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2018-01-23 03:00:28 UTC

BIOPOLITICS - A political project oriented to a people's biological and demographic imperatives.

---Biopolitics is a policy devoted to the long range preservation and improvement of a people's biological germen. (Eugenics)

2018-01-23 03:07:02 UTC

BORN LEADER - A creative personality imbued with a historical vision of the world.

---History is the fertilization of a people's passive soul by the active soul of its born leaders.

2018-01-23 03:08:48 UTC

BOURGEOISISM - The mental characteristics of the petty bourgeoisie, extended to the whole of modern society irrespective of social class.

---The modern petty bourgeoisie or middle class dominating present-day society tries to be 'trendy', but betrays an extraordinary conformity. It's both the target and the principle actor in the ideological/intellectual establishment of the reigning soft totalitarianism.

2018-01-23 03:12:21 UTC

CHAOS, ETHNIC - A historical situation in which people or civilisation loses its ethnic basis due to the mass immigration of aliens.

---Ethnic chaos was a factor in the decomposition of the Roman Republic and Empire, Pharanoic-Egyptian civilization, and many ancient Greek cities. Europe is presently in the grip of a colonising settlement by overseas peoples. A civilization disappears once it loses it original ethnic basis. It becomes a patchwork quilt in which any idea of city, community, and destiny is impossible.
Ethnic chaos signals the pure and simple disappearance of a people and a civilization - and of true democracy - as all the classical Greek philosophers warned.

2018-01-23 03:13:48 UTC

CHAOS, POST-CHAOS - Chaos is that state of disorganization and anarchy affecting a collectivity of any sort, once it's beset by catastrophe. The post-chaos is that phase when a new order is reconstructed on the basis of a revolutionary, metamorphic logic.

2018-01-23 03:14:51 UTC

CIRCULATION OF ELITES - An expression of the sociologist Vildredo Pareto to designate the process by which elites are renewed, new blood brought in, and incompetence shed.

---The circulation of elites requires a principle of rigorously selecting the best and most deserving, in a word, it's an 'intelligent inegalitarianism' founded on justice. The selection of elites, like the notion of aristocracy, is based on principles of freedom and competition: 'The best wins.'

2018-01-23 03:20:26 UTC

Apologies can't do voice right now. Hope the discussion is going well the metapolitical dictionary has been a pleasant read.

2018-01-23 03:20:50 UTC

CIVIL WAR, ETHNIC - The grave and foreseeable confrontation between native Europeans and the alien colonizers, mainly of Afro-Maghrebian origin - a confrontation that threatens to break out in France and Belgium early in the Twenty-first century.

---It's only the outbreak of a real civil war that will resolve the present problems of colonization, Africanization, and Islamization - the greatest tragedy in European history and one which completely escapes the perspicscity of her 'elites', who are either blind or enemy collaborators.

---It's only when their backs are against the wall, faced with an unavoidable emergency, that people find solutions that in other times are unthinkable.

2018-01-23 03:21:15 UTC

---Conditions for civil war are still not quite ripe, given the apathy of Europe's anesthetized population (anesthetized by market society and various guilt-inducing ideologies.) These conditions will soon ripen:

1) Once the state starts falling into the hands of Afro-Maghrebian and Muslim 'communities.'

2) Once the degradation of the people's economic situation (provoked in part by the aging population) is compounded by a conspicuous increase in Afro-Maghrebian criminality, as it reaches unsupportable levels and is linked to more and more pronounced alien conquests of the national territory. One never revolts when the shopping cart is full.

---It's all a matter of reaching that stage where the population clearly sees the danger. There will be no European rebellion until Afro-Maghrebians hold power and are seen thus as oppressors and occupiers - not until the economic catastrophe resulting from immigration and demographic decline breaks out. This is slowly beginning.

2018-01-23 03:21:22 UTC

It's going well. Hopefully you can join us soon. We'll be reading more books in the future, so you'll have plenty of chances.

