Why are they far less criminal than blacks and Hispanics? Mexico is richer than several Southeast Asian nations, and has a standard of living comparable to that of Eastern Europe, so poverty isn't a sufficient answer. Location and the resulting drug gangs? Doubtful.

2018-10-14 20:58:55 UTC  

Next, due to fact that their parents had less access to education than their children do today, especially in Vietnam, it would be unwise to rely solely on the national average IQ as a measurement, instead of combining it along with breaking down academic success along generational lines, (looking at things like PISA scores as well) hence why I'm not doing it here. Nonetheless, an average IQ of >90 with far less resources than your typical black American who has an IQ (usually) below or around that really is telling that the poverty argument doesn't exactly hold up.

2018-10-14 21:17:16 UTC  

If it is because they hate their society, and are therefore more criminal because of their disgust, then surely we would see *some* difference in their home countries.

2018-10-14 21:31:11 UTC  

I don't know anymore

2018-10-14 23:30:34 UTC  

there is a big difference between black home countries and blacks in the slavery diaspora

2018-10-14 23:31:46 UTC  

Corporatist State and wealth redistribution

2018-10-14 23:31:51 UTC  

Africa as a continent doesn't support agricultural society and hence education and civility are subsequently overrode by survival instincts

2018-10-14 23:31:51 UTC  

thats the way to help the poor

2018-10-14 23:32:47 UTC  

the soviet union was a corporation

2018-10-14 23:32:52 UTC  

change my mind

2018-10-14 23:56:39 UTC  

It did trade military assets for Pepsi

"Africa as a continent doesn't support agricultural society and hence education and civility are subsequently overrode by survival"


but ok

2018-10-15 00:24:17 UTC  

So is Egypt an african civilization or not?

2018-10-15 00:41:00 UTC  

I think he means black African countries

2018-10-15 00:41:13 UTC  

No arab north Africa

*did you just call us arabs*


i'm a Copt, only descendants of the Ancients

Only Arabs in North Africa are the Muslims in Egypt, other wise Copts and Berbers are all native people.

2018-10-15 00:43:13 UTC  


and yes, Egypt is I would say.

Going to have to say no to that. @LHParker

2018-10-15 00:44:05 UTC  

I only see potential colonies

Only people that should be in Egypt are us Copts. Arabs, Blacks all need to go back.

Arab Muslims and Blacks need to go back to where they came from.

2018-10-15 04:25:28 UTC  

I cant tell the difference between a copt and arab

2018-10-15 14:19:07 UTC  

free sterilization

2018-10-15 14:23:46 UTC  

Copts of Egyptian ancestry maintain a distinct ethnic identity from Muslim Egyptians: they reject an Arab identity. Genetically, Copts are a distinct population, albeit more closely related to the Muslims of Egypt than to any other population.[28] Like other Egyptians, Copts are a diverse population, with considerable genetic, ethnic, and cultural differences persisting between Copts from Lower and Upper Egypt.

2018-10-15 14:23:50 UTC  

from wikipedia

2018-10-15 14:23:53 UTC  
2018-10-15 14:25:54 UTC  

Copts appear to be the original native inhabitants of egypt before arabs conquered it

2018-10-15 14:28:24 UTC  

Well im not disagreeing its just that, same skin tone you know?

2018-10-15 14:29:22 UTC  

I fully know that copts try to secularise themselves from the muslim egyptians

2018-10-15 14:29:50 UTC  

They have their own communities and they marry in them and such

2018-10-15 14:32:14 UTC  

They are very distinct ethnically