Message from @Mother

Discord ID: 281593067654348800

2017-02-16 00:48:35 UTC  

yea, i bet i can even afford a house!

2017-02-16 00:49:16 UTC  

house, wife, no war, no jews, no muslims, no mexicans. fuck what am i waiting for

2017-02-16 00:50:05 UTC  

as a cold war historian, can i just say i'm sick of the neocons agitating for the war they never got?

2017-02-16 00:50:31 UTC  

i mean, when the soviet union fell the biggest loser was israel and the US neocons

2017-02-16 00:50:48 UTC  

israel played both sides against the middle for 50 years

2017-02-16 00:51:01 UTC  

maybe i should write a book about isreal during the cold war

2017-02-16 00:51:02 UTC  

Has that ever stopped? Are we truly not in a cold war right now?

2017-02-16 00:51:57 UTC  

id' say we're not in a cold war, were in an insurgent battle against "radical islam" and "terrorism" but neither is a meaningful war. and neither is working to get "social justice" i.e. revenge against Europe on a fast enough scale for ((( them)))

2017-02-16 00:52:09 UTC  

do you know woh Max Boot is?

2017-02-16 00:52:46 UTC  

tyupical neocon jew. military historian. author of a book called War Made New. dishonest and meaningless dirvel. don't read it. i had to. but he is always playing the US as if it was still at war with Russia

2017-02-16 00:54:06 UTC  

Well, we're trying to dictate that taking a former Russian territory back by Russia that had an indepedent referendum cast to rejoin Russia is "taking Crimea" as it were.

2017-02-16 00:54:49 UTC  

I'm shocked Trump went along with this. Why? Because Neocons? Because they want Ukraine part of NATO still? What?

2017-02-16 01:05:05 UTC  

to be honest, i have no idea why Trump went along with it in his tweet. i mean, Crimea wants to be Russian. maybe he is playing 5d chess. maybe he got bad advice. maybe like that dipshit VP pick of his he had to make a bargain to get something done

2017-02-16 01:06:06 UTC  

Maybe maybe, I'll be watching closely. That along with the departure of Flynn is really unsettling.

2017-02-16 01:06:18 UTC  

He had no reason whatsoever to resign.

2017-02-16 01:08:24 UTC  

no. he was sabotaged by the deep state from what i can tell

2017-02-16 01:08:33 UTC  

it's clear they'll work against Trump and his picks

2017-02-16 01:09:03 UTC  

this is life or death for them. if Trump wins this battle with them the deep state is over

2017-02-16 01:09:25 UTC  

and if that's the case then you can bet jewish power and influence in gov't will wane

2017-02-16 01:09:49 UTC  

and let's just remember neocon was at one point slang for jewish republican

2017-02-16 01:10:19 UTC  

Or Jewish-owned Republicuck.

2017-02-16 01:22:06 UTC  


2017-02-16 01:22:18 UTC  

also we have completely fucked up the memes channel

2017-02-16 01:25:35 UTC  

Oh yea...

2017-02-16 01:25:38 UTC  

I fix that

2017-02-16 01:26:01 UTC  

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2017-02-16 01:26:09 UTC  

Well that failed.

2017-02-16 01:38:48 UTC  

umm what the fuck were you trying to post?

2017-02-16 01:39:15 UTC  

that looks like homer simpson with some fail klan slogan

2017-02-16 01:39:15 UTC  

A bird perched upon a dick with a KKK cap on.

2017-02-16 01:39:28 UTC  

Shows better in IRC.

2017-02-16 01:39:31 UTC  


2017-02-16 01:40:54 UTC  

democrats still impotent. they need some levitra i think

2017-02-16 01:41:04 UTC  

Lol bye bye to those ones.

2017-02-16 01:41:15 UTC  

i bet 99% don't have the courage to not pay

2017-02-16 01:41:19 UTC  

Isn't that a sort of oxymoron?

2017-02-16 01:41:28 UTC  

and the 1% that do already don't pay

2017-02-16 01:41:39 UTC  

You'd think conservaties would resist excess Obama-level taxation.

2017-02-16 01:42:00 UTC  

yea go ahead dems sign your name to a vow to break the law. then when we go after you we don't have to wait so long to get your conviction

2017-02-16 01:42:12 UTC  

conservatives and tea partiers are pussies