2018-01-23 03:21:52 UTC

COLONIZATION - The occupation and permanent installation of a people (or several peoples) on another people's homeland. This term is preferable to that of immigration.

2018-01-23 03:27:47 UTC

@Praetorian if you type out what you want to say, I'll read it.

2018-01-23 03:32:36 UTC

COMMUNITARIANISM - The doctrine that diverts and disfigures the notion of 'community.' Of American origin, communitarianism is a doctrine advocating the cohabitation of different ethnic communities within the same society, each with its own laws, imaging that harmony between these different communities is possible.

---The communitarian doctrine and those who defend it are, objectively, complicit with ethnic colonisation and Islamic invasion.

2018-01-23 03:33:38 UTC

COMMUNITY, COMMUNITY-OF-A-PEOPLE - A group whose organic bonds are animated by sentiment of belonging, homogeneity, heritage, and wanting to live together and share the same destiny.

---The community-of-a-people is organically subdivided into encompassing sub-communities: nations, regions, towns, clans, families, etc. True democracy, in the classic Greek sense, is only possible within such a communal context.

---The community-of-the-people - given that solidarity, social justice, freedom, security, defense, and the transmission of values are possible within it - operates with at least a minimum of ethnic unity and a sense of innate belonging.

2018-01-23 03:33:55 UTC

Thanks for the discussion! Have to duck out. Phone call. Nice hearing from everyone.

2018-01-23 03:34:21 UTC

@SamanthaM thanks for joining! We'll be doing another discussion next week!

2018-01-23 03:37:15 UTC

COMPETITION - The clash of living-forms for supremacy and survival.

--- Competition affects every domain of existence; it's observable between individuals and between groups. Communal solidarity is the sole element mitigating its harshness. I'm blunting the individual's egoism, it's goal is to ensure the superiority of the comminity over other communities.

2018-01-23 03:38:27 UTC

CONCEPTION-OF-THE-WORLD - The ensemble of values and interpretations of reality - implicitly or explicitly distinct to a specific human group - whether a people, a civilization, a family or thought, political or not, a religion, etc.

---In the European, Western universe, there are two opposed conceptions-of-the-world. The dominant one, issuing from Judaeo-Christianity, is egalitarian, individualistic, and cosmopolitan. European paganism, can be called inegalitarian, communalist, and ethnic.

2018-01-23 03:39:55 UTC

CONSCIOUSNESS, ETHNIC - The individual or collective consciousness if the necessity to defend the biological and cultural identity of one's people, the indispensable condition for the longevity and autonomy of its civilization.

---Ethnic consciousness clashes with the prejudices of modern anti-racism and ethnomasochism, both of which afflict Europeans. The dominant ideology demonises ethnic consciousness and equates it with a racist perversion and a will to persecute. Europeans thereby denied the right to an ethnic consciousness, a right which every other people has been granted.

2018-01-23 03:40:39 UTC

CONSCIOUSNESS, HISTORICAL - The consciousness of belonging to a civilization and to a people long inscribed in a distinct history and destiny.

---Absence of historical consciousness will undoubtedly become the tomb of Western civilization, incapable as it now is of envisioning the future or measuring up to the stature of its past - and thus unable to ensure its own survival.

2018-01-23 03:43:40 UTC

CONSUMERISM - Choice of a society founded exclusively on the quantitative dimension of its members' material consumption - to detriment of all other considerations.

2018-01-23 03:46:36 UTC

CONVERGENCE OF CATASTROPHES - The converging lines if civilization rupture that in the course of the Twenty-first century will consume the 'modern world' in a great planetary chaos.

---From this chaos - which will be extremely painful at the planetary level - there will emerge the possibility of a new post-catastrophic world order - the painful birth of a new civilization.

1) The cancerizstion of Europe's social fabric.
2) Factors of social rupture in Europe will be aggravated by an economic-demographic crisis that will culminate in mass poverty.
3) Chaos in the Global south.
4) Threat of a world financial crisis.
5) The rise of fanatical, fundamentalist religions, especially Islam.
6) North-South confrontation, highlighting ethnic-theological differences.
7) The uncontrollable pollution of the planet.

