
Discord ID: 639286073045942282

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2019-10-31 02:15:51 UTC


2019-10-31 02:16:03 UTC


2019-10-31 02:20:51 UTC

Thanks pull

2019-12-19 20:47:38 UTC

CHAOS ERRUPTS IN RUSSlA AT FSB HQ https://youtu.be/arlxdsPB-pA via @YouTube

2019-12-22 02:21:30 UTC

I don't know how else to say this but PRE THE BIG BANG!
I know John and have spoken to him he is legit and if I were you I'd follow him on Twitter!


2019-12-22 02:22:42 UTC

๐Ÿ‘† ๐Ÿ’ฅ ๐Ÿ‘†

2019-12-22 03:31:49 UTC

That's exactly what I posted @sly the huntres

2019-12-22 03:34:54 UTC

@Aussie Patriot I listen to it twice! I hope this gets out quick. God speed

2019-12-22 03:36:20 UTC

Yes about to do the second round of listening....I needed time to gather my thoughts

Was this the gift for Christmas or the grand awakening? Dark to light that Q and team have all been leading to?

2019-12-22 03:36:51 UTC


2019-12-22 03:37:06 UTC

It's close to it....

2019-12-22 03:39:26 UTC

When I was sent the link as it was recorded I felt it needed more of a BOOM to make ppl listen and watch it hence my tweet....we need to get the attention of ppl due to the length of it.
I didn't personally feel that the description in the video was strong enough to make ppl sit through it and grab their attention....if you know what I mean hahahaha

2019-12-22 03:40:35 UTC

no, I didn't get what you felt from it.

2019-12-22 03:40:51 UTC

along those lines I had watched this when it came out in 2016 https://youtu.be/ndUJl6aNsMA

2019-12-22 03:44:38 UTC

That's a great video... @4Liberty I have listened to that and yes mind blowing

2019-12-22 06:05:01 UTC

I think Johnheretohelp is a fraud...just my opinion. I heard his story in the beginning and many of his videos and after listening to this... Still feel the same way donโ€™t know what happened with him and Santa surfing but something went down and theyโ€™re not promoting him and say heโ€™s a fraud as well

2019-12-22 14:02:59 UTC

@jakee528 I agree with you. I think it's all BS. Perhaps a distraction manufactured to derail Patriots and Anons?

2019-12-22 14:07:58 UTC

Well for what worth... I listened to all the above video's... The bible tells us that those who follow Jesus will know Gods voice. So true or not... we ALL need to draw closer to God and learn to Listen to His voice.
In the end times many will be lead astray but there is always a choice until you take the mark of the beast... God doesnt not want us to live in fear but to trust and draw near to Him.

2019-12-22 14:12:35 UTC

@KARmA KATส‘ I heard his interviews with Santa Surfing from day one and had all his tweets on alert. Too many reasons to go into why I feel he is not who he portrays himself to be and not even sure what the message he is trying to get out is exactly. It has changed from being involved with RR etc. Just my opinion for all its worth and I don't need John to help me get closer to God.

2019-12-22 14:14:48 UTC

I appreciate you all and your heart for warning people of the evil ways that may be coming our way... but let us not be distracted and allow satan/fear to take our eyes off Jesus..

2019-12-22 14:14:54 UTC
2019-12-22 14:16:58 UTC

@B's Brain Amen! always revert to what Gods word says. In that video he mentions with this technology we wonโ€™t have a choice. Gods word says we will. Use discernment and fact check with the Word.

2019-12-22 14:17:11 UTC

God would not allow his voice to be tapped into or used in such a manner as this person suggests.

2019-12-22 14:23:22 UTC

@KARmA KATส‘ - are u referring tot he video link above "[their] Final Attempt: An Interview With "JohnHereToHelp" :coded:"?

2019-12-22 14:23:36 UTC
2019-12-22 14:23:39 UTC


2019-12-22 14:23:47 UTC

I do not get a great feeling watching it

2019-12-22 14:24:21 UTC

Neither do I, my BS meter goes off, big time.

