
Discord ID: 388687533447315459

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2017-12-08 14:04:47 UTC

@everyone Patrick is going to be making an announcement here soon on the main server about a national initiative to start local fitness and sparring clubs, so please stay tuned. For now, we want to get a head count of organization-wide interest with a view toward localized guys starting their own clubs. If this is something that sounds good to you, please typ "I'm interested" in the <#388684556863012865> channel for now. Please dont chat in there yet because it'll make it more tedious to do a headcount. We have a local sparring club here in our area and it's been a lot of fun.

2017-12-08 14:19:52 UTC

@everyone Sorry I forgot that we donโ€™t necessarily have state designators on our names on this server. Please put โ€œIโ€™m interested - (your state).โ€ If youโ€™ve already replied, please edit to include your state. Sorry for the confusion.

2017-12-08 18:52:21 UTC

Attention @everyone:

I've created a <#388764608762216451> channel. Let's limit <#388502694467207168> to discussion about MMA and martial arts.

2017-12-08 21:18:56 UTC

@here Looks like we have quite a bit of potential. Next stage is to start looking for some leaders. If you have a bit of experience and are willing to lead some local groups, please shoot me a DM.

2017-12-08 21:25:49 UTC

Meanwhile, Iโ€™m gonna make a list of interested people by state.

2017-12-08 21:57:44 UTC

This channel may have been hidden from some members so one more tag to make sure @everyone can see it.

2017-12-09 00:03:20 UTC

Hey @everyone let's keep weaponsposting off of this server unless its HEMA-related.

We don't want screencaps of an IE server showing us talking about tactical knives, guns, etc. -- especially posting pictures of our own.

2017-12-10 21:28:26 UTC

For the MMA clubs, the most important thing will be consistency.

Once we get multiple clubs up and running, we'll have a contest to see which chapter has the longest streak. @everyone

2017-12-10 22:29:54 UTC

@everyone who signed up as "interested" in the <#388684556863012865> has received a DM from me asking your general locality in your state. If you have already given to to me, I have added your name to our map and deleted your post in the channel. If I have DMed you and I'm awaiting a response, I put a little mailbox react under your name in the channel. Once you give me your location, I will delete your post in the channel and add you to the map. When the map is complete, we'll start channels for the guys who are close to each other to try and start up a club.

2017-12-11 13:27:41 UTC

For @everyone participating in the local sparring initiative, we recommend buying the following basic equipment:

1. Mouthguard (I recommend ShockDoctor)
2. 14-16 Ounce Gloves (Everlast sells cheap ones)
3. 180" handwraps (Everlast sells good ones but I like Fairtex)
4. Headgear (Everlast sells cheap ones)
5. Strike Pads / Focus Pads (Everlast sells cheap ones)

2017-12-14 23:37:50 UTC

Looks like we have a few clubs set up already. I want to thank @Deleted User for taking the initiative to get the ball rolling.

Ultimately, it is up to you guys to ensure that these local MMA clubs not only take off, but last more than a few weeks. It's going to take dedication, consistency, and commitment to create lasting MMA chapters across the country.

But I can assure you that sparring with other right-wingers is one of the best ways to enjoy brotherhood and comradery with other link-minded individuals, so it's definitely worth it! @everyone

2017-12-14 23:50:08 UTC

And while I know it's quite cold this time of year...we have to get into the habit of not making excuses.

The guys over at Operation Werewolf have the right idea! @everyone

2017-12-15 01:18:48 UTC

Also thanks to @ThisIsChris For organizing the server and mking it run smoothly and fixing all my mistakes.

2017-12-15 01:29:44 UTC

Very welcome ๐Ÿ˜

2017-12-15 02:49:57 UTC

Speaking of, @everyone, when you start to pick a specific location for your meet ups, reach out to @ThisIsChris and he can set your sparring club channel to private so that you can be comfortable that only people in your club are seeing it.

2017-12-17 17:03:33 UTC

@here Per the boss, if you think youโ€™re in a position to teach some basics in your local sparring clubs, please shoot me a DM. I know some guys posted their experience in the <#388684556863012865> channel, but I confess I lost track. You donโ€™t have to have a ton of experience, just a sound grasp of the basics and a desire to share your experience with our brothers.

