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like tf



2021-01-02 22:20:52 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #vc-chat]  


2021-01-02 22:21:05 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #vc-chat]  

marxists pwned....

2021-01-02 22:21:19 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #vc-chat]  


2021-01-02 22:21:28 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #vc-chat]  


this is true

tho calling giuli a narcissist id reckon isnt as much as an insult to him lmfao

wait Hakim is gonna debate Vaush?

this is gonna be horrible lmfao

looks cool

what building is that

what are they saying


this is gonna be interesting probably

Looks great

what the fuck

i swear reddit needs to be fucking burnt

based as fuck

oh no....

oh god its another leftnat


Its still going on holy shit

statement of truth

Umberto Eco's definition is so cringe

fucking retarded liberals believe it

ya basically

i argued with some commie who used it

absolute pain

Some libcom in a friend group im in posts him sometimes


terry was chad

Epstein-Terry connection

how often do they post it

yes basically

i havent seen the videos since i wont fucking bother with his retardation

its prob shit ppl say 10000 times

what do his arguments boil down to

pretty true


waiting for it to happen

which is when


4 hours

The offer has been made

i fucking cant holy shit ahahha

The glow is so much LMFAO

the account is unironic i think since the actual account is recently made and has almost no followers

on insta the account name is "Memeguy8234"

zero posts up as well



damn if feds are draining im gonna become a fed



2021-01-04 00:08:10 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #vc-chat]  


2021-01-04 00:08:21 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #vc-chat]  

isnt anarchopac a troon

2021-01-04 00:08:28 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #vc-chat]  

prob deserves to be sent to a gulag

2021-01-04 00:08:57 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #vc-chat]  

ya so lmfao

ill dm

average r/atheism phenotype

what the

the article i found that image from



feds are draining


2021-01-04 00:25:31 UTC [Kiel Kanal Politics #banter]  

massive cope

if i successfully sodomize @Jacques de Chan give me mod <:emoji_22:793822836404781066>

they dont run at a deficit but they devalue domestic labor if used too extensively

thats why u enslave outgroups outside of the country

not even that having domestic forced labor in outgroups you move in devalues ur host labor

so u should locate that shit to a foreign area or whatever

if you wanna maximuze efficiency you're better off having forced labor outside of the core territory unless you have excessive efficiency and its redundant

ya true but even then the point of forced labor is moreso to put the outgroup out of any real organizational capacity

yes i agree

who said slavery was bad lol

The point isnt long term labor anyway, its to windle down their numbers while putting them to some use

id say the purpose of forced labor more so is to dwindle down their numbers while making some use of them - it may not be profitable short term but if theyre eradicated long term you can move in your own people and develop it like that

im not saying it ISNT

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