Message from @Codegeekman
Discord ID: 363094627080863756
This is firmly what I believe, you can also see it in action everyday by leftists. Even small conservatives. This is why the divide is happening
Kids dont need to be bullied to be forged, they should stand up for themselves and others
School is an ecosystem, you let that ecosystem run. If a kid doesn’t stand up for himself he never will. If he has divine intervention he also never will.
This is what I’m saying
Well I hope you never become a teacher or work with children, because what you're asking for is ridiculous.
What do you mean by divine intervention?
Standing up for the kid instead of teaching the kid how to stand up, hence fishing for a man instead of teaching him how to fish
Instead of teaching the kid how to stand up for himself. You stand up for the child dissolving him of any masculine responsibility
Not every kid is bullied
And it's the parents responsibility to rear their children, not the teachers or the states
let me find that article
what are news websites you cucks wont get upset over
nvm i can only find either this or cnn
Wonder who would fit that description.
Anetta Kahane (born 1954) is a German journalist, former Stasi agent, activist and the founder of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation.
Between 1974 and 1982 Kahane served as an unofficial employee of the Ministry for State Security (Stasi) in East Germany under the code name "Victoria". Stasi files connected to her work include more than 800 pages of reports. Among others, Kahane surveilled artists, students from West Berlin universities and West German television reporters.
Since 1998, Anetta Kahane served as the president and the founder of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation.
In 2015, the Amadeu Antonio Foundation followed the German Ministry of Justice's invitation to take part in a task force against hate speech on social media.
Anetta (((Kahane)))
fuck me there was something else i was gonna post
o yea
dont think hes having any action taken against him which is surprising
He will be known
also on the fact that white nationalists are on t_d, theyre very well much allowed there, just as any other part of reddit as they please.
I agree, though that doesn't mean I like it.
T_D allows it?
Ehh, as long as there's no calling for black genocide or other stupid stuff
Though I think that most of T_D users don't like White Nationalism, we won't hate the people with the views, as they are just opinions
Ironic form the right, which can *never* take criticism or accept opposing views...
I mean white identity became a thing BECAUSE of neo Marxism but I think it’s a conversation that must be had, because critical theory has divided America not unite it
Yes, I am a Nationalist (one who has pride in their country, for the FBI that may or may not be watching us), just not one who thinks "Only whities allowed." I find those people just as bad as BLM, though they arn't as mainstream and as "loved."
People can't control what ethniciy / race they are born as, but they as heck can control choices their make in their lifestyle and what culture they follow.
If you're born in the ghetto, you don't HAVE to stay there. And in a way, same applies for the Rich. A rich person can spend all their money on coke or something, and then go to the ghetto
It all depends on the mindframe that they have
And you can work to improve your situation, learn proper language, and work on minimising the differences, instead of double down on your little diaspora and then requiring everyone else to cuddle you.
'muh culture tho. That's their final, non-protest line of defense
Before BLM riot, and someone dies
They "culture" are the ones who sold their great grand parents. Most don't even know where they come from.