2018-01-23 03:48:22 UTC

COSMOPOLITANISM - The belief that the systematic mélange of cultures is preferable to the identity of each culture - the belief that comes from prejudice that some sort of world civilization is necessary.

---Cosmopolitanism is nothing but a failed differentialism. It's ideal of mixing cultures for the sake of creating a single world culture is essentially totalitarian.

2018-01-23 03:50:45 UTC

CULTURAL STRUGGLE - The defence and creative assertion of threatened European cultures.

---Political struggle is sterile without a cultural struggle to support, accompany, and justify it.

2018-01-23 03:51:31 UTC

CULTURE, CIVILIZATION - Culture is the compass of a people's mentalities, traditions, mores, and values. Civilization is the tangible material expression of the culture, representing culture's practical realization.

---A civilization grows out of a culture's mental and spiritual stock, whose ethnic disposition is largely inherited.

---Culture is the basis of civilizations, but culture also rests on a people's genetic capacity - that is, on its bio-anthropological substrata, it's germen.

2018-01-23 03:52:58 UTC

DECADENCE - The weakening of a people or civilization resulting from internal causes that leads it to lose its identity and creativity.

2018-01-23 03:55:38 UTC

DECULTURATION - The loss of memory and cultural references.

---The dominant ideology wilfully contributes to the present deculturation, to the de-Europeanization of youth, because it wants to detach youth from their roots and cause them to lose their identity, which is reputedly dangerous. Illiteracy, the abandonment of the study of history and classical humanism are well-known examples. The present deculturation of European youth is pursued not for the sake of a superior, more elaborate culture (which was the case when primitive populations encountered Europe's superior culture in the Nineteenth-century), but for the sake of an inferior, massified, and neo-primative culture: that of zapping, video games, tom-tom, degenerate pop art (the opposite of 'popular art'), etc

2018-01-23 03:57:36 UTC

DEMOCRACY, DEMOCRATISM, ORGANIC DEMOCRACY - A political system in which the people is sovereign and governed by its elected representatives.

---Democratism is now a world dogma, but it's a sham democracy, for it neglects the people's interests. Western democracies are actually oligarchies that conceal their betrayal of the Hellenic-Germanic tradition of democracy.

---The people have lost control of its destiny and a disguised totalitarianism has come to control it: in the guise of a false plurality, the parliamentary Left and Right function almost as a single party, dealing with issues only if they are politically correct. That is, only if they serve the interests of the oligarchy and the dominant ideology.

---In Western Europe, the best illustration of democracy's absence is the fact that the established power objectively favor our replacements by non-Europeans, Islamic colonizers, without ever having consulted native Europeans. The people's destruction, it's ethnocide, is indeed programmed by the present pseudo-democracy. This makes it completely anti-democratic, since it destroys what needs conserving.

2018-01-23 03:57:59 UTC

---Should we be anti-democratic? No, we should instead revive the organic democracy deeply rooted in the European tradition. Such a democracy, as the Ancient Athenian political philosophers held, is possible only among ethnically homogenous people.
The notion of allowing aliens to vote negates the very idea of the nation and democracy. The participation of everyone in the exercise of power, in making political decisions affecting the whole, is possible only within human ensemble possessing the same values, memories, and culture. A multi-racial, multi-confessional society can in no case be democratic, since it lacks commonly shared references. Such a society would be endemically oppressive and culminate in a caste system.

---Organic democracy is not egalitarian. It gas need of leaders, ones who serve the people, bit themselves. In the Oriental tradition, which has contaminated us today, the governing elites serve their own interests, their own vanity, their own sinecures. In the European tradition, the leader, the king, the emperor, the elites served their people, being part of it, like the brain is part of the body. Hence its 'organic' character.

2018-01-23 04:00:51 UTC

DESIGNATION OF THE 'ENEMY' AND THE 'FRIEND', 'ENEMY' AND 'ADVERSARY' - The enemy is one who physically poses a danger, who endeavors to eliminate you by making you disappear; the adversary dominates and weakens you.

