Jake the Exile

Discord ID: 194840668114255872

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moar poners

moar poner

commit ||goblin test pilot||

16 year old emo is not the look

Rarara wouldn't do that


sunhat and boop nose

I don't think that the earbuds would be compatible or comfortable in pone floof

Poner needs special listens

So no one metoo's us by saying this guy said so and so ten years ago in discord

No Kizuna AI? I'm disappointed

That whole no u and we didin't even see this


I'm so disappointed that we went the whole way and that didn't pop up

2019-07-11 10:24:07 UTC [Athens #tholos_general_news]  

No is "lewd"

why do I keep hearing Bane's voice when Muten says something

No, planned obsolescence is when you decide from the start when to cut it off strategically so you can force your customers to buy things on your own schedule.

Planned obsolescence is like what Apple does

They sometimes make a sort of warranty or promise "we'll support it at least X many years so you can feel safe about buying it"

LOts of deep sea things are

I just thought of that the other day

I wouldn't even think about it if Extra Credits didn't use it for all their Nazi imagery in their shitty history vids

I remember when I first had ti explained to me seven years ago by a freaky early adopter

And I'm like

"So you put a foreign program onto your computer, it eats up all your processing power, to do a task that you don't know the outcome of, and are paid in fictional internet money?"

Not if you take up several thousand dollars in electricity to do it

Heat your house with the exhaust from your computer

2019-07-12 03:00:30 UTC [Athens #gymnasium_games]  

My my. I'd love to see a compuner strong enough to show it actually happen.

2019-07-12 03:29:55 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

He's trying to escape the stifling prison of being a male feminist

2019-07-12 03:30:26 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

I've got a gender-neutral word to signify a person

2019-07-12 03:30:36 UTC [Athens #piraeus_politics_news]  

I have several

coke is overrated

try Cock n' Bull

@robert from kinoplex Do we have a fellow man of culture?

There's a difference between can't and don't

We enforce a good deal

What abou tme

Can I strangle people with my own hands

You can't tell me what to do with my hands to another distinct human life

We throw people in prison for what they do with their bodies all the time; particularly their penises.

Less than a hundredth of one percent of babies are rape babies

@Polekov Nah dude you don't get it. Out of 10 thousand abortions only 3 are due to rape. What are the rest of the abortions for then?

Do you expect a one-year-old to order pizza?

It can't fend for itself as a toddler either.

Babies need constant attention for years.

Who decides that?

Again, that exception doesn't apply to 99.97 percent of CURRENT abortions.

How is that the baby's fault>

Your exception doesn't apply in a country with soup kitchens and five churches in every town

Do you know what a church is?

Do you know what charity is?

@Polekov You're saying that murdering children for personal gain should be legal because babies are too stupid

Someone needs to get this man a video of an ultrasound-assisted abortion and let him watch as the baby struggles against the implements and tries to swim away as it's cut apart

@Polekov The argument is that anything that isn't born yet is a fetus and thus not worth considering as human.

Oh yeah, being a responsible mother is such a punishment.

@Polekov But you said it doesn't matter as long as they're rape babies

The entirety of the "mercy killing/ future potential" argument is all backwards. The mother's purpose is to raise a child. That's her career. That's the career of billions of women and she should be entitled to nothing more. It's the child's future that has the most value, and literally always has. If you divert women from motherhood the line ends there.

Men have careers, to support their families. If women take careers and kill their children to maintain it, they won't have a family to support.

Smoked salmon is goood

Aladdin wasn't the worst

Will Smith was not a bad genie

I don't like how the whole movie was just Rogue One extras with six months of tan

What are we gonna do? They're killing off the one race that can actually make stuff like the originals.

@Goodwood of Dankโ„ข You sir need some new material


@Goodwood of Dankโ„ข That's the tenth time you've posted that they'll get you for spam


They'll just have to teach the teachers not to lie

Or maybe people will just form communal private schools

Because the public schools will be overcrowded anyway

And they'd all just meet in someone's house like people used to

Including your food?

That is sad, that is symptomatic of not being happy in the process of eating food. She probably has some sort of dieting/vegetarian mother who taught her children to hate food, because that is NOT the natural reaction kids have to ice cream.

Too big

Kids at least have a primal positive reaction to food and a natural positive feedback loop when eating something enjoyable

Something is severely wrong there if she expects the food to eat itself

It sounds like a parent projecting motive on a kid who wasn't in the mood for ice cream

@Wardaddy Winston They want to be nice to everyone.

They do that by giving away everything for free, including their country, which was not obtained for free.

They can't afford to give everything away for free, especially if we enshrine giving things away for free as a human right.

Then we'll have the entire world wanting to parasitize off of us instead of building their own countries and their own houses.

But to people who have never had to build a house, or never had to pay taxes, they think that all the good things we have are free.

More so the certain group of mean jealous commies have it in their heads that because some people did some bad things a couple centuries ago, and their actions directly led to the greatest nation on Earth, that all the good things we have are not deserved and we SHOULD give it all to them and the other poor people who never deserved anything....

And that giving things to these poor people excuses and covers up all the bad things someone else's ancestors may have done.

And the people who genuinely want to be nice to everyone are compelled by these commies to give away everything their ancestors fought for and built up through unique ingenuity and skill.

If those poor people had the ingenuity and skill that we graciously presume of every American, they wouldn't need our help.

Woah, this is 2018 in here

It's 1:30 where I live so


I love that

I was just trying to give a reason for why other people were gone

The morlocks are up

I've got a daily quest reset at 2 so my sleep cycle revolves around it

Probably a bad idea since that's when all the tryhards are up but with the hotfixes being the way they are I can't afford to wait and lose out before they nerf the rewards again

I like you

You're so much better than that other guy who literally has five images he uses for everything

Single meme guy had a fuckin silver bullet of a meme

It was perfect

I'm just waiting for some Bibleman to come up

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