Message from @svpreme

Discord ID: 452933098469064714

this is like when the fash acted me on colour. Disagreeing objective categorizations of colours exist doesn't mean disagreeing that electromagnetic emission spectrums exist or chemical compounds that absorb certain wavelengths of electromagnetic emission exist

2018-06-03 20:28:30 UTC  

it's like they only read what they want to in our posts

2018-06-03 20:28:46 UTC  

The answer is Ashkenazi Jews

and let me make that clear PIGMENTS have no colour they have atoms and molecular structurewhich absorb and reflect specific WAVELENGHTS of electromagnetic emission.

2018-06-03 20:28:59 UTC  

"I like vanilla ice cream"
"oh, so you hate every other flavor?"

2018-06-03 20:29:02 UTC  

If you accept Greeks you have to accept Jews as well

2018-06-03 20:29:06 UTC  


2018-06-03 20:29:06 UTC  

what about genetic cluster and self identified race

2018-06-03 20:29:27 UTC  

didn't scott already spend like 10 minutes on that?

2018-06-03 20:29:37 UTC  

I wasnt here probably

genetic clustering and self identified race is due to ancestry but doesn't prove that races exist as it starts from the assumption races can be neatly genetically clustered in the first place

2018-06-03 20:29:43 UTC  

genetic clusters don't prove race

genetic clustering would have to show nice discrete groupings and not the potential for all levels of taxonomic examination from individuals to large continental groups to be correct for race theory to be coherent.

if it does show that it then puts the question on the examiner if they choose one analysis what exterior reasons they have for this. In the field of medicine it can help as a crude approximation but they've realized that's not entirely helpful anymore so are moving towards specific genetic testing for individuals. Hence all the advertisments for 23 and me and all those genetic testing programs, companies want your genetic data to make more money lol.

2018-06-03 20:32:18 UTC  

I'm not quite getting what youre saying here.

if all the answers to 'how many races there are' are correct then picking one answer over another shows some bias the spectator has instead of strictly scientific inquiry.

2018-06-03 20:33:11 UTC  

genetic testing may point to possible diseases, which may be found useful for insurance companies is what Im thinking

2018-06-03 20:33:12 UTC  

@Mr.AnalTwister4000 If we're going for genetic cohesion, why are Greece and Sardinia included but not others? Why eject Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews instead of Russia and Finland?

2018-06-03 20:33:37 UTC  

I never understood that

races have always been inconsistent and nothing based in science the biggest blow is that in other socities they don't even have the same 'racial' groupings.

2018-06-03 20:34:25 UTC  

Jews can be white they will still be deported tho

2018-06-03 20:34:44 UTC  

I thought the argument surrounds regarding wether race is real and not a definitive amount of races. rather they ask the person tested what race they identify with and then procede to tell a computer to group the genetic clusters into x amount of groups

2018-06-03 20:35:00 UTC  

It seems to me like you're deciding more with a "Just so" distinction than along racial lines

but if races were real and not just humans trying to find patterns in data to support their biases

then they would be clear and discrete

2018-06-03 20:35:13 UTC  

picture unrelated

2018-06-03 20:35:54 UTC  

ethnicity has what to do with race again?

2018-06-03 20:36:11 UTC  

did he ever say anything to that effect?

i never brought ethnicity into this i just pointed to other cultures disagreeing on racial categorization

2018-06-03 20:36:31 UTC

2018-06-03 20:36:41 UTC  

>main ethnic groups

but how do these ethnic groupings arise?

if you looked further down

they're racially motivated

2018-06-03 20:37:12 UTC  

>when you read the title and then ignore everything else

2018-06-03 20:39:12 UTC  

he brought up something titled ethnicity which was pretty irrelevant. I do not know enough about brazil to know regarding what lines they consider races or in general.

but think about this, in a world where there are international organizations that standardize the production of tea for research wouldn't they standardize the racial groupings across borders for scientific research?

2018-06-03 20:40:12 UTC  

>when the other guy cites a diagram disproving you so you focus on the title of the diagram

2018-06-03 20:40:30 UTC  

but it didnt disprove me lmao

if racial groupings are objectively scientific then why isn't there an international standard in the science community for what racial groupings there are 😆