Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 554731682599796756

2019-03-11 18:21:15 UTC  

Personal Income Tax Rate in Denmark is expected to be 55.80 percent by the end of this quarter

2019-03-11 18:21:21 UTC  

Sure, but they also have stable economies and social programs

2019-03-11 18:21:28 UTC  

But 50% of my salary would be huge and I'm not really rich

2019-03-11 18:21:28 UTC  

Where is the money going?

2019-03-11 18:21:35 UTC  

All these tax dollars

2019-03-11 18:21:43 UTC  

Ah, the commie shows himself

2019-03-11 18:21:43 UTC  

they're going to pay the loans to the IMF

2019-03-11 18:21:50 UTC  

Begone commie

2019-03-11 18:22:00 UTC  

2019-03-11 18:22:04 UTC  

I mean if your taxes go to social programs that's kind of what they're used for

2019-03-11 18:22:18 UTC  

China has no social program

2019-03-11 18:22:23 UTC  

@Kittys Again, why zimbabwe economy plummeted do you know the reason?

2019-03-11 18:22:23 UTC  

Their value can be argued but that's what they're supposed to be collected for

2019-03-11 18:22:31 UTC  

Literacy rate in North Korea is higher than the US

2019-03-11 18:22:38 UTC  

Zimbabwe had inflation, which is a tax

2019-03-11 18:22:40 UTC  

What's Africa's excuse?

2019-03-11 18:24:52 UTC  

You can’t compare $1,000 USD to $1,000 African monies. They’re not equivalent.

2019-03-11 18:25:12 UTC  

You have to look at what the money can buy, called purchasing power, of each economy.

2019-03-11 18:25:28 UTC  

purchasing power parity

2019-03-11 18:25:32 UTC  

I make $55k a year now in the US.

2019-03-11 18:25:39 UTC  

@Kittys That was the only reason? Not that they butchered their own economy when they got their "freedom" or exiled every white farmer that was feeding them there right?

2019-03-11 18:25:46 UTC  

What would that get me in Greece vs the US?

2019-03-11 18:26:11 UTC  

well they had a bloody civil war prompted by european and communist powers but that's like half of africa

2019-03-11 18:26:17 UTC  

At least you grasp the word, but it seems you lack the understanding.

2019-03-11 18:26:43 UTC  

@Kittys And your point on the civil wars?

2019-03-11 18:26:47 UTC  

How many my country had

2019-03-11 18:26:54 UTC  

how many dictatorships we had

2019-03-11 18:27:03 UTC  

how many we got devasted by foreigners

2019-03-11 18:27:08 UTC  

civil wars tend to remove things like infrastructure and forward planning

2019-03-11 18:27:08 UTC  

and we aren't even on that shit level of africa

2019-03-11 18:27:39 UTC  

Germany destroyed most of our infrastructure and we didn't even get enough to fix 50% of it

2019-03-11 18:28:09 UTC  

ottomans siphoned most of our gold reserves

2019-03-11 18:28:14 UTC  

germans the same on WW2

2019-03-11 18:28:18 UTC  

The Ottomans were weird

2019-03-11 18:28:25 UTC  

Why did Africa have those civil wars?

2019-03-11 18:28:33 UTC  


2019-03-11 18:28:34 UTC  

we had 2 civil war even among our freedom fight against the germans

2019-03-11 18:28:40 UTC  

because they were locked in a bitter feud between western and communist powers

2019-03-11 18:28:49 UTC  

Ah, blame the west

2019-03-11 18:28:52 UTC  

Of course

2019-03-11 18:29:04 UTC  

Wait wait boy