Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 413879732027916298

2018-02-15 16:01:24 UTC  

Assange is hinting at a Incoming Final Blow...

2018-02-15 16:50:38 UTC  

Lol, she's triggered.

2018-02-15 18:48:18 UTC  

#GunReformNow trends on twitter, use this hashtag to explain to normies the importance of the 2nd amendment

2018-02-15 18:49:20 UTC  


2018-02-15 18:51:53 UTC  

I got linked to a young turks anti gun video so I responded by saying remember what happened when turkey enacted gun control in 1911 and what the original young turks did to 1.5 million armenians because hey couldnt defend themselves?

2018-02-15 19:12:38 UTC  

Here is my meme in response to the Newsweek article

2018-02-15 19:15:26 UTC

2018-02-15 19:30:35 UTC

2018-02-15 19:30:57 UTC  

Q can do it

2018-02-15 19:31:44 UTC  
2018-02-15 20:10:08 UTC  

@CarlaVegas I love my some body language and psychology!

2018-02-15 20:10:50 UTC  

Right? She’s awesome and helpful.

2018-02-15 20:21:35 UTC  

ADL says leader of republic of Florida and so called "white supremacist" group said Cruz was part of their group...not sure how much I believe this...

2018-02-15 20:26:08 UTC  

@CarlaVegas I have watched her before mostly with politicians. This the first time I have seen her pick apart a teen. And she brings up some great points!

2018-02-15 20:37:25 UTC  

“Teenagers make terrible witnesses” lolz

2018-02-15 21:21:27 UTC

2018-02-16 02:06:25 UTC  

@CarlaVegas was that you in Frank's tonight talking about the bombards body language?

2018-02-16 02:10:17 UTC  

@Unit 50079 you’re referring to the same place I’m thinking of?

2018-02-16 02:10:56 UTC  

If so link me the thread

2018-02-16 02:11:41 UTC  

@Mr. Sofaking Fluffykins did you see it? I’ll repost

2018-02-16 02:13:21 UTC  
2018-02-16 02:57:39 UTC  
2018-02-16 03:12:04 UTC  

So a thread offering condolences to a Florida shooting turns into a bitch fight about Trump politicizing the event

2018-02-16 03:12:09 UTC  


2018-02-16 03:12:33 UTC  

Then again the place is infested with misinformed SJWs

2018-02-16 03:12:42 UTC  

Ripe for the redpill

2018-02-16 03:17:07 UTC  

>Trump politicizing (not even sure how tbh)
>liberals politicize it by demanding new laws (actually politicizing it)

2018-02-16 03:18:05 UTC  

Let's go redpill em

2018-02-16 05:25:24 UTC  

So is there any plans for a pushback on the latest gun grab attempt?

2018-02-16 06:56:14 UTC  

@NateSnowstorm, Trump exists, thus politicizing

2018-02-16 07:58:34 UTC  

Spread facts that we already had laws that would prevent that ass from doing what he did.

2018-02-16 08:02:44 UTC  

Also, anyone else think the timing for this shooting is fishy af? Dems are publicly going against their only chance at DACA stuff because they have put their own interests first, this just is a creepy perfect distraction

2018-02-16 08:05:05 UTC  

So they're dropping DACA?

2018-02-16 10:55:32 UTC  

@Unit 50079, pretty much they decided to filibuster the DACA debate they insisted on having

2018-02-16 10:56:15 UTC  

then when their legislation finally showed up, it was 100% the opposite of everything the Trump administration stated they would sign

2018-02-16 12:48:46 UTC  

CIA LEGAL DEFENSE of cultural Marxism —> Operation Mockingbird