Message from @Canadian Man

Discord ID: 685634419394084879

2020-03-06 23:42:35 UTC  

thats assuming a peacefull diplomatic solution

2020-03-06 23:42:45 UTC  

what is most likely to happen is african yugoslavia

2020-03-06 23:42:51 UTC  

@EYEFORKNOWLEDGE156 im finishing hypernormalization and its getting kind of shit libby

2020-03-06 23:43:10 UTC  

@Skellington oh you watched it

2020-03-06 23:43:19 UTC  

@vexmasina44 Maybe, the UN these day's would involve themselves on the side of the Bantu.

2020-03-06 23:43:29 UTC  

@Skellington Yeah the end is goofy

2020-03-06 23:43:31 UTC  

ive almost finished it

2020-03-06 23:43:34 UTC  

Like the Serb's we will be forced to fight agaisnt our kin.

2020-03-06 23:43:40 UTC  

whites will no longer even trust blacks and they will deport them en masse from their new state
also white afrikaaner will most likely seek to keep the coastal cities and isolate the blacks to the north of the country

2020-03-06 23:43:42 UTC  

oh god

2020-03-06 23:44:09 UTC  

this is so embarrassing

2020-03-06 23:44:15 UTC  


2020-03-06 23:44:27 UTC  

just the ending

2020-03-06 23:44:38 UTC  

ending of waht

2020-03-06 23:44:43 UTC  


2020-03-06 23:45:06 UTC  

Recreate the Bantustan Puppet States

2020-03-06 23:45:16 UTC  

Yeah the ending is my main issue with it @Skellington

2020-03-06 23:45:40 UTC  

how dissapointing

2020-03-06 23:45:51 UTC  

@Larry I agree, stated earlier they are hardey buggers.

2020-03-06 23:45:59 UTC  

sounds like adam curtis is a shit lib

2020-03-06 23:46:24 UTC  

Given a chance they will fight for the recreation of the nation that the lost during the time SA was being forged.

2020-03-06 23:46:25 UTC  

@Skellington he gets like that a little bit in the power of nightmares but not as much

2020-03-06 23:46:58 UTC  

In the bitter lake he doesn’t get shit Libby at all iirc

2020-03-06 23:47:19 UTC  

@Skellington so what did you think of it overall

2020-03-06 23:47:32 UTC  
2020-03-06 23:47:58 UTC  

but like

2020-03-06 23:48:27 UTC  

he said "trump defeated journalism because the heart of journalism is to expose the truth and trump didint care about the truth"

2020-03-06 23:48:50 UTC  

hes hyper cynical about everything but then just says "oh yea journalism is about truth"

2020-03-06 23:49:07 UTC  

oh lord

2020-03-06 23:49:15 UTC  

I think it’s because he’s a journalist or at least he was

2020-03-06 23:49:29 UTC  

then implies brexit is the start of fascism or whatever

2020-03-06 23:49:55 UTC  

what a joke

2020-03-06 23:50:48 UTC  

Yeah it was very good until the end I think it’s because he doesn’t understand what the cathedral is or how it works

2020-03-06 23:51:15 UTC  

i think he does

2020-03-06 23:51:21 UTC  

he just thinks its conservative or something

2020-03-06 23:52:10 UTC  

Like he kinda does know about it but doesn’t understand how much journalists control it is what I was trying to say

2020-03-06 23:53:07 UTC  

Curtis is inspired by the pioneering sociologist Max Weber, who (in Curtis's words) challenged the "crude, left-wing, vulgar Marxism that says that everything happens because of economic forces within society".[6] Of his general political outlook, Curtis has also remarked:
People often accuse me of being a lefty. That's complete rubbish. If you look at The Century of the Self, what I'm arguing is something very close to a neoconservative position because I'm saying that, with the rise of individualism, you tend to get the corrosion of the other idea of social bonds and communal networks, because everyone is on their own. Well, that's what the neoconservatives argue, domestically. [...] If you ask me what my politics are, I'm very much a creature of my time. I don't really have any. I change my mind over different issues, but I am much more fond of a libertarian view. I have a more libertarian tendency [...] What's astonishing in our time is how the Left here has completely failed to come up with any alternatives, and I think you may well see a lefty libertarianism emerging because people will be much more sympathetic to it, or just a libertarianism, and out of that will come ideas. And I don't mean "localism".[2]

He believes the Western world is haunted by the past, with no vision for the future, and that it has become pessimistic and backward-looking.[1]

2020-03-06 23:58:10 UTC  

@Skellington I still recommend his other documentaries

2020-03-06 23:58:26 UTC  


2020-03-06 23:58:56 UTC  

Like he gets liby in them but they are well made and have good points