
Discord ID: 682471359833833498

56 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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2020-03-01 13:50:08 UTC

Nobody has posted anything in here so Iโ€™m assuming yโ€™all all eating dick and scared to admit it

2020-03-01 13:50:41 UTC

Chow time for the food pics?

2020-03-01 13:50:45 UTC

I dont understand

2020-03-01 13:51:01 UTC

Yall wouldnt appreciate it if I posted dick pics lol

2020-03-01 13:51:14 UTC

I assume idk I didnโ€™t make the group I just saw it was empty

2020-03-01 13:51:21 UTC


2020-03-01 13:51:36 UTC

2020-03-01 13:51:44 UTC

My son's eggies

2020-03-01 13:52:02 UTC

He already shared with the dogs so he's finished with it

2020-03-01 14:18:18 UTC

Coffee. Because we didnt throw tea in the harbor for nothing.

2020-03-01 16:23:04 UTC

2020-03-17 11:15:48 UTC

2020-03-17 20:49:53 UTC


2020-03-17 20:53:16 UTC

2020-03-17 20:53:18 UTC


2020-03-17 20:53:58 UTC

Ew .....taxes

2020-03-17 20:54:33 UTC

You spelled theft wrong

2020-03-17 20:54:54 UTC

You spelled extortion wrong

2020-03-17 20:55:27 UTC

But muh roads

2020-03-17 20:55:28 UTC

Theftortion? ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ‘

2020-03-17 20:55:57 UTC

bUt MuH fReEdUmBs

2020-03-17 20:56:37 UTC

It's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it - carlin

2020-03-17 20:56:45 UTC

WhY yOu No VoTe!?!!!

2020-03-17 20:57:07 UTC

From the rooftops? Not time yet.

2020-03-17 20:57:16 UTC


2020-03-17 20:57:18 UTC

Lol.....i wish

2020-03-17 20:57:25 UTC

2020-03-17 20:57:45 UTC

Choo-choo motherfucker LoL

2020-03-17 20:58:06 UTC

Damnit...i laughed too hard at that

2020-03-17 20:58:21 UTC

Muh gwauk 40
Dis muh problemnsolva

2020-03-17 20:58:53 UTC

Shit wrong chat

2020-03-17 20:59:00 UTC


2020-03-17 20:59:14 UTC

That revolver looks .. odd. I can't place what my brain thinks is off though...

2020-03-17 20:59:30 UTC


2020-03-17 20:59:34 UTC


2020-03-17 20:59:40 UTC

Yee yee

2020-03-17 20:59:54 UTC

Something for the hallway

2020-03-17 21:00:09 UTC

Get a gwalk

2020-03-17 21:00:46 UTC

I got one. But since the world is going to shit I hooked muh wife up with it

2020-03-17 21:00:53 UTC

Good sense.

2020-03-17 21:00:55 UTC

Dis muh backup

2020-03-17 21:00:59 UTC

Give her the good gun.

2020-03-17 21:01:12 UTC

Well shes a good girl and deserves it

2020-03-17 21:01:26 UTC

Ill be aight with dis backup

2020-03-17 21:01:38 UTC

I told my wife if there's a firefight she is stuck out of the fire zone with my brother and mother while me, my dad,uncle and grandfather kick some ass

2020-03-17 21:02:09 UTC

Grandfather is a democrat, but i doubt he would roll over for looters.

2020-03-17 21:02:15 UTC

My wifes a better shot than me with pistols.

2020-03-17 21:02:41 UTC

I have not had the chance to test her ability to fight.

2020-03-17 21:02:49 UTC

But she's pregnant.

2020-03-17 21:02:51 UTC

But she can't hit anything with a rifle to save her life poor thing

2020-03-17 21:02:59 UTC

Yeah no combat training

2020-03-17 21:03:38 UTC

Iโ€™m pretty good at shooting with an axe

2020-03-17 21:03:42 UTC

Every single male in my family can shoot decently.

2020-03-17 21:04:10 UTC

Buddy let me borrow an ak for a week or so while hes out of town

2020-03-17 21:04:47 UTC

Sounds good.....i got some AR parts and hope that the rest can get here before complete shutdown.

2020-03-17 21:05:06 UTC

I won't be able to get all the parts though.....gotta get diapers and a car seat.

56 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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