Message from @Meerkat_RSA

Discord ID: 501641919538135051

2018-10-16 02:36:09 UTC  

I know what a ad hom is

2018-10-16 02:36:19 UTC  

No need to watch that video

2018-10-16 02:36:47 UTC  

👌🏻 Doesn't change the fact that he did resort to definition.

2018-10-16 02:37:55 UTC  

So if I called you a bitch right now and didn't say say anything else that's ad hom if I said he provided evidence then called you a bitch that's a ad hom

2018-10-16 02:38:19 UTC  

Why did you do x becuase you are a bitch ad hom

2018-10-16 02:38:57 UTC  

Why did you do x becuase you stole my pop tarts and killed my dog bitch not a ad hom

2018-10-16 02:40:38 UTC  

How are you my friend

2018-10-16 02:45:24 UTC  

So, him making a statement, and then following that statement with "when you act like a complete retard"..that's not a personal attack? Just trying to clarify. Lol

2018-10-16 02:45:32 UTC  

Eh, I'm okay. You?

2018-10-16 02:50:04 UTC  

No it's not a ad hom

2018-10-16 02:50:25 UTC  

You been feelng better my frined

2018-10-16 02:50:28 UTC  


2018-10-16 02:55:15 UTC  

Eh I have chronic pain, so I'm pained to some extent 100% of the time, but my body has rested a bit since the big job, I was able to work out today atleast... Thanks for asking.

2018-10-16 05:38:45 UTC  

At least you're back in the gym making gains

2018-10-16 05:38:45 UTC  

GG @Dixon Cider Vegan Punisher, you just advanced to level 3!

2018-10-16 05:46:06 UTC  


2018-10-16 05:47:00 UTC
New video by Kaaplander, opinions?
Personally I love the first idea of his

2018-10-16 05:53:51 UTC  


2018-10-16 05:53:52 UTC

2018-10-16 05:54:26 UTC  

Goodnight, all. ❤ <:QueenApproved:493423572514242571>

2018-10-16 06:25:53 UTC  

I am right leaning centre. So does that make me a purple pill with a bit more red in it.

2018-10-16 06:30:37 UTC  

That's not how the whole pill thing works

2018-10-16 06:37:25 UTC  

If someone can create a black pill then i can create a purple pill

2018-10-16 06:38:31 UTC  


2018-10-16 07:17:32 UTC  

Think Kaaplandse is mostly right about the 3 options, I've been exploring those same options myself... I'm down with the first two options, mostly the first being the least amount of resistance. But it really comes down to how the politicians play the people, and they would rather put up as much resistance as possible and opt for option 3 if left in their hands.

2018-10-16 07:29:11 UTC  

@Meerkat_RSA as far as i know there is a black pill

2018-10-16 07:31:20 UTC  

The black pill believes in a more nihilistic concept that the red pill doesn't agree with. They believe that reality is rigged and that some people are destined to fail no matter what they do. They also oppose a lot of red pill teachings as offering false hope to these people destined to fail.

2018-10-16 07:37:53 UTC  

Yeah the difference in philosophy is rather very different, and black is symbolic of dark and nihilistic, as opposed to red and blue and the symbolise truth and fantasy. Different school of thoughts really.

2018-10-16 07:44:00 UTC  

To be fair, that video was not really a black pill. 😕

2018-10-16 07:55:40 UTC  

I've dropped him a comment to ask if he could elaborate on the three options in a three part video, on his opinion how either of the 3 can play out, the who, what, where, how and why's regarding each option, and see if this can become a productive discussion instead. Let's see if he accepts the request suggestion, and gets the ball rolling on this.

2018-10-16 09:02:25 UTC  

@Cal Can I ask why you share Kaaplander's videos here. The guy has accused me of fraud and of doing illegal activities... what makes you think that I want his content shared on this discord server?

2018-10-16 09:05:28 UTC  

Because echo Chambers are lame... Don't be an echo chamber, be a good sport man.

2018-10-16 09:32:52 UTC  

Why not?

2018-10-16 09:33:19 UTC  

Unless you make it an express rule people are gonna share what they want

2018-10-16 09:33:39 UTC  

So like its cool if you don't want it, just make it a rule

2018-10-16 09:41:01 UTC  

I am just asking as there is a big difference between an echo chamber and someone that is spreading fake news. According to him I used steroids and was involved in fraudulent activity with charities. Should I just ignore that and allow him to spread his fake news?

2018-10-16 09:41:22 UTC  

He's not talking about you now?

2018-10-16 09:53:02 UTC  

Take him on about it then, get him on the your live stream or something, and clear the rumours... If you ignore it and leave it be, it doesn't exactly do much in your favour, even if you call it fake news.

2018-10-16 09:53:39 UTC  

So I can make wild allegations against him but as long as I have another video out that doesn't talk about him then it's all good

2018-10-16 09:54:40 UTC  

I will not engage with anon profiles. If people can't say these things behind a real profile then why should I give it airtime.

2018-10-16 10:00:01 UTC  

Then don't, but that doesn't stop others. Some people understand that anonymity protects unpopular opinions and some truths, that would otherwise get them fired, or even killed in some circumstances. I think its a shitty excuse not to engage with a real person even if they use an anon identity, but that's just my anon opinion I guess. You allow us anons on your discord, to engage with you and your followers, why the double standard then when it comes to cases like this oke?