Message from @Rigg5

Discord ID: 488608515133538305

2018-09-09 18:53:45 UTC  

So ?

2018-09-09 18:54:04 UTC  

so when the visible lights hits the moon, it would reflect off

2018-09-09 18:54:17 UTC  

Sunlight ≠ Moonlight | just do an experiment it will show you the results of moonlight lowering the temperature on a plant for example @Satan

2018-09-09 18:54:33 UTC  

The sun light hits the moon. Charges it then the moon glows

2018-09-09 18:54:45 UTC  

I dont know for sure. Neither do you

2018-09-09 18:55:10 UTC  

Gtg. Bbl

2018-09-09 18:55:19 UTC  

Visible light would just reflect off, aka the mainstream model. UV radiation is what you need for phoroscent or flurencent lights sources

2018-09-09 18:56:55 UTC  

also, i am just going to assume it isnt biolumiencent since i doubt you think there are living things on the moon

2018-09-09 18:58:05 UTC  

i wonder why f.e's wont use spectrometer

2018-09-09 18:58:29 UTC  

i thought i mentioned that

2018-09-09 18:58:54 UTC  

What about them

2018-09-09 18:59:39 UTC  

you can figure out what emited the light

2018-09-09 19:00:06 UTC  

Fluorescence is light energy produced by a process wherehigh-energy radiation (such as ultraviolet or X-ray) is absorbed byelectrons surrounding an atom and is re-emitted as light energy. Phosphoresence is light energy produced by a particular typeof chemical reaction where the excess chemical energy of thereactants is given off as light energy.

2018-09-09 19:00:27 UTC  

u did pepe

2018-09-09 19:00:28 UTC  

Chemical reaction

2018-09-09 19:01:02 UTC  


2018-09-09 19:01:06 UTC  

it isnt a chemical reaction

2018-09-09 19:01:34 UTC  

a chemical reaction emitting light is chemiluminsscent

2018-09-09 19:02:25 UTC  

the only differnce between fluresencet and phosphoresence is the time it takes for the energy to be realeased as light

2018-09-09 19:03:18 UTC  

the former is immediately and the latter is over time

2018-09-10 07:15:47 UTC  
2018-09-12 21:43:21 UTC  

Looks like something's happened that might make for an interesting debate. The main subreddit for the Qanon conspiracy was just banned.

2018-09-12 21:43:38 UTC  


2018-09-12 21:43:45 UTC  


2018-09-12 21:44:22 UTC  

I am just the messenger and don't want to debate I've got a long day ahead don't have the time

2018-09-12 21:45:00 UTC  

have a great day

2018-09-12 21:49:50 UTC  

Have a safe day my dear @I-VaPE-ChEMtrAiLS

2018-09-13 02:49:37 UTC  
2018-09-13 02:49:53 UTC  

had your roles messed up, you should be able to speak man

2018-09-16 19:51:22 UTC  

dang I just now seen this

2018-09-19 00:19:28 UTC  

@Deleted User no offence; nearly every aspect of what’s come from that sounds like its been positive; just I’ve come to see it a little differently. As in the wolf in sheep's clothes, the king of this world satan can warp reality; he’s the master of lie’s and deception. I believe by sedating the followers of christ till death in a “godly” embrace that he prevents them from seeking the divine expressions one can build to experience other worldly capabilities; that within this “I know that I know” system of reinforced beliefs/experiences he keeps those on the edge of divinity from justifying further invocations of your nature within/as a child of god.

2018-09-19 00:21:25 UTC  

Ah, there you are 😁

2018-09-19 00:23:02 UTC  

One of the greatest messages I’ve tried to grasp/come to terms with is how they say you can do all things through god/christ; as in within the mindset of justifications/empowerment “you” can do as he has done; as he said that blatantly. What I’ve done is looked into the systems of explanation/etc that provide a framework of building experiences that lead one to that state of christ like divinity; and have found its very real and nearly all “mainstream” theology/religion is based around distancing the practice from the preacher.

2018-09-19 00:24:23 UTC  

infact to no degree is society, well the hands behind its creation; formed our "reality" in a way to create minds that would never seek such things in the first place

2018-09-19 00:25:16 UTC  

@Mr.J I do see all things in this World through a spiritual lens. I understand skepticism as we have awakened to the tremendous lies of the enemy of our souls. I also see great freedom and beauty in realizing that I was born into a corrupt and sinful flesh that needed redemption. I, in myself am not divine. Reaching a place of divinity is placing us equal with CHRIST, and we are no such being.

2018-09-19 00:26:48 UTC  

“We” are not; as the we is a statement of ego/experience/duality; but understanding that “we” are an expression of divinity is not the same as saying we are no such being of christ like potential.

2018-09-19 00:30:06 UTC  

By the way I’m not saying you/anybody for that matter will ever walk on water or turn water to wine etc; just that through the right practices you could enter alternate state of mind within which realities manifest of divine complexities/potentials of ever building intensities; and from this ever growing experience of limitless proportions one can “be” more than which he is; while awake/here he may be a janitor, or whatnot; his actions/motives/thoughts etc could become christ like etc.

2018-09-19 00:35:04 UTC  

But the element of Unknown that science is bridging the gap between fantasy and reality is backing up “occult/esoteric” views of “magic” more or less that by doing such practices you alter the reality in which you manifest within; by perception and description for lack of better terms you can exhibit discernment etc; but it’s being seen/found that reality itself through chance/will etc echo’s the will’s/intentions etc of the innate minds behind the ego’s in which we are an expression of; law of attraction is in essence putting yourself on a path and “praying” upon and working within many of the same mindsets christianity proposes. Its this nature of reality and that of significance within “dreaming” etc that can be brought into scales of divinity that echo christ like divinity.

2018-09-19 00:41:20 UTC  

Suppose i should cut to the chase; Witchcraft/satanism is only “evil” in the intentions/beliefs that bring you to justifications of “evil”. It’s like saying a gun is evil; when it’s just a tool. Much of this nature of reality/divinity has been sealed off to christians because of this dogma/stigma those of these luciferian beliefs have installed to prevent the masses from ever seeking any such potentials within themselves; as a result many “empathically” come into some of this in essence, be it thoughts or compassion; it’s clear that many can “hear” your thoughts/feelings etc or at the very least “god” does and echo’s in response.
(the latter bit of this regarding what others do is speculation)

2018-09-19 00:42:23 UTC  

@Mr.J CHRIST, GOD in the flesh willingly gave HIS life in order to restore intimacy with HIM. To reconcile our soul to our creator where we could live dependent on HIM. We can do no good thing without CHRIST is a constant reminder of our corrupt flesh whose works can never justify a man in presence of a HOLY GOD. We must trust in HIS righteousness and HIS covering, simple childlike Faith. As we grow in the Grace of GOD we live out a continuous death of our flesh and the lusts thereof. Taking up our cross daily, sheep for the slaughter, we decrease and CHRIST in us increases. HIS divinity living in the human temple shines brighter through the death of our own stubborn pride and ego.