Message from @xX NegroSaki Samurai Xx

Discord ID: 370786239114379265

2017-10-20 04:09:15 UTC  

>illegals steal identity to pay taxes
>Feds don't know who's paying taxes
this PDF isn't accessible about the speculation over why unidentified tax returns are being filled in

This Actuarial Note is completely speculating the amount of illegals and other unauthorized residents that are able to pay taxes. Literally no statistics are given here . OF 8.3 MILLION WORKING ILLEGALS ONLY 2.7 MILLION ARE ESTIMATED TO PAY TAXES BY FRAUDULENT MEANS

2017-10-20 04:09:21 UTC  

OCACT assumes that other immigrants
are as likely to work as legal permanent residents of the
same age and sex. The estimated number of other immigrants
working is 8.3 million in 2010. OCACT estimates
0.6 million of the 8.3 million other immigrant workers
in 2010 had temporary work authorized at some point in
the past and have overstayed the term of their visas. In
addition, OCACT estimates that 0.7 million unauthorized
workers in 2010 obtained fraudulent birth certificates
at some point in the past and these birth certificates
allowed the workers to get an SSN. Combining these
two groups with the 1.3 million current visa holders
with temporary authorization, we estimate 2.7 million
other immigrants have SSNs in their name and thus can
work, pay taxes, and have earnings credited to their
record for potential benefits in the future.

2017-10-20 04:09:26 UTC  

Here, The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, a Washington, D.C., think tank, estimates that about half of undocumented workers in the United States pay income taxes but provides no statistical proof of any of its claims and in fact notes this in its methodology.

2017-10-20 04:09:32 UTC  

Methodology used to calculate state and local tax contributions of undocumented immigrants
While the spending and income behavior of undocumented immigrant families is not as well documented as is the case for other
U.S. residents, the estimates in this report represent a best approximation of the taxes undocumented immigrant families likely pay.
The ITEP methodology used to calculate the current and potential tax contribution of undocumented immigrants uses four main
data points:
1) Estimated undocumented immigrant population in each state.
2) Average number of people living in undocumented families (in which at least one adult is undocumented).
3) Average annual family income of undocumented immigrants in each state.
4) Estimated effective tax rates (taxes as share of income) for income, sales and property taxes paid by low- and moderate-income
families in each state.
Additional assumptions were made (and described below) about the change in tax contributions from allowing the current 11.2 million undocumented immigrants to work in the United States legally(edited)
The only paragraph in this entire article that actually provides some clear numbers and figures that would support the author's claim is blatantly left without sourcing conveniently by the IRS not sharing ITIN information.

2017-10-20 04:09:38 UTC  

And in the past 20 years, the Internal Revenue Service has made it easier for workers to pay taxes if they don’t have a social security number (or a fake one, for that matter). Workers who are paid illegally in cash can still pay their taxes with an Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN), filing a return just like any other taxpayer; having a history of paying taxes can be an important step in securing legal status. In 2010, about 3 million people paid over $870 million in income taxes using an ITIN, and according to the IRS, ITIN filers pay $9 billion in payroll taxes annually. (The IRS says it does not share ITIN information with immigration authorities.)

TL;DR basically Tong and his illegal apologists are bullshitting up to their eyeballs with estimates and assumptions regarding illegal tax reporting

2017-10-20 04:10:52 UTC  

The majority of people who reported same-sex attraction did not report having a same-sex romantic partner before they entered adulthood, and those who reported a same-sex romantic partner were more likely to maintain their same-sex attraction than those who did not.

2017-10-20 04:11:04 UTC  

We have identified conceptual, methodological, and theoretical limitations in the psychological research on the effects of parental sexual orientation and have challenged the predominant claim that the sexual orientation of parents does not matter at all. We argued instead tht despite the limitations, there suggestive evidence and good reason to believe that contemporary children and young adults with heterosexual parents. Most of these differences, however, are not casual, but are indirect effects of parental gender or selection effects associated with heterosexist social conditions under which lesbigay-parent families current live.

2017-10-20 04:11:22 UTC  

It highlights the possibility that interpersonal anxieties stemming from multiple (possibly failed) sexual partnerships may lead to substance abuse problems, especially for women.

Changes in contemporary society are demonstrated in the current sexual mores and alcohol consumption norms. Our findings showed that there are serious health concerns regarding multiple short term sexual partnerships. Further research is required to examine these relationships in other cultures and to elucidate the mechanisms involved.

