Message from @Doctor Richard F-N

Discord ID: 727217554132828241

2020-06-29 03:14:10 UTC  

They are attacking the residential areas now.

2020-06-29 05:26:16 UTC

2020-06-29 16:20:30 UTC  

"hey, could i have a uhhhh, double cheeseburger, small fries, and a water please"

2020-06-29 16:27:31 UTC

2020-06-29 17:34:24 UTC  

Today Reddit has banned several subreddits for quote “hate speech”
Here’s a small list of banned subreddits

The banwave so far
r/NationalistSocialist is now banned
r/EpicCoolStyleLads is now banned
r/lDropTheG is now banned
r/smuggies is now banned
r/ConsumeProduct is now banned
r/DebateAltRight is now banned
r/The3rdPosition is now banned
r/BruhFunny is now banned
r/McSpencer is now banned
r/DiversityNews is now banned
r/charlsworld is now banned
r/ClericalFascism is now banned
r/WhitePillCafe is now banned
r/ShitNeoconsSay is now banned
r/blackteenagersraw is now banned
r/CampusConservative is now banned
r/TelegramArt is now banned
r/BSS_IRL is now banned
r/basedyesguy is now banned
r/FrgileLiberalRedditor is now banned
r/HateSymbols is now banned
r/HBD is now banned
r/WhichWayWesternMan is now banned
r/shoepolishpete is now banned
r/shabbosgoys is now banned
r/wi\*\*er is now banned
r/WeWuzKangz is now banned
r/FrenRequests is now banned
r/overwhelminglywhite is now banned
r/Groyper_Movement is now banned
r/HateCrimeHoaxes is now banned
r/Goosler is now banned
r/Antisimp is now banned
r/rightwingcomics is now banned
r/Nationalism is now banned
r/TheNewRight is now banned
r/hedgewikDELUXE is now banned
r/blueclues is now banned
[r/The\_Donald]( is now banned
[r/darkhumorandmemes]( is now banned
[r/TheHonkPill]( is now banned
[r/whitebeauty]( is now banned
r/AltUnitedKingdom is now banned

(**update**) several subreddits have gone private pre-ban wave such as dankchristianmemes
Press <:PepoCry:690282556087861268> to pay respects

2020-06-29 18:02:06 UTC  

(over 2k other subreddits also banned that are considered "hateful")

2020-06-29 18:22:32 UTC  

Jeff Bezos' Twitch temporarily bans Trump for 'hateful conduct'

2020-06-29 18:56:51 UTC They moved here just FYI

2020-06-29 20:01:30 UTC  

they actually fucking did it