(DM) Adam NC & Marcus NC & Jesse NC

RocketChat ID: YyWYekBin9cbNHPuk

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Adam NC @PF-609822

@ND - Carter MO will be available on Sunday night at 8 PM to discuss some tips and ideas for the FBI billboard

Adam NC @PF-609822

We should all be there imp

Adam NC @PF-609822


Adam NC @PF-609822

Just to make sure nothing is lost, forgotten, etc. No better opportunity than from them directly. Of course we can (Maybe even should just given his experience, up to yall) have Sam there too for the meeting and/or the actual gameday play.

Marcus NC @PF-983334

Great work Adam we get James in here? I'm sure there he would want to join in on this

Adam NC @PF-609822

I think that might be a little iffy just with how things are up in western carolina. I'm definitely not saying no but given his relative inexperience and refusal to do anything with Jesse along with Jesses comments on James it makes me hesitant to immediately jump on that. Anything that we learn we can always take back to James. However I am leaving this completely up to @Jesse NC because its his area and he has more experience with/knows James better than either of us

Marcus NC @PF-983334

Let's not add him to this chat then, he'll be able to read the precious posts. Why don't we all talk about it after the meeting Sunday, we can all come to an agreement.

Adam NC @PF-609822

Sounds good, like I said I am completely fine trusting Jesse's judgement on this but I don't anticipate him to be in favor of it

Jesse NC @PF-474823

Sounds good

Adam NC @PF-609822


Adam NC @PF-609822
Adam NC @PF-609822
Adam NC @PF-609822

We should plan on the billboard itself being 14 by 48 feet

Adam NC @PF-609822

That means we need to grab a fabric size that should do a good job covering that

Marcus NC @PF-983334

Yeah, if it's gonna be that big - we might have to staple & tape some together

Adam NC @PF-609822

Look at theirs though, it was one full solid thing

Marcus NC @PF-983334

Dang, nice. Maybe we can buy one the right size then

Adam NC @PF-609822

Im SURE we can! I mean hell, clearly its possible. Just a matter of going to the right store, making the right order, or something

Adam NC @PF-609822

Where do you usually get the fabric we use and what exactly is it? I can go ask around

Marcus NC @PF-983334

That's great to hear man. I just got to Lowes to get my banner material. But I'm guessing it something you can order online

Adam NC @PF-609822

What is the material called btw 😳

Adam NC @PF-609822

8 PM EST tomorrow btw @all is when Carter can reschedule

Adam NC @PF-609822

I will be there, you dont have to be but you can be if you want to try again

Marcus NC @PF-983334

Should be drop cloths

Marcus NC @PF-983334

I'll be there :thumbsup:

Adam NC @PF-609822

"We spent about 30 hours cutting 32'' coroplast stencils for each letter of our saying, then an insane amount of math for spacing."

Adam NC @PF-609822

Sounds like they did a TON of work to make it happen, but I know us NC boys can put in just as much so we make an amazing impression

Adam NC @PF-609822

Reminder about the meeting tonight at 8 PM EST btw @all

Jesse NC @PF-474823

8pm not 9?

Adam NC @PF-609822

That is correct

Adam NC @PF-609822


Adam NC @PF-609822


Jesse NC @PF-474823

im not gonna be able to make it

Adam NC @PF-609822

Marcus said he could make it at least so that's good. I get it though, life happens

Adam NC @PF-609822

Not your fault given that this thing at all is a reschedule from Carter not hopping on the other day

Jesse NC @PF-474823

i may hop on at 9 its the day before turkey day ive ggot a party at my house no way i can get on

Jesse NC @PF-474823

fill me in after

Adam NC @PF-609822

Nah no worries bro, honestly I'm not gonna be able to be super active myself until after the weekend. Tonight is the last night I have time before thanksgiving through Sunday lol

Adam NC @PF-609822

I'll make sure Marcus and I listen up well because two heads is always better than one!

Jesse NC @PF-474823

cool beans

Marcus NC @PF-983334

Sweet :ok_hand: :thumbsup:

Adam NC @PF-609822

This time it should be meeting room #2

Adam NC @PF-609822

Liquid nails caulking and three layers of white tape on each seam. also back

Plan for 14 by 46-48 feet billboard

8 drop cloths most likely but can/will adjust as needed

a foot of overlap putting it together

M8 or M13 tape

use sheets of cardboard to walk on the banner without it getting dirty


dump out half the water bottle, twist around middle so you can tie rope

spraypaint water bottles black to blend easier

telescoping ladder make everything black no reflective shit

Adam NC @PF-609822
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Adam NC @PF-609822


Adam NC @PF-609822
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Adam NC @PF-609822
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Adam NC @PF-609822
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Adam NC @PF-609822
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Adam NC @PF-609822
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Adam NC @PF-609822
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Adam NC @PF-609822

Marcus will make his notes look pretty and then we should be on the same page

Adam NC @PF-609822

Another meeting Friday night at 9 PM EST

Adam NC @PF-609822
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Marcus NC @PF-983334

Big Drop PDF - V1 11-24-2021.pdf

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