Message from @Catman

Discord ID: 704566405801967687

2020-04-28 05:20:38 UTC  

it is a good starting point. It should just be a big pamphlet in bold letters that says. STAY OFF MY LAWN AND GET OUT OF MY POCKET

2020-04-28 05:21:00 UTC  


2020-04-28 05:21:07 UTC  
2020-04-28 05:22:18 UTC  

I'd love it if we could decide on a flag as a loose group once and for all.

2020-04-28 05:23:22 UTC  

Are there boogers holding out from the thin boog line? I kinda thought that was the default and local groups mod as needed.

2020-04-28 05:23:35 UTC  

Thicc boog line **

2020-04-28 05:23:53 UTC  

Remember the boys in 76 didn't all carry the same flag, but they all shared the same concept

2020-04-28 05:24:36 UTC  

@Bob Dole that's what I was thinking.

2020-04-28 05:25:37 UTC  

Mine's gonna have a dildo because the only person deciding if I take something up the ass will be me

2020-04-28 05:25:37 UTC  

I've seen plenty of "boogers" who must not have seen these threads who plan on carrying all kinds of things, ranging from regular USA flags to confederate battle flags to Gadsen flags to anarchist flags. If we're all on board with a thicc boog line, that's kewl

2020-04-28 05:25:41 UTC  

@culperOrion certainly works for me. If this thing does pop off, it's gonna be decentralized anyway so a rough set of identifiers and boundaries outta do enough in the early days

2020-04-28 05:26:03 UTC  

@Bob Dole exactly.

2020-04-28 05:26:31 UTC  

This is what I like to see ! Ha ha y’all are on it !

2020-04-28 05:26:40 UTC  

I want to be able to identify the guys who are going to vote in a new politician once this is all done. Some people just don't get it yet and are looking for any excuse to start shooting.

2020-04-28 05:27:14 UTC  

@JVBaker (MI) well we dont know for sure if those are real boogs are FF boogs waving around the racial shit.

And before you jump my ass I know there is more to the CBF than that but it is a devisive symbol these days

2020-04-28 05:27:23 UTC  

Credit Jordan T Felan

The New American creed

I believe in the United States of America as a government apart from the people, above the people, against the people; who’s unjust powers are derived from the dissent of the governed, a socialism in a dictatorship, a tyrannical nation of many tyrannical states; a terrible union, one and soon separated; established on those principles of tyranny, inequality, injustice, and censorship for which Americans will again sacrifice their lives and fortunes.

I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its constitution, to rebel against unjust laws, to respect its founding principles, and to defend it against all enemies.

2020-04-28 05:27:38 UTC  

Copied from zucc book

2020-04-28 05:29:19 UTC  

@Bob Dole yeah I have no problem with basically anything, just want to know what the protocol will be of us early adopters.

@dreadnokboi I'm not really ok with the nationalism, but the sentiment is on point.

2020-04-28 05:29:53 UTC  

@dreadnokboi not bad. IMO needs some tweaking but a good starting point

2020-04-28 05:31:27 UTC  

@Bob Dole agree. I don't really care to "love [the United States]".

2020-04-28 05:35:21 UTC  

Alright I have the Don't Fuck Me initial concept

2020-04-28 05:35:28 UTC

2020-04-28 05:35:38 UTC  


2020-04-28 05:36:55 UTC  

I think what we could really use at this point is a few Constitutional scholars who can write some articles outlining what that document was really all about, explaining each amendment and how they've been trampled on (except the 3rd to my knowledge has not been fucked with. Hey 1 outta 10 ain't bad, eh?) And a plan for how to return to form without violence. I highly doubt this will stay peaceful but if we get good pieces out there written by boogers without the call to violence, I think we can sway people to at least be neutral and not assume we are radical alt righties. We need a plan for after the tree has been refreshed otherwise we will be seen as bad folks who want to do bad things.

Of course that means we are gonna need to agree on a basic outline of a plan before writing about it.

We could also definitely use some artist types, musical dudes, entertainer types who believe as we do and can get the message out in a more palpable way than blanketing the net with essays

2020-04-28 05:38:28 UTC  

Catman if you turn that into a flag I'm sure you'll sell a few 🤣🤣

2020-04-28 05:38:33 UTC  

@Bob Dole Yeah I'm not on board with a return to the constitution at fucking all, and I'm not alone in this movement. I'd propose finding a better "mission statement" as it were.

2020-04-28 05:39:09 UTC  

In regarding the musical propaganda, I've been hard at work man I tell you what

2020-04-28 05:41:13 UTC  

@JVBaker (MI) so what do you propose instead of a return to the Constitution? I think it's a great outline for a government personally but I'm also sure there are improvements to be made.

Well keep us posted if you come lit with something on the musical end

2020-04-28 05:41:52 UTC

2020-04-28 05:44:02 UTC  

Alright I need some sleep but I will see if I can get the second concept to involve a snake

2020-04-28 05:44:03 UTC  

Of course you'll get no argument from me that the constitution was a fantastic idea in its time with all of the right things put in there to maintain a free society. Except for the fact that it presupposes that we still need a central monopoly gang to socialize services instead of just letting a free market and free people make their own decisions. It's minimal government, but government as we know it is still a type of socialism that can and should be eradicated.

If I could just post an MP3 in that channel, I might have one loaded up right now. @Bob Dole

2020-04-28 05:46:01 UTC  

Looks like I'd have to link it

2020-04-28 05:55:53 UTC  

@JVBaker (MI) well I do believe some government is needed, but as little as possible. For defense if nothing else; I don't trust privately owned armies- as bad a job as the politicians do, at least it takes a bunch of them to really fuck things up. But running the country really should be a short term job that isn't paid- instead it's done by those who really care about representing their constituents. If they must be paid, pay them at minimum wage and set term limits for all levels. Abolish the parties and let people run on their own merits and ideas.

I also believe that a free market is the answer to almost all issues, but I also believe in letting the government break up monopolies. I don't think anyone wants to live in a corporate dystopia; give the little guys and small business owners the opportunity to succeed or fail.

I'm definitely not explaining this shit right now, I'm tired af. Ran outta booger sugar 6 years ago

Talk later

2020-04-28 05:57:07 UTC  

@Bob Dole yeah, I'll let you sleep on the proposition that the free market really can solve those issues. Night

2020-04-28 06:25:29 UTC  

Unpopular opinion: we need to find another symbol. The boog flag is played out. Having a single flag would be best. Even if each" group" just overlays their chosen insignia over it. Me and my guys have had our "unit" patches made.. just waiting on them to arrive..

One main reason to find a new flag is because the current one is already has a bad wrap. It is already associated with "radicals" and "extremists" and "racist" we want to get away from that then we will need a whole new identity change. Otherwise we will never get away from those labels. That means renaming and rebranding

2020-04-28 06:28:33 UTC  

@Redneck_Thor I see what you’re saying probably won’t happen but making a new flag and making a bunch of self plug articles and blogs about it literally just flood the internet with info about what we are about

2020-04-28 06:29:41 UTC  

Pretty much.

2020-04-28 06:31:53 UTC  

If we really and truly made a cohesive effort it would work. But it would take everyone to stop acting like children and picking on each other..
Rn there it too much infighting and bickering over dumb shit..

2020-04-28 06:33:15 UTC  

All this, my gat is better or your shit isnt good enough. Just creates internal divisions.. we are our own worst enemy rn..

2020-04-28 06:34:14 UTC  

Yeah I see but that con that comes with decentralization

2020-04-28 06:34:37 UTC  

The fighting and such is part of what I'm trying to eliminate. Because as of now we cant be acting like fucking kids.