Message from @TheGreatShiniGami

Discord ID: 313121752215715841

2017-05-14 01:10:40 UTC  


2017-05-14 01:10:42 UTC  


2017-05-14 01:10:46 UTC  

okay, mental illness

2017-05-14 01:10:53 UTC  


2017-05-14 01:11:04 UTC  

I didn't want to say it that way unless you were comfortable with it

2017-05-14 01:11:19 UTC  

But, you'd just relegate me to the Jews because they've filled up the psych profession so much that it's inextricably married to Jewishness.

2017-05-14 01:11:34 UTC  

Comfortable isn't really the word. I'm just used to it.

2017-05-14 01:11:44 UTC  

It's how things have always been. Why would it ever change?

2017-05-14 01:12:08 UTC  


2017-05-14 01:12:14 UTC  


2017-05-14 01:12:26 UTC  

I'm not consigning you to a ward run by kikes

2017-05-14 01:12:33 UTC  

you are your own master

2017-05-14 01:12:40 UTC  

@Deleted User 57835c2c The entire profession is run by kikes. Otherwise, you'd be able to speak openly, wouldn't you?

2017-05-14 01:13:08 UTC  

And no, you are not your own master. That's not how it works. You are a subject of Fate. A mote of dust in the gale of circumstance and the malevolent laughter of the gods.

2017-05-14 01:13:13 UTC  

I am just saying - in this immediate moment you are kind of spamming "everything sucks, everything you like sucks, everything is going to fail" and it's not super productive

2017-05-14 01:13:26 UTC  

Well, I was trying to have a discussion, but to you it's spamming.

2017-05-14 01:13:38 UTC  

you're trying to share with us the gospel of blackpill

2017-05-14 01:13:42 UTC  

Because you and nobody else here will ever see it my way. And I'm not capable of seeing it yours.

2017-05-14 01:13:47 UTC  

which I even agree with you about, personally

2017-05-14 01:13:56 UTC  

I just have a more playful outlook

2017-05-14 01:14:03 UTC  

I don't see how you can.

2017-05-14 01:14:04 UTC  

I agree that we are all fucked and everything is shit

2017-05-14 01:14:11 UTC  

but I want to enjoy how the dominoes fall

2017-05-14 01:14:13 UTC  

Then we should destroy it all.

2017-05-14 01:14:19 UTC  

I don't see how you can.

2017-05-14 01:14:20 UTC  

if we're in free fall I want to do a flip

2017-05-14 01:14:22 UTC  

It's not enjoyable.

2017-05-14 01:14:26 UTC  

just personality differences

2017-05-14 01:14:27 UTC  

At least, not for me.

2017-05-14 01:19:42 UTC  

anyways, MK, you were explaining something?

2017-05-14 01:24:25 UTC  

How does one become Metal?

2017-05-14 01:24:34 UTC  

@Deleted User 57835c2c Not really, i was just asking about ideas of how to stop decay and maintain spiritual continuation of the bloodline

2017-05-14 01:24:50 UTC  

I have some thoughts

2017-05-14 01:25:02 UTC  

@Deleted User 57835c2c I mean you need at least 5 sons

2017-05-14 01:25:34 UTC  

there is always a chance that a son is a failure and its better to send them off to church or put a bullet in his head

2017-05-14 01:25:50 UTC  

this is speculative, what I'm about to say

2017-05-14 01:26:29 UTC  

I feel like what motivates people to be loyal to their ancestors' memory and ideals is a combination of pride and aesthetic beauty

2017-05-14 01:26:51 UTC  

those are the two components you see altright types holding up - "we invented all this shit" plus beautiful art, buildings and people

2017-05-14 01:27:07 UTC  

statues of human physical perfection, pictures of beautiful aryan women with flowing blond hair

2017-05-14 01:27:50 UTC  

so the way I see it, the same principle that makes people go nuts with devotion to altright and become some sort of neoviking/spartan larper could also apply to the family legacy, if it were sufficiently pride-inducing and aesthetically pleasing

2017-05-14 01:27:57 UTC  

You put way too much into the alt-kike.