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Say it with me... nobody. Touches. Salvini

You will never be this much of a chad

If anyone is blackpilled at the election in Sweden, pull your head in and realize that every awakening starts with a single step and hurdles to jump are guaranteed. No one said this was going to be a walk in the park

Alright so the next elections in Europe are in Bosnia, Latvia, and Luxembourg. All in October I believe. Latvia doesnโ€™t concern me since theyโ€™re virtually 100% white and probably wonโ€™t change based on party control. Bosnia is is pretty white besides the occasional Turk. And Luxembourg is just about what youโ€™d expect. Are these elections we should be paying attention to or not?

Latvia has a rising right wing base so thatโ€™s always good. And the AfD is polling fairly strong in Bavaria. What matters now is whether or not the CSU will form a coalition with them

I have no gf good evening everyone

The Tibetans know what itโ€™s like to be suppressed. They know what Europeโ€™s future is if things donโ€™t change

Did anyone see Lindsey Grahamโ€™s little speech. Iโ€™m about to start respecting him more


@ThisIsChris heโ€™s talking about how the GOP actually showed itโ€™s teeth for once and how Kavanaughโ€™s testimony was even more powerful than Clarence Thomasโ€™s testimony

Did anyone see Charlie Kirk getting nagged at by those protesters?

Tfw one of the leading right-wing italian politicians is a weeaboo


Turks are Muslim Greeks!

Off topic but the Greek coalition govt may possibly collapse soon

@Hakujin - CA theyโ€™re in a coalition with the right-wing populist ANEL. ANEL is threatening to leave the coalition over the Macedonia name dispute

@Hakujin - CA ฮฃฮฅฮกฮ™ฮ–ฮ‘ will likely bring in the panhellenic socialist movement or KKE since theyโ€™re both close to them

FACT: more people are killed by falling out of bed than Sharks

We live in a society

Squatting Slav TV always seems to deliver

I think itโ€™s also clever how Russia has a Jewish autonomous region wayyyy off to the Far East of the country

Happy ฮŒฯ‡ฮน day everyone. The day that Greece stood up against invasion

Bolsonaro is likely to win according to preliminary results

Theyโ€™re already celebrating in the streets

Imagine getting stabbed by a communist in the streets. Almost dying in the hospital. And still dabbing on the lefties in the most influential nation south of the US. They tried to kill a noble Brazilian trying to bring his country from the brink of neoliberalism and corruption, and instead they gave life to an absolute chad


holy moly

Yeah the military loves him

If bolsonaro follows through with his promises which Iโ€™m sure he will. I sense the rest of Latin America will follow suit at least to an extent. We are witnessing a domino effect that canโ€™t be stopped

Where my ghost adventures crew at?

Still no gf good evening everyone

Kemp just opened a lead against Abrams

Probably because the black panther party was holding up Abrams signs with rifles on their backs on the side of the road. Bad optics

Republicans will retain control of the senate

And it looks like GA will stay red

Has GA been called yet?

This is literally warsaw right now

Kemp is officially governor-elect

So according to Wikipedia, the Republican Party is now considered โ€œright-wing to far-rightโ€

Whitepill: Slovakia has withdrawn from the migration pact

Does IE use PayPal as a due-paying method? Us Greeks have a history of goofing up finances so go easy on me

Ohhh yeah we use Zelle now right?

Ok gents last question. Who do I send it to in Zelle

@MrDefault thank you fellow white person

Spain rises

They got about 10% in their regional election. More than exit polls suggested

Vox just surged out of nowhere it seems

Zionism is actually better for us because it keeps the tribe contained in Israel rather than in places like Europe and North America.

@josh what I mean is Zionism in Israel is ok. But as far as hijacking other countries. Absolutely not

Can I get a quick rundown on the Khazar theory

@Hakujin - CA those numbers are because it was held in central London. Of course thereโ€™s gonna be more lefties

Did anyone see that the Belgian government collapsed over the migration pact?

Are you guys oysterpilled? Excellent source of selenium and vitamin B12

Oysters with hot sauce will make you burn faster than a billy goat in a pepper patch

Check this out

@ThisIsChris theyโ€™re more worker-oriented from what Iโ€™ve observed, Iโ€™m not sure about their immigration policy but I know a sizable handful of melenchon voters switched to Le pen in the 2nd round of elections. Probably because Le Pen and her party are left oriented economically

Belgian PM has resigned

Lol Jeremy Corbyn is accused of mouthing โ€œstupid womanโ€ at Theresa May. Hes not really wrong

Shooting in Austria

Not sure if terror related

Looks like Catalonians are pissed again

@Sam Southern - TN most Catalan nationalists are left/liberal leaning. Basically โ€œSpaniards out! third worlders in!โ€

Basically. Thereโ€™s a right wing populist party surging in Spain rn as a reaction though

Is it just me or has Belgium been an unexpected source of whitepills lately

An AfD chairman in Germany jut got his head split open by antifa and almost died. Iโ€™d link it but itโ€™s best if you look for yourself

A construction worker ran the assailants off. Who knows what would have happened if he hadnโ€™t have shown up

Antifa in Germany are far more committed and violent than US antifa

Perhaps they were just sending a message. โ€œFight for Preserving Germanyโ€™s demographics and culture and weโ€™ll bust your head open!โ€

So apparently Germany is about to hit a recession

Somebody redpill me on tulsi gabbard. I heard she has a history of praising far-right figures

Sheโ€™s praised the PM of India whose largely considered far-right

The MSM will probably try to knock her out early seeing how sheโ€™s somewhat skeptical of immigration

The Greek government coalition has fallen apart. Vote of confidence expected soon

Parliament votes on whether or not Tsipras remains PM otherwise snap elections will be held

Looks like Britain might get a new PM soon

Huge explosion at Lyon university in France. Could be anything at this point

Thereโ€™s a mayor on the Serbian-Hungarian border that has ordered horseback guards to patrol the fences 24-7, he just formed a new political party as well that broke off from Jobbik

@Hakujin - CA Mi Hazank (our home) they have 4 MPs who abandoned Jobbik

I remember a Russian communist politician got in trouble for encouraging Russians not to race mix during the World Cup. Seems even the OG communists are seeing the light to an extent

What a champ

Speaking of which, EU parliament election are approaching

Right wing populists surging in Spain. Czech Republic paying foreigners to leave. EU parliament expected to shift rightward. Tis a comfy night lads

@Jacob my parents intend on voting this EU election cycle for Greece. Dad is locked in for Golden Dawn and mom is locked in for new right

@fgtveassassin they live here but can still legally vote in Greek elections

Wait does that violate a rule

Ok I deleted it

Well James woods said it not me

Iโ€™ll leave this here

French people being French people

I found this interesting

Literally what did the professor do wrong

Yellow vest protests are hitting Germany now

The only problem is itโ€™s all about diesel fuel rather than rased and bedpilled issues

Giant nationalist rally in Madrid

Calling for the socialist government to step down

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