Message from @Jop™
Discord ID: 554749301813805066
black holes dont 'suck' things
@Human Sheeple outer space
Hello Fellow Flatties
they have gravity, sucking implies gasses
@Orchlon yeah you know what i mean the gravity pulls\
@Orchlon Not true black holes suck the Pentagon's coffers dry
ffs to many inndyans
fair enough
you can always do an experiment with troposcatter if you use the radio properly and do some measurements yourself
@TR i dont think a lot of people are even clever enough to do that shit on this server
I know that
Oh Crud
that's why you can easily debunk flatties with a radio and atmosphere
@Human Sheeple are you trolling?
Earth is flatter than my chest.
Earth is a sphere dummies
who here too because of memeulous
Who's memeulous?
Round thicc sphere
no its a cube
@Kamarad Schitkunt I think hundreds of millions of dollars for an aircraft a 50's Mig 21 can outrun is Lockheed Martin Trolling the defense agencies of the western world.
@Orchlon youre trolling
Me because memolouss
can i speak on chat plz?
you can always come to croatia and do experiments with italian radio stations
__***no i actually think the earth is a cube***__
Ispy with my little eye