Message from @ah
Discord ID: 370156029133979648
DM me for the staff server
would ppl pay me for a sailor moon set?
Bad demoted
im going to leak modchat
save it quick
#leaking mod chat
Oh man, /r/atheism has a post that literally admits jesus was real:
@futurestorms >u/therecordcorrected
@Walter That is not an argument. The first comment said it all.
@ah 😲
Misusing it
@futurestorms 😲
@Walter You said ‘we’ in your initial comment
We implies you are an atheist, no?
Atheists firmly denounce the bible and religion, no?
a is pronounced like the o in Wow
Yes it is
Then an atheist would not admit that Jesus was real or that he existed. It would ruin their whole argument against religion.
a is pronounced like the o in wow
oi cunts listen up who are the traps in this server
Atheists have turned their non belief into a religion.