Message from @Arch-Fiend

Discord ID: 457416390962446336

2018-06-16 05:17:24 UTC  

you can cover any patch of ground on the world with a coating of lava, and afterwords eventually something will regrow, however if you cover it in concrete and asphalt, its chances of ever regrowing are highly deminished. to say that the native americans are not genocided throws out what actually occured to their native tarritorys which dispite how many of them died to diseases brought to the new world all native american tribes remained up until they were pushed farther and farther west by european encrochment. we know this because we know the names of every tribe in both the west and east north america, if they had all died we would never have learned their names. we also had atleast 3 wars with them, the revolutionary war, the war of 1812, and the indian war (basicly when we got fed up with skermishing them in the west and brought the military to give them the ultimatum to become registered to our country or be exterminated)

2018-06-16 05:18:32 UTC  

Yes Europeans did enslave africans but they weren't the frist and whites are the race solely responsible for ending slavery so if you are going to blame a race for slavery why are you blaming the race that ended it? The Arab slave trade enslaved millions more Africans than European slavery did, in fact the barbary slave trade enslaved more whites than there were black slaves in America.

2018-06-16 05:19:41 UTC  

it was a genocide, it doesent matter how many people died, we killed the genetic to geographic connection between a group of people to the extent people who had a genetic tie to the entire north america are now religated to less than a quarter of its total landmass and to the most inhospitable locations among it

2018-06-16 05:20:12 UTC  

this is the FIRST successful genocide on an entire contanent

2018-06-16 05:20:41 UTC  

though one might argue australia did it to but abos have access to 50ish percent last maps i saw

2018-06-16 05:20:53 UTC  

mostly because australia is half wasteland

2018-06-16 05:21:34 UTC  

Yes Americans did take land from the natives like the natives toke land from each other all the time even before the Europeans arrived the only diffence was the whites were just more successful it wasn't a genocide.

2018-06-16 05:22:09 UTC  

it was by all best definitions a genocide

2018-06-16 05:22:38 UTC  

the only more successful genocide outside north america was tasmania

2018-06-16 05:22:48 UTC  

hey aussie can you define "white genocide" for me?

2018-06-16 05:22:56 UTC  

So the natives genocided each other than?

2018-06-16 05:23:48 UTC  

on small scales if they ever completely whiped a population out to the extent it never recovered then yes

2018-06-16 05:23:57 UTC  

but im mostly talking about the SCALE

2018-06-16 05:24:22 UTC  

were not just talking about single countrys and ethnicitys were talking about contanents and core race groups

2018-06-16 05:24:43 UTC  

Tasmania wasn't a genocide. The natives in Tasmania lost 90% plus of their population from diseases and they then didn't have a large enough population to keep their population going.

2018-06-16 05:27:10 UTC  

you put them into camps after their population dropped from 18000 to just 400. wonder what happened to them in those camps

2018-06-16 05:28:50 UTC  

Yes scale is important I agree with you their but their is also intent. If their is a deliberate attempt to wipeout whole or part of a population then it is a genocide. So if their is a massacre lead by a goverment or group of people then that is a genocide.

2018-06-16 05:29:25 UTC  

colonization and displacement is genocide my nigga

2018-06-16 05:29:35 UTC  

They died out no human population can survive with only 400 people.

2018-06-16 05:29:42 UTC  

not to mention my country did the intentional genocide too

2018-06-16 05:30:09 UTC  

[7:22 AM] Aktricast: hey aussie can you define "white genocide" for me?

2018-06-16 05:30:17 UTC  

So the natives genocided the natives. Why are you biching about American doing soming the natives did to eachother?

2018-06-16 05:31:16 UTC  

actually scientists beleive that the ashkanazi jewish population of europe began with only 400 population that fleed into europe from jaerusalem

2018-06-16 05:32:10 UTC  

Here is the UN Definition of genocide. Article II

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

Killing members of the group;
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group

2018-06-16 05:32:36 UTC  

White genocide is that to white populations.

2018-06-16 05:32:56 UTC  

im bitching about scale and also when natives war with natives and potentally cause genocide they are doing it to populations they have such a close relation to that their biology is still adapted to that envirnment and they maintain a genetic connection to the territory while when europeans do that shit, they dont

2018-06-16 05:33:13 UTC  

If you can give me a source on that I wold like see were you get the 400 number.

2018-06-16 05:34:22 UTC  

woops, that was 400 familys never mind

2018-06-16 05:34:28 UTC  

So fighting with another grop over control of land is genocide.

2018-06-16 05:34:42 UTC  

That would make more sence.

2018-06-16 05:34:45 UTC  

if you exterminate the population from that land, yes

2018-06-16 05:35:38 UTC  

Because the americans were sucessful

2018-06-16 05:36:47 UTC  

If you force them to leave like the trail of tears after you win wars against the your enemies for control of a territory then no that isn't extermination it's relocation.

2018-06-16 05:37:27 UTC  

that is part of the definition of genocide, forced relocation

2018-06-16 05:38:53 UTC  

No it isn't. If it is then show me where I can find it.

2018-06-16 05:39:33 UTC  

right the holocaust wasn't a genocide because the nazi's just relocated the jews to the ovens

not genocide my boys

2018-06-16 05:39:57 UTC  

look im not saying europeans need to be kicked back to europe and america needs to be handed back to natives, because thats both impracticle and doomed to fail, however europeans dont have genetic ties to north america we only have colonial ties here, sure we can stay, but its not as moral a fighting ground for ethnonationalism when your ethnicity isint native to a geography

2018-06-16 05:40:43 UTC  

i should have clarified