Message from @Skellington

Discord ID: 684588991571427351

2020-02-29 00:35:12 UTC  

that is interesting.

2020-03-01 04:31:20 UTC  

@here PETITION: Removing the Defeaning within the VC.

2020-03-01 08:15:48 UTC  

So the moldbug interview never ended up happening?

2020-03-01 08:16:05 UTC  

its not on the channel you linked

2020-03-01 10:28:52 UTC  

@Larry Objectively, I'd say Erdogan is brilliant. He's a good leader FOR TURKEY. He knows damn well that anti-white ideology is hegemonic in the West and he's exploiting it. He's a Right-Wing nationalist Turkey, but pushes Left-Wing egalitarianism in Europe because he knows it weakens them. Look into the Denk party in the Netherlands. It's essentially a Turkish interest party which whines about "WaYtHiThIm" in Europe while supporting Erdogan in Turkey. Same reason they're lashing out at Greece right now. It's purely strategic. If I was a Turk in his position, I'd be doing the exact same thing. From our perspective, Turkey is a hostile state and Erdogan's an enemy who is advancing his own interests at the expense of ours. So in that respect, I don't like the guy, but I'll admit, I dream of a European leader with half the spine he has.

2020-03-01 10:35:05 UTC  

So essentially, Turkey is undermining the West the same way Israel does. Nationalism for us, open boarders liberalism for you.

2020-03-01 11:35:38 UTC  

Thats not having a spine

2020-03-01 11:36:18 UTC  

He is just picking all the low hanging fruits from the tree that others have planted

2020-03-01 11:36:36 UTC  

It takes little intelect

2020-03-01 11:37:41 UTC  

theyre winning by default, not through some sort of struggle

2020-03-01 11:58:18 UTC  

The interest of Turkey and the Globohomo agenda line up on this one. The loser is the European people.

2020-03-01 12:14:27 UTC  


2020-03-01 19:36:14 UTC  

@Larry They're "based" from their own standpoint, but for the West, they're an enemy. They're doing what's good for Turkey, but that's bad for us. There won't be any working together.

2020-03-04 01:52:24 UTC  

What's the best argument that can be made against the Nazis from the Right?

2020-03-04 01:55:25 UTC  

Nazis are egalitarian

2020-03-04 02:12:09 UTC  

Heh. How so? Their nationalism?
Also, is there anything for me to gain from reading Schmitt, as a reactionary?

2020-03-04 02:12:13 UTC  
2020-03-04 02:15:27 UTC  

Yeah, nazi nationalism was basically national egalitarianism

2020-03-04 02:29:28 UTC  

They failed. At least when we larp it's for a civilization that lasted like 2000 years or so.

2020-03-04 02:30:36 UTC  

they were big on equality of opportunity. Everyone gets sent to public education. High inheritance tax. Abolition of aristocratic privileges.

2020-03-04 02:32:14 UTC  

Inheritance tax is fucking gay

2020-03-04 02:32:32 UTC  

They were progressives. Believed in whig history. Hitler praised the Enlightenment revolution. Killed priests.

2020-03-04 02:34:01 UTC  

@Tome_Enthusiast Schmitt is ultra based. Every reactionary whether traditionalist, neo, or romantic should read him.

2020-03-04 02:35:40 UTC  

Do you have a off @Pseudo-Analysist

2020-03-04 02:35:42 UTC  


2020-03-04 02:36:09 UTC  

I don't think so, let me check

2020-03-04 02:36:32 UTC  

I have his writings on war

2020-03-04 02:36:49 UTC

2020-03-04 02:36:51 UTC  

War is based

2020-03-04 02:38:30 UTC  

> They failed. At least when we larp it's for a civilization that lasted like 2000 years or so.
@Skellington Bringing up the fact that they failed will only get you a lecture on the astronomical odds they were facing, and bringing up actions, like the Anschluss or the pursuit of pan-Germanism in general, that made the situation worse will only result in appeals to the Polish suppression of the East Germans and Hitler's repeated attempts to treatise with them and the other powers.

2020-03-04 02:42:17 UTC  

Though I agree. There are better models of civilization to ape.

2020-03-04 02:44:08 UTC  

also franco, also salazar. probably some others that i left out. after these fascist dictators die the countries just get assimilated into liberalism and use the fact they used to be fascist as a beating stick against them

2020-03-04 02:44:21 UTC  

@Pseudo-Analysist Discord hasn't been letting me download PDFs for whatever reason. Could you DM it to me so I can try again later?

2020-03-04 02:45:22 UTC  

@Skellington I agree, but he tries to use Franco as a bludgeon against me, since I prefer him to Hitler. As well as Dollfuss, though that one is harder for him to try and spin.

2020-03-04 02:46:40 UTC  

Almost as if the succession problem is the crippling weakness of the ideological equivalent of an emergency immune response. It's a hold until something better can be established, not an end of itself. Hence why the Austrians had the right idea.

2020-03-04 03:53:30 UTC  

The fascist dictators dieing and their countries going progressive is not really an good argument either. That could happen to any nation in the current world we live in. Monarchies by and large are just as pozzed these days. Plus someone could make the case for communism by pointing out the fact that the eastern bloc nations collapsed and became more nationalistic than all the more progressive western states.

2020-03-04 04:41:25 UTC  

Which my buddy does.

2020-03-04 04:50:29 UTC  

@Tome_Enthusiast The post-war narrative of Hitler as the ultimate evil is from the perspective of the Jews. That's where the left gets its moral legitimacy. However, Hitler was also bad for Germany and the rest of Europe. He put them in a war that they lost and made bad decisions for his own prestige and not the wellbeing of Germany.

From an ideological perspective, my opposition to National Socialism is that denies the imperfect nature of man. It tells people that they are the ubermench and that all their problems are the result of the JQ or some other outside force. It created egotistical and unbalanced individuals who ended up destroying the very thing they claim to be fighting for because they couldn't accept their own faults. Same can be said for NatSoc larpers today.

2020-03-04 04:50:56 UTC  

Also, the Third Reich was cringe and gay.

2020-03-04 04:52:48 UTC  

How cringey and gay though?

2020-03-04 04:56:10 UTC  

> The post-war narrative of Hitler as the ultimate evil is from the perspective of the Jews. That's where the left gets its moral legitimacy. However, Hitler was also bad for Germany and the rest of Europe. He put them in a war that they lost and made bad decisions for his own prestige and not the wellbeing of Germany.
> From an ideological perspective, my opposition to National Socialism is that denies the imperfect nature of man. It tells people that they are the ubermench and that all their problems are the result of the JQ or some other outside force. It created egotistical and unbalanced individuals who ended up destroying the very thing they claim to be fighting for because they couldn't accept their own faults. Same can be said for NatSoc larpers today.
@Endeavour Nice. Thank you.