---Europe's principle enemy at present is the alien, the colonizing immigrant masses, and Islam. Her principle adversary is America, which allies with Islam to weaken and dominate Europe.

2018-01-23 04:01:48 UTC

DESTINY, BECOMING - The way of a people in history or of a creative personality, determined by Providence, will, and capacity.

2018-01-23 04:02:51 UTC

DEVIRILISATION - The declining values of courage and virility for the sake of feminist, xenophile, homophile, and humanitarian values.

---The dominant Western ideology fosters this devrilisation of Europeans, though it doesn't touch the alien colonizers. Homophilia, like the feminist fashion of false liberation, the ideological rejection of large families for the sake of the unstable nuclear couple, the declining birth rate, the preference of photographers for the African and the Arab, the constant justification of miscegenation, the denigration of warrior values, hatred for every powerful, forceful form of aesthetics, as well as the prevailing lack of courage - are some if the present characteristics of this devrilisation.

2018-01-23 04:04:45 UTC


2018-01-23 04:05:05 UTC


2018-01-23 04:05:23 UTC

DISCIPLINE - The regulation and positive adaptation of behavior through sanction, reward, and exercise.

---The anti-disciplinary societies of today are hardly exempt from repression and other, more cloaked, forms of totalitarianism. Repression has merely changed its object and nature. The rigorous of the law, fiscally and punitively, now fall on the 'transparent citizen', but the number of no-go zones keeps expanding, just as delinquency and other criminal activities are increasingly tolerated. Indeed, all kinds of violent delinquencies have grown. 'Hate speech' (i.e., identitarian speech) or 'homophobia' is strictly repressed, as the thought police demand, but drugs are decriminalized, the threshold for urban delinquency is raised, secularism is violated in favor of Islam, terrorists and urban rioters are appeased, etc.
These are the signs of a society whose fundamental values have become suicidal - a society which represses and censors everything that is vital and encourages everything that is culturally and biologically pathological.

2018-01-23 14:16:56 UTC

Very much enjoyed that convo last night lady and gents. All contributions were solid and thoughtful and the level of critical thinking gives me much hope. Thank you!

2018-01-29 23:05:35 UTC

Hey, everyone! Just wanted to update you all that we'll be having our book discussion tonight at 9p EST. Talk to you guys then!


2018-01-30 01:53:51 UTC

@everyone Book discuission will begin in about 10 minutes.

2018-01-30 02:05:14 UTC

I don't have mic, so I have to type.

2018-01-30 02:05:18 UTC

Or switch to phone.

2018-01-30 02:05:20 UTC

No worries

2018-01-30 02:11:03 UTC

Wow JT would be awesome.

2018-01-30 02:16:40 UTC


2018-01-30 02:17:33 UTC

DOMESTICATION - Mental and behavioural submission to a social and ideological system, accompanied by a loss of will and proper judgment, and a physical dependence on material conditions.

-Domesticated man is profoundly attached to the social structures conditioning him, devoid as he is of all revolutionary spirit and historical vision. Whether at the top or the bottom of the social scale, he is a human type incapable of autonomy, the model citizen of our neo-totalitarian age, the modern figure of the slave.

The paradox of the domesticated man is that he has been made to feel that he is an ‘individual’; and indeed narcissistic individualism has become his sole horizon. He’s a little like the artificially bred pig who is force-fed in his cramped cage. The individualism of this domesticated creature, though, actually conceals his submission to the herd’s morality.

2018-01-30 02:19:06 UTC

"Cult of comfort." - Neoptolemos

2018-01-30 02:21:51 UTC

ECONOMISM - The reduction of social and political goals to their economic dimension, characteristic of Western ideologies.

-From the viewpoint of economism, history is explainable solely in terms of economic factors, which are seen as facets of a civilisation’s infrastructure, while cultural, demographic, and other factors are ignored or treated as secondary.

