Message from @zero_consequences

Discord ID: 455998078890016769

2018-06-12 05:45:17 UTC  

Yes there are many white wemen who secretly want to be men hence why they are feminists. Saying feminism was created by white women because some white women support it is like saying communism was created by whites because some whites support it. The people in the Inapt category are just people who didn't write books on the subject or participate in feminist movements but were sympathetic to their aims. Thank you for pointing out that she was ther twice, I will correct that mistake.

2018-06-12 06:22:27 UTC  

Maybe you misunderstood me, to me, all of the people on that picture are white.

2018-06-12 06:38:16 UTC  

I checked some of them and know some of them, saying they 'supported feminism' is like saying the normie supported feminism. Of course most people who are not involved (read: normies) will say 'I think feminism is good cuz, like, women should have rights'.
I would say that graphic is bullshite, and have to support the claim of whoever made comments under their portraits. Calling 60% of them jewish feminists is just a far reach.

2018-06-12 06:41:22 UTC  

Look I understand where you are coming from but Jews are a racial/religious group which means that people like leon trotsky who was an atheist religiously is still a Jew because Jews aren't just a religious group.

2018-06-12 06:44:14 UTC  

Well sure the estimate of 60% might be a bit high but feminism is still jewish dominated and if you could show other wise that would be very helful.

2018-06-12 06:45:12 UTC  

Then make up a new word for them along with a sign other than the star.

2018-06-12 06:47:22 UTC  

Like what Kike because that is already a word used to discribe them. The thing is just making up a new word wouldn't help because they will still claim to be just a religous to the Goys (non-jews).

2018-06-12 06:48:32 UTC  

I really don't intend to show otherwise, my point is that if you post something you should at least not make it LOOK like it is something that it is not. That will only hurt the credibility of the underlying facts (ift hey are indeed there).

2018-06-12 06:51:52 UTC  

I don't quite understand what you mean there, I meant at least distinguish the religion from the people. Because if I convert to judaism it would not make me jewish from your point of view, would it? By not clearing that confusion up it is just hurting the talk about it. Which I suspect is intentional.

2018-06-12 06:54:50 UTC  

Regarding the prominence of jewish women in feminism. You have to show how many feminists are there in total to make a claim about how 'jewish dominated' feminism ist. Also there are other contributing factors to people other than their ancestors that influence career choice and world view. Especially in a group of people ('race' in this case) that has a uniting culture/religion.

2018-06-12 06:54:56 UTC  

Yes if you converted to Judaism from a civics point of view you would now be a jew and if I got American citizenship that would make me American from a civics point of view. It's blood that is what is important.

2018-06-12 06:55:02 UTC  

I will edit it hit enter by accident :D

2018-06-12 06:55:36 UTC  

Do what you have to do.

2018-06-12 06:59:24 UTC  

Yes, but using the same word for 'civic jew' and 'blood jew' is just stupid and hinders dialogue. Some people are doing the same fucking thing with moslems and arabs. Which is arguably more justified because in social context if you see and arab person you assume they are a moslem but if you see a 'blood jew' you assume they are white. Still fucking stupid to use the same word if ask me...

2018-06-12 07:02:28 UTC  

You clearly don't understand how jews work. It doesn't matter if you come up with a new term for jews they will still deny that they are a race to the goys. That is why it doesn't matter if we create a new term because the goyim aren't supposed to know they are a race.

2018-06-12 07:16:32 UTC  

Why does it matter if they are a 'race', that word is also something I think hinders the conversation. Point is, there is a tendency for certain traits like IQ (whether that is representative of actual intelligence or not) and interest certain branches of academia unite certain groups of related people, right?
And suppose the 'blood jews' actually 'don't want the goyim to know they are a race', why would you care what they want? Wouldn't it be in your interest then to make up a new word and not call it race in order to circumvent the 'jewish is a religion, not a race' argument?