2017-10-20 04:11:39 UTC  

**Private Creation and Enforcement of Law: A Historical Case**

2017-10-20 04:11:53 UTC  

The purpose of this paper is to examine the legal and political institutions of Iceland from the tenth to the thirteenth centuries. First, they relativley well documented; the sagas were written by people who had lived under that set of institutions and provide a detailed insive view of their workings. Legal conflicts were of great interest to the medieval Icelanders; Njal, the eponymous hero of the most famous of the sagas, is not a warrior but a lawyer--"so skilled in law that no one was considered his equal." In the action of the sagas, law cases play as cental a role as battles.

2017-10-20 04:12:01 UTC  

Second, medieval Icelandic institutions have several peculiar and interesting characteristics; they might almost have been invented by a mad economist to test the lengths to which market systems could supplant government in its most fundamental functions. Killing was a civil offense resulting in a fine paid to the survivors of the victim. Laws were made by a "parliament," seats in which were a marketable commodity. Enforcement of law was entirely a private affair. And yet these extraordinary institutions survived for over three hundred years, and the society in which they survived appears to have been in many ways an attractive one. Its citizens were, by medieval standards, free; differences in status based on rank or sex were relatively small; and its literary output in relation to its size has been compared, with some justice, to that of Athens.

2017-10-20 04:12:23 UTC  

Energy-related CO2 emissions can be reduced by consuming less petroleum, coal, and natural gas, or by switching from more carbon-intensive fuels to less carbon-intensive fuels. Many of the changes in energy-related CO2 emissions in recent history have occurred in the electric power sector because of the decreased use of coal and the increased use of natural gas for electricity generation.

2017-10-20 04:34:20 UTC  

**Propertarianism Library - The Great Books of the Aristocracy**!0F5GXTjS!oGdz8UP5JbcleNMy6YKLvg

2017-10-20 04:34:24 UTC  

2017-10-20 06:44:27 UTC  

**/cyb/ + /sec/ Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General **

2017-10-20 06:44:57 UTC  

Θ Infosec questions: building an obsessive need to find your own answers could be a key for more than one chain.

Ω All are welcome here; the world is fucked and we are all in this together.

◙ Cypherpunk Manifesto >>
◘ Cyberpunk Manifesto >>
∆ Hacker Manifesto >>
± Guerilla Open Access Manifesto >>

▓ Fables, realities, prophecies and mythology of a community:

░ What is cyberpunk >> (embed)

▀ The importance of a cyberpunk mindset applied to a cybersecurity skillset.:
● Cyberpunk directory: > (embed)

▬ Cyberpunk resources > (embed)

▐ Cybersecurity essentials/resources > (embed) > (embed)

Cntrl + F Basic Knowledges, Basic Training, Arms/Arm > (embed)

▼ Endware: Heavy armor for anons, by anons >>

◄ Netrunner: anons are creating Miracle Shoes when few seem to give a fuck >>62902418 (Cross-thread) →

⦿ Shit just got real: > (embed)

▪ 0ld 5k00l h4ck3rz; we stand on the shoulders of giants >

» Thread archive
Thread backup

₪ /cyb/ FTP
user/password == guest

2017-10-20 06:47:07 UTC  

**35GB of computer science,I.T, and general computer books**

2017-10-20 06:47:25 UTC  

2017-10-20 06:48:59 UTC  

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

/g/'s Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games:
>>>/t/769497 && >>>/t/796840

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection: &&

2017-10-20 06:49:11 UTC  

Wizards assemble !

Advanced users of GNU/Linux (and I mean advanced), remember to try Source Mage GNU/Linux. True source-based distribution, and (in contrast with Gentoo and Arch) is:
Free from obfuscated and pre-configured code.
Fully committed to GPL, uses only free software (as in freedom) in their main package.
With even the documentation licensed as FDL.
Without 3rd party patches, sensible defaults or masked packages.
Doesn't need obfuscated python libraries, only bash.
Use clean dependencies as they came from upstream developers, which by the same provides instant updates.
Can heal broken installs.
Can also use flags.

Do you like Arch Linux's AUR? Do you like Gentoo's portage (or ports-like) package manager? With SMGL's "sorcery" you get all that. Making new spells (packages) not found in the grimoire (repository) is easy

Basic Source Mage GNU/Linux installation (embed)
Improvised Source Mage GNU/Linux guide (embed)

2017-10-20 06:49:54 UTC  

Requesting purchase advice: (embed)

For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in >>>/g/csg

/g/ wiki headphone FAQ:

Headphone guide:

2017-10-21 11:52:07 UTC