Message from @TendieLord

Discord ID: 345412437056552960

2017-08-11 02:58:21 UTC  

Excessive mobility, that is

2017-08-11 03:13:34 UTC  

peasants should be tied to the land

2017-08-11 03:13:43 UTC  

what does the average idiot need to leave their state for?

2017-08-11 03:13:47 UTC  


2017-08-11 03:14:24 UTC  

wow I solved the second largest contributing factor to climate change, transportation

2017-08-11 03:15:32 UTC  

the first is Chinese people

2017-08-11 03:15:37 UTC  

I'll solve this one with my cock

2017-08-11 03:20:34 UTC  

@UOC Not just that peasants should be tied to the land, also that a stationary population weaves its history, teleology, and culture in with its environment

2017-08-11 03:21:11 UTC  

The limitations of the land are the driving force for the development of culture

2017-08-11 03:22:27 UTC  

The environment is given an animism to reflect its pervasive role in the lives of the people

2017-08-11 03:23:22 UTC  

I bet this would help mitigate environmental issues, because people see the environment as an extension of themselves, instead of being isolated from it

2017-08-11 03:27:49 UTC  

agree with all

2017-08-11 03:28:00 UTC  

You agree with my bleaching of chinks?

2017-08-11 03:36:25 UTC  

I don't care about what happens to chinks

2017-08-11 03:36:56 UTC  

I've never been to China and for all it know it doesn't actually exist

2017-08-11 03:37:36 UTC  

the Armageddon of your cock upon the Chinese is not my concern

2017-08-11 03:42:27 UTC  

besides, my statement didn't really indicate agreement that that's what *should* happen to them.

2017-08-11 03:45:03 UTC  

It sounds like you want it to rain White semen for fifty years upon the land of the Orient.

2017-08-11 03:45:11 UTC  

I recently spent a couple of weeks in Ukraine. It's a low diversity culture with a very high trust factor. I recommend visiting just to get a gut feeling for what a culture can be.

2017-08-11 03:45:42 UTC  

Where are you from? Did you notice increased mistrust when you returned from your trip?

2017-08-11 03:45:45 UTC  
2017-08-11 03:46:42 UTC  

I live in Austin. It is not a high trust culture. Lots of people afraid of lots of things. Very multikult.

2017-08-11 03:47:28 UTC  

what was it like coming back

2017-08-11 03:47:37 UTC  

Did Austin feel different after you returned?

2017-08-11 03:49:00 UTC  

It did feel different

2017-08-11 03:50:16 UTC  

Of course, I've felt like an outsider here for the last decade or so.

2017-08-11 04:46:27 UTC  

where anon?

2017-08-11 04:46:36 UTC  

kiev? the far western part?

2017-08-11 11:05:43 UTC  

anthropogenic climate change is bullshit anyway

2017-08-11 11:05:48 UTC  


2017-08-11 12:40:14 UTC

2017-08-11 12:51:51 UTC  

@anon say some more words about cultural gut feeling

2017-08-11 12:52:00 UTC  

It is something I have noticed

2017-08-11 12:52:13 UTC  

But find hard to communicate

2017-08-11 12:53:15 UTC  

Some westerners seem to be totally divorced from the intangibles of a unified whole culture (even a messy or shit one)

2017-08-11 12:54:00 UTC  

Telling people what they are missing is beyond me so I am curious about how you would express what you noticed

2017-08-11 12:57:46 UTC  

@anon AUSTIN = HIV