2018-01-30 02:25:58 UTC


2018-01-30 02:26:38 UTC

"It will sort itself out, because reasons"

2018-01-30 02:26:43 UTC

Ah, no.

2018-01-30 02:27:45 UTC

EGALITARIANISM - This central dogma of Western ideologies stems from a secularisation of Judaeo-Christian claims that all men are in essence equal, atoms of moral, political, and social equivalence — and that equality needs to be realised in fact.

-Egalitarianism is the trunk root of the dominant ideology. It is the source of all modern totalitarianisms, as well as the decadence of so-called liberal, democratic societies. It’s based on a pathological refusal to accept the inegalitarian nature of human societies — that is, it’s a utopian revolt against life itself. Egalitarianism derives from Judaeo-Christian individualism — or, said more exactly, it’s a perversion and secularisation of this individualism. We shouldn’t forget, though, that the egalitarian virus is also found in non-Christian conceptions of the world and that Medieval Christianity knew how to protect itself from it

Judaeo-Christianity presupposes that men as individuals are equal before God, that this equality is superior to their differences, to objective inequalities and ethnic attachments. This purely theological and metaphysical view of the world was secularised by the Enlightenment — allegedly ‘anti-Christian’, but in actuality ‘post-Christian’.

2018-01-30 02:37:44 UTC

EMPIRE, IMPERIAL FEDERATION - The political unification of diverse but related peoples under a common sovereign authority, which leaves each individual people autonomous and free.

A federated empire is united, but not blindly homogenised, like the egalitarian nation-state. It revolves around the function of sovereignty, while preserving the diversity of its other functions. Its existence is legitimated by the power and longevity of its peoples, federated within a political and historical community. The empire’s vocation is not to become a ‘World State’, like Islam or the American System, but instead embraces and guides the destiny of those peoples who historically, culturally, and ethnically feel themselves to be part of the same general community.

There’s also a negative conception — a suicidal conception — of empire. This is the model of the late Roman Empire, following the edicts of Caracalla[135] (who granted Roman citizenship to all the Empire’s subjects, whatever their origins); this is the model of Alexander, who sought a single ensemble of Greeks and Orientals; this is also the model of Europe’s former colonial empires, which is today colonising Europe itself. The ethnopluralist, multi-racial model of empire must be rejected, for it inevitably stirs up internal dissension and, ultimately, ends up destroying the empire’s founding stock.

2018-01-30 02:43:18 UTC

that's my water boiling

2018-01-30 02:43:21 UTC

sorry lol

2018-01-30 02:44:20 UTC

Yeah I had the flu 2 weeks ago too.

2018-01-30 02:46:04 UTC

ENROOTMENT - Attachment to a land, to a hereditary heritage, and to an identity that is the motor of all historical dynamism.

Enrootment opposes cosmopolitanism, cultural mixing, and the ethnic chaos of present-day civilisation. The concept, however, is ‘slippery’, because it easily leads to certain misunderstandings. European enrootment is never an attachment to the past or to immobility. Instead, it links the ancestral heritage with creation. It shouldn’t be understood, then, in the way a museum has us understand it, which neutralises a people’s identity by freezing it in nostalgic memory. The notion of enrootment complements that of ‘disinstallation’, explained above. Enrootment is the preservation of roots, based on the knowledge that the tree must continue to grow. Roots are what live: they engender the tree and permit its growth.

2018-01-30 02:51:56 UTC

ETHNOCENTRISM - The mobilising conviction, distinct to all long-living peoples, that they belong to something superior and that they must conserve their ethnic identity, if they are to endure in history.

Whether it’s ‘objectively’ true or false doesn’t matter: ethnocentrism is the psychological condition necessary to a people’s (or nation’s) survival. History is not a field in which intellectually objective principles are worked out, but one conditioned by the will to power, competition, and selection. Scholastic disputes about a people’s superiority or inferiority are beside the point. In the struggle for survival, the feeling of being superior and right is indispensable to acting and succeeding.

