Message from @Noxar

Discord ID: 472895411015647238

2018-07-28 02:06:19 UTC  
2018-07-28 04:36:15 UTC  

Can't play R6 if everyone gets banned

2018-07-28 04:36:17 UTC  


2018-07-28 18:07:53 UTC  

mmmmmmmmmmmm yes

2018-07-28 21:33:26 UTC  

@Noxar A Pascal refresh? That just reinforces the fact that you’re ignorant. Nvidia has released their Titan V Volta GPU over 4 months ago already. Also do you know nothing of their new GPU’s for workstations/commercial use that were released? If not, then maybe you should do some actual research. It’s a fact that AMD is known for GPU refreshes, but Nvidia? Not so much. Id be surprised if you could name any GPU line up by Nvidia that was a refresh off of the top of your head. Also, since when was AMD a pragmatic option for GPU’s aside from when crypto-currency’s effect on the GPU market died down and the RX580 was a little bit less than the GTX1060 for a short time. Don’t say dumb shit. Now don’t mistaken me for a fool, I know that the Ryzen CPU’s (but none of the previous architectures) are inherently better for cost to performance and cost to multi-thread performance especially compared to what Intel’s been releasing since the first Ryzen release. That doesn’t mean that AMD is competent as well on the other side of the road, because as a matter of fact, AMD is divided and the GPU side hasn’t magically improved just because their CPU side did. Don’t make shit up.

2018-07-28 21:58:23 UTC  

>offended by calling it Pascal refresh

2018-07-28 21:58:45 UTC  

We still dont know wheter it will be new arch or not

2018-07-28 21:59:05 UTC  

it will most likely be improved, overclocked Pascal on refined process

2018-07-28 21:59:51 UTC  

Nvidia still holds the dominant position, and has no reason to put out massively better performing card series

2018-07-28 22:01:07 UTC  

and Volta is specifically for workstations with it's Tensor cores etc., it's not meant as a gaming architecture, Nvidia will have separate architecture for the gaming side

2018-07-28 22:15:21 UTC  

If anything, Nvidia is going to hold out until AMD releases their new cards before releasing the new series. They wouldn’t just do architecture refining like AMD has been, especially given the time and hype for Ampere/Volta and tensor cores. I have a good feeling that they might not have tensor cores (or at least not in a significant amount) for their non-Titan and they may get a replacement for the Titan V at a lower cost. But that’s all hypothetical not knowing what’s actually going on, but with them showing off and raving about Ray Tracing which looks VERY promising. Also that’s not entirely true. The Titan V (although $3000 and not primarily directed at gaming) is a great card for gaming with Ray tracing, but the rest of released Volta is more costly workstation crap. Tesla and Quadro aren’t architectures, they are series, Volta is an architecture and could quite easily be used for the gaming line-up although it’s been hinted many times that it won’t happen. It really depends on the efficiency difference of Ampere and its compatibility with Tensor Cores. So yes it is likely that there will be separate architecture for the gaming side, but the Titan V shows promise for the gaming line-up. And if based off of historical speculation, the new series will be an awesome release, with the supposed 1180 destroying the 1080Ti for performance. There are some spec sheets that aren’t 100% confirmed for the new cards but we can likely bet that Nvidia isn’t going to make a stupid decision like non-competitive GPU’s knowing that AMD has the POTENTIAL for a comeback in the GPU market, making that risk unwise and they probably know that already. Like I said, either they’ll release the cards late or they’ll be as competitive as ever. Unlike AMD, Nvidia doesn’t need to rush for 2 reasons. They’re likely already developing the architecture and product line beyond the series that hasn’t come out yet,

2018-07-28 22:15:24 UTC  

while AMD is trying to make sure they can make it in the market while trying to plan ahead as well. Likely a lot more pressure on AMD.

2018-07-28 22:15:47 UTC  

@Noxar But if you have any value info to input I’d be happy to hear it.

2018-07-28 22:32:21 UTC  

AMD doesn't really have any real chance of a comeback, the GPU war has been lost long ago

2018-07-28 22:33:05 UTC  

AMD had superior GPUs, at lower price around 2010, yet Nvidia outsold them with rebranded many years old shitty card, the mindshare is very real

2018-07-28 22:33:48 UTC  

as such gaming GPUs are a secondary goal for AMD, the big money is on workstations, server and machine learning contracts

2018-07-28 22:34:43 UTC  

It's a miracle they pulled off Zen, AMD is competing with 2 semiconductor giants, with less than 1 fifth of budget, split between both GPUs and CPUs

2018-07-28 22:37:31 UTC  

Our lad, Jim is spot on as usual

2018-07-28 23:03:23 UTC  

I’m glad that AMD caught up with the CPU line and because of budget is able to sell for cheaper and grow exponentially. It staying half a gen behind Nvidia is also beneficial to force forward progress on the Graphics side. Because of their resources, Intel and especially Nvidia will always be able to produce the overall flagship product, but AMD will continue to be competitive/better on pricing (competitive for GPU’s (ish) and better for mid-high range high core count CPU’s) Even if AMD goes to 7nm architecture in their next series, Intel will switch over and refine the architecture and process at least as quick. It seems like Intel purposefully lags behind though because they previously thought that they didn’t meet as much competition as they really did. Because of that, they underestimated AMD and underproduced. That’s at least my speculation.

2018-07-28 23:04:01 UTC  

What about you, any insight on new architectural advancement that you’ve personally delved into? @Noxar

2018-07-29 00:25:51 UTC  

if any of u goys wanna play some multi NMS hmu

2018-07-29 02:52:58 UTC

2018-07-29 02:53:26 UTC

2018-07-29 02:54:19 UTC

2018-07-29 02:54:46 UTC

2018-07-29 02:55:13 UTC

2018-07-29 02:55:54 UTC

2018-07-29 02:56:16 UTC  

definitely worth $60 now

2018-07-29 07:08:29 UTC  

Time to crack it

2018-07-29 11:05:04 UTC  

Last time i heard theres nothing to do at all

2018-07-29 15:54:41 UTC  

Spore graphics @SchloppyDoggo

2018-07-29 15:54:45 UTC  


2018-07-29 16:48:05 UTC  

Spore was good

2018-07-29 16:48:19 UTC  

this is 10 years later tho

2018-07-29 17:02:06 UTC  

@Deleted User to be fair, no mans sky has its own graphics style and its a great desktop wallpaper generator

2018-07-29 17:02:33 UTC  

its more like retro 1980s scifi novel covers graphics style

2018-07-29 21:10:50 UTC  

where can i get ac4 for free

2018-07-29 23:10:12 UTC  

The Pirate Bay