2019-12-22 14:32:17 UTC

I listened to John's video twice... the 1st time out of curiosity..the second time after putting on Gods Armor and askingGod for discernment... I am convinced that he truely heard something VERY moving... Let us remember that satan comes as an angel of light, he also was the chef musician in heaven capable of making the most beautiful sounds created.. I am convinced that what he heard was indescribably beautiful, but he was
decieved as to the origin...
If the evil people of this world are using it...it is not of God

2019-12-22 14:33:59 UTC

Did ya'll listen to the video that I posted?

2019-12-22 14:34:10 UTC

@B's Brain for some reason when I came into tweet digs I can not longer find chat text or main voice. Any thoughts on why?

2019-12-22 14:34:28 UTC

Who sends @ everyone their opinion?

2019-12-22 14:35:09 UTC


2019-12-22 14:35:24 UTC

@Karl XII exactly

2019-12-22 14:38:18 UTC

Thanks, @B's Brain , I keep it in mind as I watch it later when I get back.

2019-12-22 14:38:45 UTC

@B's Brain we donโ€™t ping everyone except for announcements.

2019-12-22 14:39:33 UTC

Sorry dear

2019-12-22 14:41:34 UTC

Hi @2pulo ๐Ÿฏ I am stuck in the tweet digs section and the chat text and voice entry has disappeared and I can no longer enter voice or see chat text. Do you know who might be able to help me? Thanks

2019-12-22 14:42:17 UTC

You may have collapsed categories

2019-12-22 14:44:52 UTC

I will erase them thank you

2019-12-22 14:47:22 UTC

I didnt mean to offend

2019-12-22 14:49:09 UTC

I have no worries... Iโ€™m protected with my Faraday suit ๐Ÿคฃ


2019-12-22 15:55:28 UTC

Meh John has lost all credibility in my opinion. He's just a slide. He's using a "ghost" phone but having problems with his mic.... I don't use a computer or go on the internet... What about his Twitter account? I won't have to waste a single second more of time on him after this last interview.

2019-12-22 18:31:20 UTC

Nothing but more FEAR Porn! Those who promote this ish, I tend to question greatly. But not just any FEAR porn, URGENT FEAR porn... not my cup of tea besides the nonsense that comes outta that guy is beyond ridiculous if youโ€™ve been doin this Q thing for any length of time. ๐Ÿ™„ yawn

2019-12-22 20:15:45 UTC

I put TRU with โ€œjohnโ€ in the same category, ๐Ÿ˜‚

2019-12-22 20:16:07 UTC


2019-12-25 12:26:53 UTC

@Team Q - 100% concur re: fearporn. It has been so long since I personally took the time to review any of the "talking heads" out there that were a staple shortly after 11/17' - but that is also part of the key here. Pardon the analogy - but consider kayaking. There you are cruising down a river right in the middle- and off to your right you notice another Kayak merging into your main channel off of flow from a tributary. Then another from the left and another and another - All attempting to navigate the larger river - but now with more vessels. All good kayakers... but some entering the stream at different times with different levels of experience. I think that many of us have seen first hand, experienced in real time, and/or even in some cases understand direct references etc... from within the drops. Don't get me wrong... my bs detector still works - but we have to remember others may not know how to turn their's on yet. Not trying to preach and if I totally missed the context of the conversation - please advise and will issue a full retraction... post haste. Cheers & Merry Christmas!

2019-12-31 07:26:26 UTC

@Irshmun thatโ€™s a great analogy. There are also those who were driven downstream and helped into the water to โ€œcatch up โ€œ with those who started before them. ๐Ÿค“ I have lost patience to listen to any of them completely- I have come to a conclusion that most are Cicada bred. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ call me paranoid.

2019-12-31 10:47:27 UTC

Real recognizes real... just as iron sharpens iron.

2020-01-21 00:09:45 UTC

If Russia didn't [hack] the DNC (insider breach)โ€ฆ..
& US INTEL supported Russia [breach] claimโ€ฆโ€ฆ
What does that tell you?
[Mueller][impeachment] all meant to 'slowdelayprevent' the exposure [& prosecution] of their crimes.
Will new articles of impeachment be 'continually' drafted in effort to hold as ammunition to prevent Senate hearings re: [D] party corruption?
Moves & countermoves.
The 'silent' war continues.

2020-01-22 14:31:20 UTC

Twitter erase this from my bookmarks just trying to put it back


2020-03-07 21:25:10 UTC

BBC News - Coronavirus: Dozens trapped as China quarantine hotel collapses https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-51784167

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