Message from @Grenade123

Discord ID: 402887173969281025

2018-01-16 09:38:08 UTC  

so basically the argument relies on the assumption that someone that claims biological sex is real assumes they mean humans can only be male or female

2018-01-16 09:40:16 UTC  

and because genetic defects that break the usual male/female classification exist (i don't think anyone denies this) that means the entire classification itself is flawed

2018-01-16 09:46:33 UTC  

the article injects gender expression into that by 1. attacking the science that these people follow in an extremely condescending manner. 2. implying people that think genetics is a factor in society racist/sexist (by showing someone that believes africans are less intelligent by genetics)
3. emphasizing the complexity of biology and making the assumptions of the other side seem naive because they don't have the bigger picture (while not actually showing the bigger picture and relevant research)

2018-01-16 09:47:21 UTC  

now here's what i think

2018-01-16 09:47:37 UTC  

the classification of male/female is extremely useful regardless of the presence of edge cases

2018-01-16 09:51:20 UTC  

there is an extremely high correlation between all of the factors involved, most obvious being that men produce more testosterone regardless of the culture which has many observable effects that we can actually measure by injecting people with testosterone, have penises, don't have boobs, have narrower hips, etc

2018-01-16 09:53:41 UTC  

this might seem obvious to you all but not to the people that wrote that article

2018-01-16 09:57:18 UTC  


2018-01-16 09:59:08 UTC  

the only ones I give creedence to are the trans folks who have undergone hormone treatment and had surgery, and the hermaphodites

2018-01-16 09:59:39 UTC  

I guess they really want the definition of gender to change

2018-01-16 10:18:10 UTC  

technically speaking, science recognizes 5 different sexes, in terms of sexual dimorphic species. That said, not all sexually dimorphic species have all 5 normally, and all 5 are some combination of male or female.

2018-01-16 10:20:02 UTC  

6 if you count a genetic condition where the person never really develops their sexual organs.

2018-01-16 18:01:37 UTC  

geez just saw tims latest video. i have been saying for years gender doesn't exist and no one listens to me.

2018-01-16 18:01:45 UTC  

thank @Timcast

2018-01-16 18:09:47 UTC  

encourage that anyone can be any gender until gender is no longer a label they can since it will be the same as saying individual.

2018-01-16 18:10:34 UTC  

Pretty much.

2018-01-16 18:13:24 UTC  

i think male and female in mammals are only useful in so much as you produce sperm or eggs respectively.

2018-01-16 18:22:41 UTC  

well that's not the only reason male and female is useful. There are plenty of reasons to have it. with seahorses, males do the parenting and are relied upon for their strength and defensive abilities. With Lions, males are required to protect a pride, they do the marking as females aren't born with the glands necessary to mark territory. With some troops of monkeys, males are needed to care for children while the females go and find food. even in Fish, Cichlid males are needed to create the volcanic looking structures that the females use to lay eggs in because they don't have the muscular build to make it for themselves. female turtles are the only ones that are strong enough to drag themselves to land to lay eggs, female crocks are designed to be able to guard their nests without food for two months or so without dying.

2018-01-16 18:22:42 UTC  

but that is biological "gender" and thats transphobic /s

2018-01-16 18:23:37 UTC  

believe it or not, male and female gender in mammals goes well beyond just for reproduction, evolution for a vast number of species has made it so that if one gender goes out, the other won't survive without it

2018-01-16 18:24:46 UTC  

actually, everything you listed was JUST FOR reproduction.

2018-01-16 18:25:00 UTC  

There is a reason that different medications affect men and women differently.

2018-01-16 18:25:23 UTC  


2018-01-16 18:25:26 UTC  

that said, its not just for giving birth. it includes getting the offspring to adulthood

2018-01-16 18:25:31 UTC  

I doubt marking terriroty is reproductive lol

2018-01-16 18:26:03 UTC  

whats the point of marking territory?

2018-01-16 18:26:24 UTC  

to stake claim on food, water, shelter, saftey

2018-01-16 18:26:28 UTC  

To create a territory that outside invaders will avoid so you can safely foster young.

2018-01-16 18:26:41 UTC  


2018-01-16 18:27:50 UTC  

its a secondary sex characteristic for scaring off other males, which will steal his girls and kill his young, and some predators.

2018-01-16 18:28:33 UTC  

animals mark terrirotry outside fo breeding season

2018-01-16 18:28:35 UTC  

everything related to sex genes is focused on biological advantages to that species reproducing.

2018-01-16 18:28:49 UTC  

>steal his girls

2018-01-16 18:28:50 UTC  

Of course, I would consider food, water, and shelter to also be a part of that purview. They're both equally important, as you cannot foster young without those, either.

2018-01-16 18:29:03 UTC  

they mark it so that they have a food supply, a water supply in dry seasons and that they have a safe place to reside.