2018-01-30 02:59:42 UTC

ETHNOMASOCHIM - The masochistic tendency to blame and devalue one’s ethnicity, one’s own people. Ethnomasochism comes from shame and self-hatred.

It’s a collective psychopathology, provoked by a concerted propaganda campaign to make Europeans feel guilty about how they’ve treated other peoples and to make them see themselves as ‘oppressors’. They are made, in this way, to repent and pay their alleged debt. A veritable historical imposture, their repentance, no less, is urged by the churches and the state.

2018-01-30 03:17:19 UTC

EUGENICS - A technique for improving the genetic quality of a population.

Biotechnologies and genetic engineering today furnish the technical and practical means of improving the human genome, not solely for therapeutic reasons, but for political ones as well. Biotechnology now makes it possible to practice a positive eugenics that directly intervenes in the genome to improve heredity, doing so more effectively and rapidly than older techniques based on selection by marriage.

2018-01-30 03:17:43 UTC

Good stuff.

2018-01-30 03:17:50 UTC

Been in favor of it since I was a kid.

2018-01-30 03:18:20 UTC

We did.

2018-01-30 03:18:25 UTC

We had it here.

2018-01-30 03:18:40 UTC

Then we stopped after the Nazis gave it a bad name.

2018-01-30 03:21:04 UTC

Oh you totally have to have abortion for blacks and hispanics and undesirable whites.

2018-01-30 03:35:47 UTC

GENOPOLITICS - Genopolitics[147] (in Greek, genos means race or people), like ethnocracy, is based on the conservation of the genos, on the promotion of the healthy, the protection of the environment, and on the overcoming of the Homo oeconomicus, the commercial society and all forms of mercantilism.

2018-01-30 03:36:01 UTC

GERMEN A people’s or civilisation’s biological root — the core of ethnicity — upon which everything else rests.

2018-01-30 03:37:42 UTC

HAPPINESS, ‘SMALL PLEASURES’ - A secularised version, converted into social and economic objectives, of the heavenly ideal inspiring the salvation religions.

Small pleasures (petit bonheur) for everyone — to satisfy the material demands of one’s living standard — has become the formal goal of Western ideology. But happiness, even well-being, is not to be found in this market of dupes. Never have suicide rates been higher.

Defined strictly in terms of economic and materialistic wellbeing, these small pleasures falsely presume that all human beings aspire to the same ideal of quantitative consumption. This purely passive objective, entailing a people’s domestication, despises the spiritual, historical, and cultural requirements of an individual’s inner sense of well-being. It destroys communal solidarity. It excludes everything that cannot be attained through a certain ‘material level of life’. Its massified individual knows, as such, only anguish and insecurity in a society promising heaven on Earth. The frenzied search for material well-being, socially sanctioned but never attained, is leading to what Konrad Lorenz[151] called the ‘warm death’, which softens and undermines a civilisation.

2018-01-30 03:51:53 UTC

HUMANITARIANISM The professed love of all humans regardless of distinction — and the affirmation of our alleged duty to assist the oppressed, hungry, or ill, etc.

Humanitarianism is a delinquent and disfigured humanism. It comes from a sort of systematic pity for the ‘Other’ and an indifference to the ‘Next’. It’s an exacerbation of what was formerly called ‘philanthropy’ and a hypocritical secularisation of Christian ‘charity’. In this sense, it comes from xenophilia and legitimises, as such, ‘foreign preferences’ that discriminate in favour of aliens. Humanitarianism demonstrates mass support for illegal immigrants and assists victims of massacres and civil wars in faraway places (for which it feels responsible), yet at the same time it’s utterly indifferent to the poverty and precariousness of native Europeans. It’s scandalised by the deportation of Albanians, but not the deportation of Serbs. It condemns Russia’s war against the Chechens, but not the Chechen war against Russia or the AngloAmerican bombing of Iraq, ect.

2018-01-30 03:56:49 UTC

IDENTITY - Etymologically: ‘That which makes singular’. A people’s identity is what makes it incomparable and irreplaceable.

