Ben Garrison

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The UN. But we all know itโ€™s horseshit

Dead wrong

Such as?

The first time in 2012 the UN investigation found no evidence that regime forces used chemical weapons and many strongly suspected that rebels were the ones using gas

And why would Assad use chemical weapons now on the brink of victory - the one thing that would turn the entire international community against him? Is it not curious how the more desperate a situation the rebels find themselves in the more these supposed gas attacks occur?

Not to mention the fact that the latest โ€œattackโ€ was reported solely by the White Helmets, an organization with known terrorist connections and a track record of lying and producing fake evidence

A NATO member producing evidence that suits NATO goals should be doubted heavily.

I do not know. If I had to guess it was a token move to show heโ€™s not weak and that he backs up his rhetoric with force.

Thereโ€™s nothing especially demonic about NATO in particular. Itโ€™s just a matter of cui bono.

Thatโ€™s a gross oversimplification of international politics but sure.

Agreed, attacking Syria is a bad move

Dropping a MOAB on Florida would be pretty great

Because Iโ€™m an American? I donโ€™t understand what Brits have to do with Trump

The uniform is NSDAP not British, and Florida is only โ€œSouthโ€ geographically.

A true error

Itโ€™s soul crushing torment every day.

White flight is inexcusable


Iโ€™m guessing Kentucky

Knew I shouldโ€™ve gone a bit more north

TN. Every Southerner knows itโ€™s spelled yโ€™all or if youโ€™re lazy yall

Best option given the circumstances. He was the only one campaigning on not getting involved in Syria, being tough on immigration, not getting involved with TPP

Oh wow I had no idea that Kushner was a Jew

Isnโ€™t he looking at making a bunch of bilateral arrangements with TPP countries instead of joining in a multilateral fashion like it was meant to be?

Melania is white.

Iโ€™d rather see haplogroup data and mtDNA

Of Western vs Eastern Europeans

Post the genetic maps

I know, itโ€™s a poor meme attempt if you donโ€™t post the genetic maps

Yep, white

Depends what sort of โ€œWhitetopiaโ€ it is. Iโ€™m not a pan-European dipshit like Spencer. Ethnostates arenโ€™t one big blob of a hundred different languages

To do what?

What are you talking about, leave?

Sure can

Repatriation of nonwhites

True, but neither did the NSDAP in the early 20s. Itโ€™s amazing how things can change given the right circumstances

Many of them are already Israeli citizens, it would be a pretty seemless transition for them.

No of course they donโ€™t want it, but say the US does go National Socialist and deports nonwhites, Jews would by far be the best ones off as far as reintegrating into their new country goes

Thatโ€™s where they wanted Israel, not my problem

It didnโ€™t though

Typhoid in addition to starving

You sound a bit upset. Do you have some Yid blood?

In a camp setting where lice is a problem, typhoid outbreaks will occur yes

You do know typhoid is transmitted by lice right?

If that fanfic is even true

Testimonies from torture are rock solid and never made up

You say total safety as though there hasnโ€™t been an international manhunt against former Party members since 1945

Is sarcasm your default fallback?

Iโ€™ll take that as a yes

A lot were also executed for misbehaving

Their property being collected by the state is totally fine.

How is that degenerate? Brutal perhaps but degenerate?

Nah, they were the good guys

A villain, not THE villain

I didnโ€™t expect to surprise you.

This was the conversation you wanted to have, Iโ€™m not gunning for any โ€œgotchaโ€ moments.

Not really the case. I voted for Trump, I didnโ€™t vote Republican.

Nor would I identify as belonging to the Republican Party

If only

Slovenia is Baltic now? Curious

Yeah which is why I said โ€œIf onlyโ€ instead of โ€œHeil Trumpโ€

Like I said earlier, he was the best option given the circumstances

Those accusations come from people who are playing by the same rules as Democrats - racism is evil and Nazis are the ultimate villains. Itโ€™s noise and doesnโ€™t even address the core of what makes Soros a villain figure.

Hex is implying that I should support Hillary because Soros is allegedly a Nazi (false) and owns Hillary (partially true)

I donโ€™t remember his exact account but if I recall correctly he went around helping identify some Hungarian Jews or something in order to blend in and avoid suspicion of being Jewish himself. Which you can accuse him of being a coward and traitor to his own people by aiding Nazis but not that he himself was a National Socialist, thatโ€™s just silly.

Thatโ€™s like calling Kapos Nazis

Do I need to say โ€œhe was the best option given the circumstancesโ€ for a third time or are you deliberately ignoring that because youโ€™re not interested in arguing in good faith?

Cruz was the most likely candidate to beat him in the primaries so itโ€™s not entirely irrelevant

Cruz wouldnโ€™t have won against Hillary though. Theyโ€™d be playing by the same rules as always. Trump won in no small part due to rejecting established conventions

Lol itโ€™s a pointless complexity if youโ€™d rather live in a country that wants to rob white land owners of all their property

Donโ€™t get me wrong I like Cruz to an extent

Ok, Hillary is white. Good eyeballs

Which is why she was campaigning against racist, sexist, white America right? Just because sheโ€™s a cynic and selfish means itโ€™s a-okay if the policies she champions are anti-white as long as she doesnโ€™t really believe in it deep down

Because sheโ€™s a weathervane and thatโ€™s the direction the wind is blowing

Itโ€™s like Martin Oโ€™Malley said during the primaries, โ€œPolls.โ€

When did I ever imply it would be that severe or violent?

Please point out what made you think I implied that

I was talking to An Elbow, the South Africa


If youโ€™ve been paying attention to recent events that is a problem facing South Africa lately


Very much not

He was making a little jab at our politics so I made one at his, a bit of banter. Understandable that youโ€™d confuse it for me saying Hillary wants to confiscate white land so I donโ€™t hold the confusion against you

Correct, white South Africans should be coming back home

Come home white man

No, we conquered it totally. South Africans did a half assed job

Being relegated to certain scraps of land is as conquered a people can be without being totally annihilated


In the same way that it would be okay to exterminate them to the last man if they try

As long as itโ€™s ethnic violence with a peaceful resolution in mind. The violence is a means to a just end, not a just end in itself.

No permanent world peace, no. Thatโ€™s fruitless idealism

Nice leap

2018-04-26 22:50:01 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

He means me.

2018-04-26 22:50:22 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

Oddly frustrated for someone begging for debate

2018-04-26 22:51:18 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

If I had to guess he has some personal beef with National Socialists, otherwise getting so worked up about a political ideology is pretty bizarre

I never even mentioned โ€œcrime genesโ€

2018-04-26 22:52:14 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

There it is

2018-04-26 22:52:33 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

Lad itโ€™s in the name

2018-04-26 22:53:38 UTC [THE TRUMP REPUBLIC #general]  

National Socialists are still โ€œconservativeโ€ in the social sense of the word. Really the only thing not conservative is the rejection of total laissez-faire capitalism

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