2017-12-18 03:01:53 UTC

@everyone If you haven't had a chance, hop in the <#388502404641062924> channel and see how our boy @Nick-NJ crushed it in his powerlifting competition today. Weighing in at 203 pounds, he squatted 518 pounds, benched 353 pounds, and deadlifted 568 pounds. He pulled 590 pounds as well with good form, though the bar slipped from his fingers once he was in the locked position. The kind of dedication, focus, and, frankly, courage it takes to perform at that level serves as an example to us all, and Nick does this organization a great honor by representing Identity Evropa in this way.

2017-12-25 16:03:53 UTC

2017-12-25 16:04:16 UTC

@everyone Merry Christmas from Gainz Santa.

2017-12-27 13:41:46 UTC

@everyone Per @Suomi Stronk "Hey we're doing the Warrior Dash again this summer. Suomi will be in charge of getting things ready and whatnot. It's a 3 mile obstacle course run that's challenging but fun. We'll be doing things afterwards as well." Last year's was in July in Nebraska (and was a total blast). We've created a <#395571432974843915> channel for those interested.

2018-01-04 04:19:48 UTC

Let's give it up for @Deleted User, who earned his blue belt in BJJ tonight!

2018-01-04 04:19:50 UTC


2018-01-11 14:28:35 UTC

@everyone By popular demand, we've added a <#401018789539610624> channel and a <#401018844241723392> channel to the server. @Deleted User (a purple belt) has offered to post occasional instructional videos in the <#401018789539610624> channel, and I'd encourage others to do so as well. @Nick-NJ has offered to give form advice to guys who post pics and videos of themselves lifting, and we encourage others to pitch in as well.

2018-01-13 00:08:43 UTC

@everyone Congratulations to @Deleted User on obtaining his blue belt in BJJ! Accomplishments like this bring honor and credibility to our organization. Congrats bro!

2018-01-15 23:02:10 UTC

@everyone This happened when we still had the old server but it's a huge accomplishment so I wanted to make sure we posted it here. @Deleted User Has obtained his purple belt in BJJ. That belt is where you separate the men from the boys. They say that if you can make it to purple belt, BJJ has really become part of your life and the rate of getting a black belt goes way up. Getting a purple belt takes years of dedication and they also say it's the most fun belt because you're training with guys who are becoming experts in the art. So let's give it up for @Deleted User and the kind of long-term focus and dedication he has shown in pursuit of BJJ.

2018-01-15 23:13:29 UTC

Oh and don't forget to bullycide him into sharing some of his wisdom with us in the <#401018789539610624> channel.

2018-03-12 22:10:52 UTC

Sorry for two @everyone today but thereโ€™s a tough mudder in June in Virginia. Itโ€™s a ten mile course. Gimme a thumbs up if youโ€™re interested and if thereโ€™s enough interest Iโ€™ll start a channel. This is separate and apart from the Nebraska Warrior Dash, which is in July.

2018-05-09 11:30:38 UTC

@everyone This is an official IE server, and all IE server rules generally apply here. I relax those rules so we can discuss self-defense and fighting like the discussion that took place in <#388498895316975618> last night, which is a good discussion. However, saying over-the-top things like "I'd put 3 rounds into him" is not acceptable.

2018-06-03 17:41:18 UTC

@everyone Since the local sparring club channels aren't being used, I'm going to go ahead and delete them. It seems like any sparring/fight club initiative can be coordinated through your local/regional IE groups. However, stand by for an announcement on the national server for anyone who trains in combat sports.

2018-06-03 20:19:36 UTC

@everyone I've reorganized some channels as well and added a <#452929192699363338> channel for you Tour de France nerds.

2018-08-09 16:50:50 UTC

@everyone I'd like to publicly congratulate @Sam Anderson on earning his latest stripe in BJJ. There are only five total belts in BJJ and years can pass between earning each one. Therefore, BJJ instructors award stripes to practitioners in recognition of their skill and dedication at a particular belt, and Sam's stripe brings honor to himself, his trainers, and to Identity Evropa as well.

2018-08-09 20:40:43 UTC

@everyone Another big shout out to @Deleted User for the striking progress heโ€™s made physically over the last year. Ian certainly wasnโ€™t obese a year ago, but the physique heโ€™s carved out for himself in the last twelve months nears the statuesque ideals of western artists. His focus and dedication in this regard is what we deserve from our IE leaders, and what we should expect from one another. As I understand it, Ian has been following the Keto diet and does pushups pretty religiously. Check out his progress in <#388502522286833664>. Heโ€™s truly leading from out front.

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