Malcolm the Seceder

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Buy for years right wingers vote tory because they're scared into it by the prospect of a Labour goevernment but whats the point of socialism/liberalism light with the tories?

Yeah but for some reason Theresa May has decided to surrender. Snatching defeat from the Jaws of victory as Ann Coulter would say :)

If Corbyn gets in we're headed to SA

Yeah she's a traitor. She got Nerkel's approval of the chequera deal before she even showed it to the cabinet


I hear ya!

JRM would be my choice.

End our fake democracy and have him as our new Fuhrer... I mean PM for life :)

Check out videos

It's funny cause it's right ๐Ÿ˜‚

The belief that Christians should only marry within their own tribal, ethnic group

Um, I think it's best to stick to one's own group but I wouldn't make a rule about it.

Depends who you ask.

I think they use the commands to the Jews not to intermingle as their basis

Yeah. If someone of an ethnic minority is a true Christian I'm less concerned about intermarriage. But I wouldn't encourage it

I mean generally

Well I doing believe in free will per se

Nope. But as for marriage I would probably raise my children to value continuing their own people. But as I said an exception here or there doesn't concern me too much

I would say no to marrying outwith the faith.

"She's the one in the veil"

@Conscious Caracal @Daniel van Straaten we need a book channel now! This MUST happen




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So this is what it's like out in the real world?

@Daniel van Straaten No we don't. We sell nothing to do with men dressing in skirts

Owen Jones is a fag.

Joyce Meyer is a total fraud

@TruthCanary just another fake out for herself duping all those poor gullible fools. She has no idea what true religion is

And then she says things like "get tattoos, drink whatever you want, do whatever you want because it's just legalism not to"

@TruthCanary thanks will have a look. Do you have Netflix? Are you aware of the Wild Wild Country documentary on the rajneeshees

@Daniel van Straaten She's excellent. Have you read her Secret Thoughts?

@Daniel van Straaten Hmmm I'm not a Libertarian though

Liberal on social issues like drugs, sex, alcohol, smoking, beards

I would be closer to Pat Buchanan

But we're also talking in a religious context. There should be no libertarianism in religion

Except where the Bible gives it

@Daniel van Straaten What sort of things do you chat about on that forum?

I like Ayn Rand

She's a fire breather :)

Nope what's the thesis?

I like Ayn Rand more because she's so extreme and absolutist not so much her extreme libertarianism

The anthem for the freedom movement?

@Shiver That is my submission!


@Graeme the Guerrilla Were you listening to Michael Knowles? On his show yesterday he quoted that passage

@rob That's a good point. One finds quite a lot of paganism amongst White Nationalists. That evil is not the remedy. There was a lot of occultism in the Nazi movement and that, I'm convinced, was central to its demise. Yes the church today has fallen very low and seems very wishy washy but the answer is to return unto the Lord not turn away from Him further into total spiritual darkness. 2 Chronicles 7:14

@crazyBoer Yeah out in rural areas they have loads and loads of congregations with thousands of people each

Evening in Scotland (Ayreshire):

@$P!KY\/!k!NG The Nazis were not Christians. Occultism was rife in that movement. Positive Christianity is not Christianity: it was developed as an alternative to Biblical Christianity. One does not need to make up weird paganistic religions to want to promote one's own culture. That motivation is from Satan who seeks to draw us away from Christ.

@KoninginTanja I haven't no. Worth a look?

@rob Wagner was magnificent. The pinnacle of Western art

The Good Samaritan teaches that one's neighbour is one in need. The Jew and Samaritans were not the same: they were bitter enemies. That's the whole point

I know the text. We had a sermon on it on Sabbath. Blacks are descended from Ham. Jews from Shem. Gentiles from Japheth. That's the old way of understanding the differences between the races

In the wild it is dog eat dog:

Hehe would you like vanilla or chocolate flavour?

@Willem Petzer Willem what is that guy even on about? Is he saying Wolfie didn't write Mein Kampf?

What's wrong with being an Anglo-Saxon?

Yeah totes. I was just joking. White is white. Except if you're Liberal. Then you can go live in the jungle with your beloved animals

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