Characteristic of humanity is the diversity and singularity of its many peoples and cultures. Every form of its homogenisation is synonymous with death, as well as with sclerosis and entropy. Universalism always seeks to marginalise identity in the name of a single, unique anthropological model. But ethnic and cultural identities form a bloc: maintaining and developing the cultural heritage presupposes a people’s ethnic commonality. Humanity will not survive the challenges it’s generating if it remains a pluriversum, that is, if it remains a fractious aggravation of profoundly different ethnocentric peoples. Look: identity’s basis is biological; without it, the realms of culture and civilisation are unsustainable. Said differently: a people’s identity, memory, and projects come from a specific hereditary disposition.

2018-01-30 03:57:20 UTC

INVOLUTION - The regression of a civilisation or species to maladaptive forms that lead to the
diminishment of its vital forces.
We are presently endangered by a grave involution, particularly in culture. This is due not simply to
the spread of pop culture, of which America is the principal distributor, but also to the Africanisation
of European culture and to the Islamic invasion. Cultural involution has also been stimulated by the
decline of National Education (40% of adolescents are now partially or completely illiterate), the
regression of knowledge, the collapse of social norms, the immersion of youth in a world of
audio/visual play, the progression of neo-primitivism, the loss of defensive reflexes, etc.

2018-01-30 04:02:10 UTC

Gotta run, later guys.

2018-01-30 04:17:15 UTC

MENTAL AIDS - The collapse of a people’s immune system in the face of its decadence and its enemies.

Louis Pauwels[177] coined the term in the 1980s and it set off a media scandal — for it pointed at a painful truth (in general, the more the neo-totalitarian system is scandalised by an idea and demonises it, the more likely it’s true). AIDS comes from a retrovirus that destroys an organism’s immune system. ‘Mental AIDS’ is an infection of a psychological nature that affects virtually all the ‘elites’ — the political class, the media class, show business, the ‘cultural’ community, ‘artists’, filmmakers — inclining them to oppose the interests of their own people and to advocate degenerate values as if they were actually ones of regeneration. A people, a nation, a civilisation — at the most complex, holistic level — is a living organism. European societies today are menaced by the collapse of their immunological defences: aggressions in this vein are not combated but encouraged. Faced with an evident danger, we’re witnessing a morbid case of anti-opportunity: that is, at the very moment when measures of anti-pathological defence are most needed, exactly the opposite is being called for — which, of course, simply reinforces the pathology’s progression.

2018-01-30 07:01:19 UTC

Mental Aids was one of my favorite terms when I read that book

2018-01-30 18:47:17 UTC

Haha yeah. We were laughing about it last night.

2018-02-06 00:17:50 UTC

Felt like forever to get through those definitions. But the conclusion is worth it.

2018-02-06 00:41:02 UTC

The conclusion is very good

2018-02-06 01:05:09 UTC

@everyone BOTM discussion now, 🅱ois

2018-02-06 01:07:05 UTC

I wasn't able to post on the IE lit club. Is this where we will discuss, "why we fight"

2018-02-06 01:07:20 UTC

Yeah man, hop into voice

2018-02-06 01:07:27 UTC

Stupid mic still no work with Firefaux, so I'm typing.

2018-02-06 01:07:36 UTC

I can hear better on the PC than on phone.

2018-02-06 01:07:49 UTC

So if I decide to rant I can switch to phone.

2018-02-06 01:08:42 UTC

Why Are We Fighting?
Before answering this central question, perhaps it’s worth saying at first who this ‘we’ is. Perhaps it’s ‘you’, despite the superficial labels identifying you with one of the various parties or sects that the present tragedy will not hesitate to sweep away? ‘You’ — despite the misunderstandings that divide us — who intuitively senses the mortal dangers threatening France and Europe? ‘You’ — coming from every horizon and having become conscious of the biological, ethical, political, and spiritual decline of European civilisation and the nations comprising it — who has joined the resistance?

