Message from @Fighting Gold

Discord ID: 685018905923682376

well if your problem is with weak men, why don't you address that problem; instead of supporting some ancient dead form of government

you know what i mean

what do you think is going to be easier and more successful: supporting an esoteric form of government that rules over weak people in the hope that upholds their best interests, or just reinstituting 19th century voting restrictions and kicking out the darkies

2020-03-03 12:13:02 UTC  

I would say combination.

2020-03-03 12:22:10 UTC  

Just to be clear - I'm for anything that would work. New, old, doesn't matter for me as long as it makes us prosper. I'm not chained to idea of monarchy.

2020-03-03 12:23:34 UTC  

But democracy as well as corrupt idea of freedom became idols that I belive should be torn down before any meaningful change can be implemented.

2020-03-03 12:50:25 UTC  


2020-03-03 14:43:12 UTC  


2020-03-03 14:52:11 UTC  

ave ceasar

2020-03-03 14:54:28 UTC

2020-03-03 20:11:54 UTC  

not welcome

2020-03-03 20:21:59 UTC  

Not welcome!

2020-03-05 06:58:59 UTC  

its not as specific as some claim

2020-03-05 06:59:15 UTC  

if it cuts the wrong places ur ded

2020-03-05 06:59:51 UTC  

but if they can make it specific then it has a lot of potential

2020-03-05 07:00:34 UTC  

though i dont like thinking about flying cars like that too much

2020-03-05 09:52:47 UTC  

First step towards immortality
If they can splice some genes in or out that regulate aging there's a decent chance aging can be cured in people alive today

2020-03-05 14:29:08 UTC  

Aging is not disease, it doesn't require a cure.

2020-03-05 14:47:35 UTC  

Aging is a disease
Just because you expect your body to break down doesn't mean it isn't breaking down

2020-03-05 14:48:20 UTC  

Your cells are just losing the ability to replenish themselves etc. over time because the Telomere ends in your cells' DNA are getting used up

2020-03-05 14:48:35 UTC  

Fixing this should be easy all things considered

2020-03-05 14:48:57 UTC  

It's not even a question of if but when

2020-03-05 15:43:51 UTC  

In that case a human with no disease isn't a human at all

2020-03-05 16:02:45 UTC  


2020-03-05 16:03:14 UTC  

That's like arguing people who use antibiotics forsake their humanity or whatever

2020-03-05 16:07:56 UTC  

no, not really

2020-03-05 16:08:15 UTC  

you can be lucky and never need antibiotics

2020-03-05 16:09:03 UTC  

if you take away certain death within a predictable timespan you may fundamentaly change society

2020-03-05 16:41:28 UTC  
2020-03-05 16:42:47 UTC  

@Mr. Nessel if aging is a disease then Nature itself is one as well.

2020-03-05 16:44:16 UTC  

There are animals that don't age

2020-03-05 16:44:39 UTC  

The modern human life span and health in general is about as natural as a poodle

2020-03-05 16:47:31 UTC  

What animals exactly? There are some species that age extremely slowly but they do age. Modern life span of men is natural, in the sense that they are extended to their natural limit. Any specie has certain life span cap and until you break this cap your life span is natural.

2020-03-05 16:48:22 UTC  

Lobsters for example don't age as do a variety of shellfish

2020-03-05 16:49:49 UTC  

Various animals have genetics that do away with aging because they have better mechanism for repairing their DNA