Message from @TheGreatShiniGami

Discord ID: 313120877367656449

2017-05-14 01:08:17 UTC  

That's more NRX, than alt-right. /pol/ is not one person.

2017-05-14 01:08:24 UTC  

And it's not alt-right either.

2017-05-14 01:08:34 UTC  

Error is error.

2017-05-14 01:08:43 UTC  

The prevention of error is greater than the correction of error.

2017-05-14 01:08:45 UTC  

@TheGreatShiniGami Discussion with you is pointless you make wild assertions and if i bring up counterpoints you discard them as unsatisfying

2017-05-14 01:08:58 UTC  

@MK You do the same thing NRX.

2017-05-14 01:09:10 UTC  

The. Same. Thing. Only you reject things as being "defeatist".

2017-05-14 01:09:16 UTC  
2017-05-14 01:09:27 UTC  

And you make wild assertions that certain things can work out without entropy fucking it up.

2017-05-14 01:09:32 UTC  

So yeah, you did.

2017-05-14 01:09:37 UTC  

shini, you have an issue here

2017-05-14 01:09:37 UTC  

@TheGreatShiniGami You fell for the jewish demoralizing psy ops

2017-05-14 01:09:44 UTC  
2017-05-14 01:09:49 UTC  

@MK What else is there?

2017-05-14 01:09:56 UTC  

your uh... situation... causes you to see things in a very pessimistic light, and you are fixated on it

2017-05-14 01:10:04 UTC  

other people have unrelated conversations, and you barge in with that

2017-05-14 01:10:05 UTC  

What is there but defeatism for the defeated? What is there but misery for the miserable?

2017-05-14 01:10:17 UTC  

@Deleted User 57835c2c Then it sounds like you're reaching a conclusion.

2017-05-14 01:10:18 UTC  

it can be very unpleasant and derail the convo

2017-05-14 01:10:24 UTC  


2017-05-14 01:10:34 UTC  

And call it what it is. Illness.

2017-05-14 01:10:38 UTC  


2017-05-14 01:10:40 UTC  


2017-05-14 01:10:42 UTC  


2017-05-14 01:10:46 UTC  

okay, mental illness

2017-05-14 01:10:53 UTC  


2017-05-14 01:11:04 UTC  

I didn't want to say it that way unless you were comfortable with it

2017-05-14 01:11:19 UTC  

But, you'd just relegate me to the Jews because they've filled up the psych profession so much that it's inextricably married to Jewishness.

2017-05-14 01:11:34 UTC  

Comfortable isn't really the word. I'm just used to it.

2017-05-14 01:11:44 UTC  

It's how things have always been. Why would it ever change?

2017-05-14 01:12:08 UTC  


2017-05-14 01:12:14 UTC  


2017-05-14 01:12:26 UTC  

I'm not consigning you to a ward run by kikes

2017-05-14 01:12:33 UTC  

you are your own master

2017-05-14 01:12:40 UTC  

@Deleted User 57835c2c The entire profession is run by kikes. Otherwise, you'd be able to speak openly, wouldn't you?

2017-05-14 01:13:08 UTC  

And no, you are not your own master. That's not how it works. You are a subject of Fate. A mote of dust in the gale of circumstance and the malevolent laughter of the gods.

2017-05-14 01:13:13 UTC  

I am just saying - in this immediate moment you are kind of spamming "everything sucks, everything you like sucks, everything is going to fail" and it's not super productive

2017-05-14 01:13:26 UTC  

Well, I was trying to have a discussion, but to you it's spamming.

2017-05-14 01:13:38 UTC  

you're trying to share with us the gospel of blackpill

2017-05-14 01:13:42 UTC  

Because you and nobody else here will ever see it my way. And I'm not capable of seeing it yours.

2017-05-14 01:13:47 UTC  

which I even agree with you about, personally