Message from @ExceptionalFeather

Discord ID: 467371935362449418

2018-07-13 14:28:05 UTC  

Mothers side via mitochondrial DNA, fathers through Y chromosome

2018-07-13 14:29:31 UTC  

My two cente: genetics is real and racial differences are real. If you deny this, it'll end poorly, as you can only deny reality so long before it bites you in the ass. But genetic differences do not and should not mean treating one person, or one group of people, with less respect and basic dignity than another

2018-07-13 14:30:10 UTC  

Depression is overrepresenter in northern european genetivs but we don't say that white people are emotionally inferior to others, eg

2018-07-13 14:31:25 UTC  

Most ironically for people who bring up the bell curve, the same data in TBC that shows a white/black iq gap also shows an asian/white and jewish/white iq gap but rwcial supremacists aren't going around talking about how jews are actually the master race.

Because iq doesnt define the worth of a human being

2018-07-13 14:32:59 UTC  

Also ive been pointing this out for years to no avail, but TBC spends like five pages saying "some people have lower intelligence than others and its genetic so this will never change" and five hundred pages saying "we need to help them, bc if we expect the same from them as we do more intelligent people, we will force them to live a life of misery and thats cruel and evil". But everyone ignores this part

2018-07-13 14:33:30 UTC  

wait wut

2018-07-13 14:34:05 UTC  

Wut which part?

2018-07-13 14:34:21 UTC  


2018-07-13 14:35:27 UTC  

The bell curve. Charles murray book. Widely considered to be hateful racial supremacist content because of a fiveish page digression where he points out different races have different average IQs

2018-07-13 14:38:53 UTC  

its still racist, i mean isn't that the soft bigotry of low exceptions and implying we need to "whiten up" the black race? i mean, isn't that the only way to help with genetic differences

2018-07-13 14:39:05 UTC  

The actual main thesis of the bell curve is:
1) IQ is an accurate measure of general intelligence
2) general intelligence is genetic and largely fixed; you cant really change it through eg education
3) iq is normally distributed, along a bell curve
4) american society is extremely good at filtering people by IQ, via the university system
5) this has the effect of taking the smartest people from every community out of that community
6) those smart people end up all in the same high-IQ bubble where they're all happy but ignorant of the reality of the rest of society
7) the resulting brain drain on other communities ends up leaving those less intelligent folks who are left behind in a poverty trap
8) this creates a de-facto caste system
9) this is oppressive to the lower castes (aka dumb people)

2018-07-13 14:39:36 UTC  

He was mostly advocating for... Actually I don't remember his proposed solution.

2018-07-13 14:39:57 UTC  

abolishing universities or IQ filtering?

2018-07-13 14:40:10 UTC  


2018-07-13 14:41:02 UTC  

closed borders? because taking away high iq people from other countries makes them worse?

2018-07-13 14:42:40 UTC  

The ultimste irony is that what the book said about african americans is almost exactly the same as what SJWs say about african americans. The only diff is that SJWs blame "structural racism" and Murray blames "genetically low average IQ"

Arguably if you build a society that assumes (for example) that everyone is 120+ IQ this is actually structually oppressive to lower iq people

2018-07-13 14:42:57 UTC  

I'm curious what percentage of the population lives in a 20 mile radius of a university

2018-07-13 14:44:15 UTC  

I wonder if Murray would support affirmative action for low IQ.

2018-07-13 15:12:22 UTC  

Why would that help if he believes it's largely genetic?

2018-07-13 15:25:00 UTC  

according to wikipedia the only concrete policy recommendation they make is "stop implicitly subsidizing lower class people from having tons of babies, because it's lowering the nation's collective average IQ"

2018-07-13 16:49:12 UTC  

Affirmative action would be hypothetically to prevent the mentioned poverty trap.

2018-07-13 16:54:57 UTC  

Or, simply force everyone with a low IQ to preform manual labor.

2018-07-13 16:55:54 UTC  

Though technically speaking, IQ scores are rising by about ten points a decade and the average keeps having to be repositioned

2018-07-13 18:05:12 UTC  

you can actually influince average inteligence of a population of a relitively short period of time but relitive is many generations. its kinda obvious that on average african americans test a higher iq than their counterparts in africa. they are in an envirnment where intelegence has become a sexually selective trait for them, atleast before 40 years ago. not only that we highly suspect that the ashkanazi jewish population of europe represents a group of people whos inteligence increased at a rate disproportionate to all other european populations surrounding it in just 1500 years.

2018-07-13 18:07:19 UTC  

i am curious, anyone here for more gun control, i just want to find another viewpoint..

2018-07-13 18:08:31 UTC  

i think @I AM ERROR has mentioned an interest in guncontrol in the past

2018-07-13 18:12:24 UTC  

@Dugamar very recently that rising has stopped. Nobody knows why.

2018-07-13 18:15:34 UTC  

Genetics can change pretty quickly in some cases. It takes around 13 generations for a species living in safety to lose instinctual fear of predators

2018-07-13 18:17:45 UTC  

But it is possible that they never lose that fear too. For example cats are afraid of cucumbers because they see it and identify it as a snake even without ever encountering a snake.

2018-07-13 18:18:56 UTC  

schedrevka might be referencing the mouse utopia

2018-07-13 18:19:41 UTC  

I think that's a differen't level of instinct. Like a jump scare vs actually having something in front of you

2018-07-13 18:20:21 UTC  

I was talking about a study that was released this year

2018-07-13 18:21:52 UTC  

Look up Japan's rabbit island for a real life example. They were kept their for ww2 chemical experiments and then released when the scientists left the island. They come back a decade later, and the rabbits are EVERYWHERE and now you can go there as a tourist and lay down in the park and they'll walk all over you hoping for treats.

2018-07-13 18:22:02 UTC  

jeez, 13 generations to stop fearing Hollywood tycoons?

2018-07-13 18:30:43 UTC  

@Zuihou depends on what you mean by that 😄

2018-07-13 18:33:45 UTC  

ok, current gun control laws, do we need more or less?

2018-07-13 18:34:13 UTC  

or 3rd option?

2018-07-13 18:35:55 UTC  

first of all you need your current ones to be actually enforced, than you need them to make fucking sense.

2018-07-13 18:36:13 UTC  

That sounds about right

2018-07-13 18:36:45 UTC  

pretty much same line of thought..

2018-07-13 18:37:09 UTC  

You can tell how politicized it is based on how little the proposed solutions reflect the problem