Charlemagne MD

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Ah ok cool

@Nicklis - OH why don't you buy the riot shields of Amazon for the sake of unifromity

Lmao it's a sugestion

And 16 year old who has had 3 violent altercations with antifa thus far...

It's a suggestion Raph last I checked we can all give those

What are your thought on the don't tread on my flag?

I'm talking about the kind that nordfront uses

I personally like the ones that the Ukrainian police had during maidan and azov and right sector stole


It's just a suggestion Raph take it easy

@WASP-VA no I do not... I've got a sheild made out of Baltic birch... But I'm looking for one like thay

I was with @Stormer DC and his brother and we got involved with 20 plus antifa I had bricks and shit being thrown at me it may have saved me from teh hospital

Some of the three percent militias are pretty based

Raph has a helmet got taken off and thrown at me along with his sheild lmao



@Stormer DC plz expose him

"The truth fears no investigation"

I think There's a good chance Nathan will sue

He's built a great image and I doubt he's gonna take any bullshit


How is that loyal Knights of the Kkk in the FBI?

I see

Are they big to any extent

I'm thinking of bringing it just because it's a revolutionary flag

And we are *true* revolutionaries

I'll take a look

Wait a facses?

Will duke be there?

I agree

I counter signal tiki torches because we should have real torches. M

Meanwhile vanguard and the DC pilots had a great event with the suidlanders Ie is busy being frats and pull a stunt that gets busted in 5 mins only to later delete any video of said stunt

@JacksonSmith - PA/TX say what you want but "unite the right" is useless if it remains a slogan rather then action.

@here anyone have a good live stream of the klan rally. I want to do a analysis of events as a preview for August.

Their low energy af


@DavyCrockett start the stream boiii

@MadDimension what are the odds of Tim pool, Lauren and Luke coming. It's shaping up to be a berkley of the east

@MadDimension dude I was in DC today and there where some commies with plain red flags using little black kids to run around with them and shit

@1Robertelee#8245 im in Rockville as well... Expect news to break.

@Americana - MD banner drops are the next step at this point

@1Robertelee#8245 where you get that helmet from

Same lol

Delete post!

He's not comming tho from what I understand right

Can't join voice?


@HipToTheJQ vanbrit got flags right

Vanguard knows a good band


@MadDimension vanguard has members in the pa militia we could do some networking

Well I have been meaning to get a kolovrat tatoo done...

@Stormer DC glad your redpilling your mom I'm proud of you sir

@1Robertelee vanguard is not focused on normies... Yes we'd like to look good but the fact of the matter is they'll view almost anything as rascist.

That's why the IE/vanam duo is so good... You get them redpilled and then you can ease them into actuall solutions .

<@&322241134355283969> are y'all down to make some banners? I'm planing on making 3 for vanguard and y'all can make 2 or so. I'll try to provide some of the materials but I'm hoping it will be more of a potluck... But uh were going to be making high power nazi assault banners, so hopefully some materials will be brought. DM if interested! Let's make this good!

@ManWithTheHand for both the rally and for banner drops along road ways.

@Hand Banana that video is sick man. If I where in Michigan is join y'all... And vanguard lol. But seriously good fucking work. Also those flags are siiiiccckkk

Not sure how Ie will take to those symbols

Like Stephan bandera?

Watch out @Hand Banana Erika will show you again!

Clear the waters lol

Tell them about ur tattoos๐Ÿ˜‚

2017-07-17 00:15:36 UTC [Charlottesville 2.0 #news]  

@Herrenvolk - MD link to that interview?

Dude after we got jumped we where joking about Raph taking bus shirts off and showing his tatoo


Nothing we didn't know


It sucks here

And don't u worry it will be in wv to soon

Snake flag is fucking amazing

You'd be able to make some monney if you got in contact with Agustus

They even got whif of the banner drop in Austin... Little do they know DC has a bigger one planned

Tag him in Twitter or somthing idk @VasilistheGreek

@VasilistheGreek novorussian sonnernad

Goat fucking Isis flags are all the rage in poland

Nsm is not the optic Kessler wanted tho

That ain't the least of it @wyatt

Check his twitter

There has been berkely style brawling

As faggoty as the proud boys are they stood their groud

They ejected Steve ott the local leader from what I'm hearing

Aint gonna lie it's pretty fun

I'll be honest if one guy has a sheild he can take on 20 antifs easy


I've been in 2 brawls with antifa in the last year they wolnt Engage unless it's at the very least 5-1


Word of advice; don't under estimate your enemy, as faggoty as they may be they have been training lately and Philly antifa is pretty radical and they will be there

Wrong emoji @Fashy Frog

I believe this is the correct one๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป

I used to be in that server can't find it...

Nvm I see it, just a weird logo. I can't see any of the chats tho

Oh ok

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