Message from @Swedish Chef
Discord ID: 407879125152563220
Jesus. The DNC CEO resigned? What else did i miss?!
Lol that just got posted a little bit ago didn't it? Oh. And the president of Planned Murderhood stepped down friday
7-ish hours ago. So right before i went to sleep. Dammit
planned murderhood
k e k
based fakepost from the other day
How’s everybody this morning! Big day!!
Hold me, bork
I'm gonna scream like a little girl if Trump does it.
Does it?
Release the memo?
I feel like it’s Christmas Morning I am just waiting for 9pm EST
meanwhile I have to wait for 11AM UTC+9 😦
on the positive side, that's lunch break!
@Quirkney reads the memo during the SOTU
That’d be freakin amazing
Even cnn couldn’t ignore it
watch them just label it as racist, white nationalist rumormongering then spin that into a reason why our President's mental stability is clearly slipping and he should be impeached/removed by 25th Amendment
I am bracing myself for the most boring SOTU. So that way I will be excited with anything lol. Going for the opposite approach as I always do..
** I aM BrACiNg mySeLf foR thE MosT BoRinG SoTu. sO THAt wAy i WIll be EXcitED wiTH AnyTHING lOL. goING fOr THe oPposIte ApproacH aS i aLWAyS DO..** - @Swedish Chef
barring someone other than our current President giving the speech, I can't expect a boring SotU*
now whether it's a victory lap takedown of those who said he had no clue what he was doing or a #releasethememo firestorm of "ya dun goofed being all corrupt and stuff"...
that's the question]
Hahahaha !
The suspense is killing me
Someone should print the memeo out on a t-shirt
DNC ceo has just resigned
i need to nut
Anyone else have trouble sleeping last night??? IT'S HAPPENING!!!
The state of the union address will be tramendis, believe me.
I know a guy who helped me prepare for it, he's the best guy who could do that for me.
I even made sure to have plenty of cofevve before hand