2018-06-12 07:24:47 UTC  

The fact that jews are a race means they have their own racial interests like all races which is fine but the fact that they pretend they don't and they distory and parasite off the countires they nest in is a problem. We know IQ represents intelligence don't listen to Gould. With regrads to what they want it matters because in the last century they have done so much to confuse the goyim with the mass media most of which they control. I just call them jews because that is what they. All I have to do is disprove the misconception that they are a religous group.

2018-06-12 07:26:58 UTC  

If you want to understand jews and how they work I suggest you read Culture of Critique by Kevin Macdonald or if you don't have the time I suggest you watch this video which goes through some of the most inportant things they have done which is detailed in Culture of Critique.

2018-06-12 07:31:07 UTC  

Well good luck with explaining to normal people how jew is not a religious category. I will stick with the option that confuses people the least and doesn't turn them away from the thin ice that is talking about genetics in context of intelligence (especially in regards to 'blood jews', which is a touchy subject altogether). Because there is a legitimate conversation to be had, but bringing anthing that remotely sounds like a conspiracy theory into this will destroy the ice.

2018-06-12 07:33:27 UTC  

Also arguing jews have done something is very close to arguing the white race suppresses the black race in the USA.

2018-06-12 07:33:34 UTC  

lol the parentheses around boas' students

2018-06-12 07:33:58 UTC  

Does that video contain swastikas?

2018-06-12 07:34:13 UTC  

I think most people on some level know jews are a different race but I think we can agree to disagree.

2018-06-12 07:34:23 UTC  

Not yet

2018-06-12 07:35:06 UTC  

Video is blocked in germany, so I most assume it does.

2018-06-12 07:35:23 UTC  

Alot of videos are blocked in Germany.

2018-06-12 07:35:35 UTC  

You tell me :D

2018-06-12 07:36:40 UTC  

no it mentions macdonald being a possible anti-semite so that phrase alone probably did it

2018-06-12 07:37:42 UTC  

I think a video talking about jews that isn't all jews are the best people is going to be banned in alot of countires.

2018-06-12 07:38:30 UTC  

@Deleted User Out of curiosity: were you a (whatever label you feel applicable) White nationalist / altrightist type for a long time, or are you one more recent converts. Because it seems to me that the movement is a lot larger in the last 2 years than it was 5 years ago

2018-06-12 07:39:26 UTC  

This is not a jab or anything just genuinely wanna know

2018-06-12 07:39:51 UTC  

I'v been a white nationalist since about mid 2016 and a national socialist since 2017.

2018-06-12 07:40:25 UTC  

Ah so one of the recent converts. I think most of them are from those I've seen

2018-06-12 07:41:24 UTC  

Yes most of the white nationalist movement has grown in the last five years or so.

2018-06-12 07:42:29 UTC  

Hitler's mein kampf book shown in that video, probably another reason its banned

2018-06-12 07:45:35 UTC  

@Chlodovech You wouldn't believe just how quickly we are growing these days.

2018-06-12 07:46:17 UTC  

yeah definitely mentions jews a lot, but i think the tone is actually one of discovery as in why were jews writing and critiquing old ideas as more of a defense mechanism, with them being outliers they needed an agenda for society to believe.

2018-06-12 07:50:31 UTC  

not altogether dissimilar from the whole trans issue today, such a small number of society wanting to normalize themselves at the expense of the remaining 98% population. Just like the jews, they're overrepresented in popular lines.. entertainment, academia, business.

2018-06-12 07:52:02 UTC  

as a capitalist though i'd say if you can manufacture this then good on ya but everything is cyclical and you won't have the market cornered forever.

2018-06-12 07:52:31 UTC  

That's a prity good analogy although I would say jews are more like gypsies in that they are a small foreign population in another population's country.

2018-06-12 07:54:59 UTC  

I probably would agree with you if Israel hadn't become a state in 48, and since the world has become more globalist borders are easily crossed if you have the money.