Message from @Korin Dickman

Discord ID: 691043190861463604

2020-03-21 21:47:19 UTC  

1/16th of a cake to be precise

2020-03-21 21:47:42 UTC  

its still cake

2020-03-21 21:47:52 UTC  

I'll eat it

2020-03-21 21:47:56 UTC  

Math is not a piece of cake. It is in fact, a metaphysical construct in God's mind

2020-03-21 21:48:09 UTC  

Theology gang.

2020-03-21 21:48:58 UTC  

Most masculine job you can do is being a preist or a pastor.

2020-03-21 21:49:13 UTC  

What about blacksmith?

2020-03-21 21:49:23 UTC  

Compelling arguement.

2020-03-21 21:49:43 UTC  

Professional rapist

2020-03-21 21:49:51 UTC  

Hahaha, *only caths are like that*.

2020-03-21 21:50:17 UTC  


2020-03-21 21:51:04 UTC  

Prot's and Orthodox Preists are allowed to concreate marriage. Cath's on the other hand make a vow to marry the church.

2020-03-21 21:53:10 UTC  

Celibacy is net negative imo for Catholic priests.

2020-03-21 21:53:35 UTC  

It is.

2020-03-21 21:53:50 UTC  

You cannot expect a human being to reject sexual temptation fully.

2020-03-21 21:54:40 UTC  

You are closer to God but you become detached from people you should guide.

2020-03-21 21:55:10 UTC  


2020-03-21 21:56:00 UTC  

Anglicanism is based and repiled for following the Catholic Theologly and allowing our preists to marry.

2020-03-21 21:56:15 UTC  

Also we got trad beards for our preists.

2020-03-21 21:57:18 UTC  

This world.

2020-03-21 21:58:55 UTC  

I would hold my horses on calling Anglicanism "based". Certain elements of it are indeed good but there is a lot of problems with.

2020-03-21 21:59:19 UTC  

I am a mathocaust denier

2020-03-21 21:59:28 UTC  


2020-03-21 21:59:53 UTC  

@Korin Dickman Come on Trad beards.

2020-03-21 22:00:13 UTC  

Orthodoxes also have them

2020-03-21 22:00:15 UTC  

Any sect of Christanity is immedatly Based if you grow a mean beard.

2020-03-21 22:01:48 UTC  

You dont get any more based than these mystics.

2020-03-21 22:02:21 UTC  

@Larry Anglican preists can.

2020-03-21 22:02:54 UTC  

Only issue i do have with my sect is that we are being subverted from the core up.

2020-03-21 22:03:34 UTC  

Anglicanism was more than likely the first sects to suffer full and utter destruction at the hands of Globohomo.

2020-03-21 22:07:16 UTC  

Honestly with all the inter sect bickering within Christianity arguing who is more the cause of Christianity being subverted, rarely do I see mentioned how in the past ALL European (and Euro descended) populations were fully traditionalist, fundamentalist and ethnocentric no matter what sect of Christianity they followed. Little do I see fingers pointed to the Schofield bible nor the effect of the Hippie movement both had on US christianity (and thus later most of Protestantism) nor do I see fingers pointing to how the Vatican was subverted.

2020-03-21 22:08:28 UTC  


2020-03-21 22:10:25 UTC  

Honestly Europeans even if they are so called "Pure Christans" are in reality not that. As most sects of Christanity has Pagan elements within them from the reilgion that the Europeans used to worship. When looked in depth on that of ethier Catholic or Protastent sects you see a clear lineage of Paganism from within. Any group who gets there hands on a reilgion changes it to make sense to there mindset or the Ethos of there people.

2020-03-21 22:11:03 UTC  

Can we start nuking Chinese food markets?

2020-03-21 22:11:16 UTC  

They're cooking a live dog alive in pasta sauce

2020-03-21 22:11:17 UTC  


2020-03-21 22:11:28 UTC  


2020-03-21 22:11:41 UTC  

Yeah, the more I learned about Slavic Old Faith the more I started asking myself "how much is Christianity in Christianity" @Canadian Man .

2020-03-21 22:12:15 UTC  

I know, I find it abouslty retarded that Christans refuse to look into the theolgy of the Pagans.

2020-03-21 22:13:11 UTC  

We insult pagan's all the time but what i am seeing on the internet and on Youtube it look's genuine. They are trying to reconstruct something that has been lost for generations.