Joseph Stolen

Discord ID: 531085798460751874

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Yeah we know what hapened there

Go to the main part

God was very active long before

He helped jews

He made floods

And stuff

But what happened next?

So god left us

Cuz we were bad

Not we

Our ancestors

He would have saved all the jews from hitler

But he did not

How many people died in prc

How many people i killed

God is dead

And we killed him

I am the soviet union

I purget tons of people

But i am nothing compared to mao

He killed hundreds of millions

Did god stop me?

Lol wut?

Frick me

Thats not right

God is wrong

Hes just playing with us

Wanna see a lifehack?

Just write a dit at the end

How the?






While almighty god was just watching

How millions die

I will just die

Ok now

What is the spirit?

Ah so since animals have no spirit

Their lives are worthless

What if i tell you that many animals like apes and parrots have the mirror neurones

That means that they are not just bads with meat

They are self cauntious

They can as well

They are just way dumber


Ok now


Im back

I wrote this for atheism server, hope i didnt make mistakes. English is not my primary language

Theres certainly isnt a giant invisible white man hiding out in stratosphere. The creator of universe that controls everything. in fact i think that this idea is a result of the same egoistic thinking that is large part responsible for slow destruction of the planet. for if man is made in the image of god and god made planet ultimately for man and man can overpopulate planet and plunder it for all of its resources without consequences. as long as they mumble things every weekend in a special building. of course there are people that meet in those buildings simply because of communal ritualistic aspect as it serves them as a kind of comfort. and can be a way for people to feel a connection with smth higher than themselves. but it certainly does not require all of that hierarchal, patriarchal, dogmatic crap. Much of that can be explained by people attaching importance unto certain texts almost purely of the law of their antiquity, how convenient it is that most answers come from one source that tells you everything you need to know over your entire life and for remainder of human existence. a lot of that coms down to fear. fear allows people to make god of almost anything. Money is a form of god to many people. Because greed is a fear of a life with a lack of possessions and power. Certain institutions also play the role of god for many people and thats why they get away with so much of violence, especially against those they fear, usually only because of completely arbitrary differences in physical appearance. People let that institutions dictate the sense of morality because they dont want to be responsible for their own thinking of actions. And theres nothing these institutions cant stand more than people's awareness of your own innate freedom to think it out for themselves. Unfortunately this works for many centuries, but we can still do our part by being ignorant of it


No comments till u read it all

No u did not

How can u read so fast?

Read it again then


But u wont

They r ded

Why wouldnt they?

So the meaning of life is to get to heaven

I can learm stuff without god

U can help people without god

Personally i believe in basic moral principles

I do not need god

I am

Im good without god stuff

But i will go to hell

Cuz i dont believe in god

I dont know where yall have read that

Was there bible 2?

They like bicyles

God is a bit gay according to marx

How old r u?

Miss emily?


Very informational

He he


I like bread


Bread and cheese

Have a commie night

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