Message from @Yaboku

Discord ID: 369489942042116118

2017-10-16 14:07:34 UTC  

What science?

2017-10-16 14:10:25 UTC  

Science is politicized, there is no denying that. The science that the trans activist uses to defend the trans movement was created by harrassing scientists and psychologists.

2017-10-16 14:11:03 UTC  

Just fyi, WPA2 has been broken (again)

2017-10-16 14:11:04 UTC  
2017-10-16 14:11:19 UTC  


2017-10-16 14:11:23 UTC  

Thats not good

2017-10-16 14:13:28 UTC  

"But what about science? Aren’t male and female basic facts of biology? As it happens, “scientific” claims have been crucial to the Transgender Moment. The very phrase “gender identity” was coined by Dr. John Money, who founded the Johns Hopkins University’s sex-change clinic. Money had long studied hermaphroditic children. Called “intersex” today, these are kids who have been born with indeterminate secondary sexual characteristics: enlarged clitorises that resemble penises, or stubby penises that resemble clitorises. Money and others postulated that these kids had received conflicting doses of male and female hormones in utero. But Money further postulated that parents and doctors could make a decision about the sex of the child, and that given surgery and socialization, the child could be happily raised as either a boy or a girl. And he didn’t apply that principle just to children whose biological sex was ambiguous. Money claimed that “gender identity” in general was caused less by nature than by nurture. Money’s most famous case was the “John-Joan case”—a textbook example of the human tragedies that result when science is dragooned into the service of ideology. It involved a baby boy whose penis had been burned off in a routine circumcision. The distraught parents saw Money on television talking about his successful experiments with intersex children—how they were never the wiser about their sex at birth, provided they were socialized in the right way. Money was overjoyed to hear from the Reimer family because they came to him with identical twin boys, who..."

2017-10-16 14:13:41 UTC  

"would make the perfect test subjects for his theory. The two boys had identical DNA, but one would be raised as the boy he was and the other would be raised as a girl that he wasn’t. Money had the penis-less boy castrated and a rudimentary vulva created. The boy’s parents renamed him Brenda, put him in dresses, and began raising him as a girl. The experiment went on for years, with Money dutifully reporting to peer-reviewed scientific journals, to the media, and in bestselling books that the experiment was a ringing success. The boy without a penis was now a girl who preferred to wear dresses, played with dolls, and demonstrated a strong maternal instinct. In reality, the experiment was a failure from the very beginning. The boy’s parents reported that when first put into a dress....."

2017-10-16 14:14:50 UTC  

"“Brenda” tore at it and tried to rip it off. Brenda refused to play with dolls, preferring trucks and guns. Rather than being a prim, proper, feminine little girl, he was dirty and aggressive. He loved to fight. Money knew all this; the disastrous results of his experiment were clear from annual visits Brenda and his family made to Money at his clinic in Baltimore. For years Money pressured a reluctant Brenda to begin hormone treatments to grow breasts and shift fat to the lower body. Brenda finally agreed and was horrified when breasts began to bud. All along Money pushed Brenda to undergo a full sex-change operation: the excavation of a rudimentary vagina and lowering of the vulva, so the mutilated boy would be forced to urinate sitting down—something he was refusing to do. Frustrated with Brenda’s failure to acclimate as a girl, Money began ordering him and his brother to take their clothes off, explore each other’s genitals, and simulate copulation during their annual sessions. He forced them to watch hard-core pornography. Brenda later referred to Money as a pervert. Meanwhile, Money’s twins experiment was heralded around the world as a smashing success. But when he pushed Brenda—bullied him, really—to have a full vaginal excavation, Brenda balked. In a scene right out of a Woody Allen movie, Brenda’s last visit with Money ended with Brenda being chased down the hospital hallway by a transsexual and doctors in lab coats. Not long afterwards, Brenda’s family came clean with him and told him the whole story of his life. His first question: “What was my name?” Money continued to report that the twins experiment was a success, and it became a key piece of “scientific” data supporting all manner of irresponsible social experiments—right up to our own Transgender Moment."

2017-10-16 14:14:52 UTC  

Science has become a game of, "Give me money and I will 'prove' whatever you want."

2017-10-16 14:14:57 UTC  


2017-10-16 14:15:38 UTC  

If anyone is intrested I can copy-paste more from *Fake Science*

2017-10-16 14:15:52 UTC  

Wew, that's a long text there

2017-10-16 14:16:02 UTC  

There's more

2017-10-16 14:16:18 UTC  

But I'll save that for later

2017-10-16 14:19:20 UTC  

I actually looked into a study myself because of this

2017-10-16 14:19:43 UTC  

Specifically I wondered where all of those stats on the percentage of fat people in the US come from

2017-10-16 14:19:54 UTC  

Turns out that the study seems like a crock of shit to me

2017-10-16 14:20:21 UTC  

@VicariousJambi You would love to read this book I have, there is a chapter on "Obesity"

2017-10-16 14:21:06 UTC  

Do you have a pdf? @ItalianStallion

2017-10-16 14:21:25 UTC  

I have the kindle version but I can copy and paste text from it

2017-10-16 14:21:40 UTC  

So they go door to door and interview people. They can literally had fucking pick who is in the study and who isnt. So they can go up to someones door, and only choose them if their a lardass or whatever.

2017-10-16 15:29:23 UTC

2017-10-16 15:34:45 UTC

2017-10-16 15:34:51 UTC  

So, 5g?

2017-10-16 15:40:58 UTC  

What about it?

2017-10-16 15:43:40 UTC  

5g dont mean shit

2017-10-16 15:43:48 UTC  

could only be like 1% better

2017-10-16 15:44:12 UTC  

g = generation, not any measurement of speed or anything

2017-10-16 16:26:04 UTC  

Doesn't real 5G have a range of about 20 feet? Seems like a money sink top me.

2017-10-16 17:18:33 UTC  

Anyone know a better way to block spam callers who use different numbers every time? I'm trying out a macro that'll do it, but I wondered if there's other options.

2017-10-16 18:03:46 UTC  

The journalist sound like a bunch of headless chickens

2017-10-16 20:42:19 UTC  

Unfortunately, the spammers change numbers each time they call. I wouldn't know what number to block, because it's different each time.

2017-10-16 21:06:56 UTC  


2017-10-16 21:14:14 UTC  

If the standard procedures don't work, then you can help yourself by some tips:
1. Pick up and say 'Hold on. just a sec'....Put the phone down and let the called hold until he/she drops off. Do this again and again until patience of caller gives up.
2. Put the phone in loudspeaker, chew loudly, talk while eating.
3. Ask them how to cook spaghetti i.e. ask them all stupid and pointless questions possible.
4. Do not let them complete their sentence, interrupt them in mid.
5. Debate on political issues or complain about your boss.
6. Ask him/her to repeat again and again and speak loudly.
7. Do every stupid and annoying thing possible.
8. Do not freak out, instead freak the caller out.

2017-10-16 21:17:22 UTC  

^ I usually do that if it's a person. Unfortunately, it's the same robot call I've been getting everyday for a month straight. A lot of advice on there is for human callers or callers from the same number. I downloaded an app that let me create a macro to send all calls that I don't have in my contact book straight to voicemail; I just wondered if there was a better option.