In this respect — and also in defining who ‘we’ are — it’s necessary to repeat that agnostics, pagans, and authentic Catholic or Orthodox Christians must demote their secondary philosophical differences, carry out a return to the real, and learn how to align themselves against the common enemy, who everyone well knows.

2018-02-06 01:09:01 UTC

-- it’s necessary that everyone does his duty and works in his place — devotes himself to constructing a body of fundamental values — against the common enemy — in a network of active,
supple, interdependent, and confederated resistance — present on every front, at the level of Europe — with the aim of concentrating all the energies of the combatants.

--Nothing is lost. It’s completely inappropriate to see ourselves, in the nostalgia of despair, as a rearguard, a last outpost, that struggles with panache for a lost cause. No, we have to see ourselves as the vanguard of the resistance, whose lucid spirit exudes a certain optimism. But let there be no illusion. Victory won’t be won through peaceful bourgeois reform or through the vaticinations of an aesthetic and ‘literary’ libertinism. We have to prepare ourselves for the coming tempest, to harden ourselves — for the sake of attacking, like a cobra, quickly and decisively, once the moment of opportunity strikes. In anticipating this moment, we need now to start arming ourselves — mentally and physically — we need to recruit, to proselytise, to educate, to organise in networks of solidarity and action. It’s simple: let’s model ourselves on our enemy.

2018-02-06 01:09:53 UTC
2018-02-06 01:11:00 UTC

NIHILISM - A profound belief in the absence of all ‘meaning in life’: the annihilation of superior values; a cynical, dispirited tendency to despise the principles of action, even to believe that they no longer exist.

2018-02-06 01:12:38 UTC

"Nihil" = "nothing" in Latin.

2018-02-06 01:12:44 UTC


2018-02-06 01:16:34 UTC

Nihilism (from the Latin nihil, ‘nothing’) characterises an era when everything has become equivalent, when all authentic sense of the sacred has gone, when the principal preoccupation is consumerism and immediate materialism. Vitalist values (related to the conservation of a line, the defence of a land, the communal spirit, concern for future generations, the perpetuation of traditions, aesthetics, etc.) collapse for the sake of a dissimulating ethic of false values (the humanitarian, anti-racist, democratic vulgate, pseudo-social or ecological discourses at odds with the facts, etc.). Nihilism is the direct offshoot of the bourgeois spirit — obsessional, egoistic, and calculating. The system’s dominant preoccupations, similarly, are short-term financial gain, the maximisation of profit, and the exclusion of every other consideration, even those of health.

2018-02-06 01:19:10 UTC

@SamanthaM I think it may be a reflection on us growing up in the great recession and student debt and employment instability as well

2018-02-06 01:19:32 UTC

@John O - tell her how to say it

2018-02-06 01:19:35 UTC


2018-02-06 01:19:49 UTC


2018-02-06 01:19:53 UTC

you mirin'?!?!

2018-02-06 01:19:56 UTC

ORDER - Order is the basis of every creative civilisation, because it disciplines man’s anarchistic animal nature through its political and cultural harmonies.

Order is unacceptable if it’s not disciplinary, educative, selective — if it’s purely repressive in service to a frozen elite. Any notion of order needs, though, to be treated with caution, for it can be stimulating or enervating, a source of vigour or of sclerosis. There is no order without a project, without enthusiasm, without a movement. Order is not simply repressive (the American syndrome), but a form of support, an attraction, a disciplined constitution of a common ideal.

2018-02-06 01:20:46 UTC

PEOPLE - An ethnic ensemble — biological, historical, cultural — with a territory, its fatherland, in which it is rooted.

‘The people’ — the very term is suspect to the cosmopolitan Left, which sees it as bordering on the politically incorrect — is not any statistical ‘population’; it’s an organic community embracing a transcendent body made up of ancestors, the living, and their heirs. Though marked with a certain spirituality, a people is diachronically rooted in the past and projects itself into the future — it’s submerged in biological and genetic matter, but at the same time it’s a historical, and spiritual, reality.

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