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@Deleted User We might be getting a neighborhood in Cincinnati

IRL bloodsports

Yes we will be having a fireside for confirmed activists on October 1st, where we will go through all the details, step by step

Remember fam, come on out to Columbus. We need all hands on deck. We're trying something new and it could be huge!

@John Bud - IL No, traps are very heterosexual

Elagabalus, greatest emperor in Roman History, peak chaditude

@Attrition in the desert Nero was a cuck

@Rabbidsith Incels are even bigger cucks

@Rabbidsith Most cucked Roman Emperors

@Rabbidsith Caligula

@Gibson No they were Slavs

So are Turks white?

@Asatru Artist - MD She looks pretty white tho

@Sherlock Not really, they are indigineous Europeans and therefore white. If we are going by skin and hair color than African Albinos must be on par with Swedes

@The Eternal Anglo I don't think Petry is a lesbian. I could be wrong but I think she had a husband or something. A lot of French and German women really go for the butch look for some reason, even though they are straight.

@Bjorn - MD I haven't kept up with the AfD. So I'm not familiar at all with Weidel

@Bjorn - MD I've heard about Gauland, but are the rest of them our guys?

Call me crazy but I really don't see how Kavanaugh cannot be confirmed. There's no evidence to indict him on and at best, it's he said she said. Unless the dems want to blow their entire political capital on this and drag this out until after midterms.

@Max Bianco - NY Then Trump would just find somebody else, probably somebody more conservative.

@Max Bianco - NY It would be interesting to see what the dems would do in that case

@wayne peek I believe on websites where students review the performance of their professors, the bulk of her students described her as literally insane and she was in therapy before all this came out

Speaking of ratemyprofessor, they might have removed all reviews on Christine Blasey Ford

@Wood-Ape - OK/MN The left has gone so completely insane and comitted to burning up all their political capital in a a huge bonfire that I'd bet they'll try.

So do you guys and gals see a blue wave coming in November? I'm pretty skeptical to say the least.

@TylerHess I agree, the dems chucked a huge portion of their political capital into a proverbial bonfire with this whole Kav debacle. It's pretty hard to take them seriously now.

Reality is stranger than fiction, Lindsey Graham of all people<:thinkplant:359034245777457173>

@Jacob I don't see how Kav won't be confirmed unless the Rs do something really stupid like give in to the dems and order an FBI investigation into Kav.

@Jacob I wouldn't go that far, Graham is probably thinking that it is just more politically advantageous to be based right now.

Are they really dumb enough to be talking open and armed resistance on Twitter? Guess we should grateful that they showed us their true colors so openly.

@The Eternal Anglo True but they likely have decent financial backing from Soros and company

Macron is a very strange leader, on one hand he's a total establishment shill on the other hand he is at the very least, worried about overpopulation in Africa and I suspect that maybe, he's pushing African immigration because he wants it to backfire and make people less receptive towards African immigration. Just a thought.

I think Kavanaugh was just the beginning, in response the left will ramp up the anti-white racism even more, especially in between the midterms and the 2020 election

I don't think think we should change the dragons eye logo. But it depends on what type of people we want to attract. Evropa is esoteric but we would attract a much smaller following but more intellectual types people. On the other hand if we changed our name to Identify Columbia or Americana it would be easier to market ourselves and we'd attract more normie tier people.

@Sherlock It's simple and recognisable, what a symbol should be.

@Sherlock Why do you think it's boring? Could you provide an example that would be less boring and more aesthetic ?

@Deleted User I think potentially rebranding is better than forming a new organization and we should keep the dragons eye logo. But maybe change our name to something more American like Identity Columbia and change the color scheme to red, white and blue.

I think rebranding would give us a certain distance from Charlottesville and give us more legitimacy to appeal to the average Conservative and Centrist. But we shouldn't do it to get the media or the SPLC off our backs, we should do it so we can reach our target demographic.

@Asatru Artist - MD It would be an aesthetic change, not an idealogical change. It's not like we'd start accepting based Nigerians if we rebranded. So how is it optics cucking?

@Asatru Artist - MD It would be much easier to attract funding and humam capital if we rebranded. If we think that's optics cucking, we will always be a fringe group.

@Rabbidsith But it might stop conservative outlets from doing it

@Rabbidsith Tucker isn't cucked and Breitbart has a large following that could potentially support us

@Rabbidsith Right but the question is how do we get more power, by getting investors and capital. Which would be much easier if we had a name that was more marketable to the average American and potential investors.

@Rabbidsith By keeping the logo and the Identity part of our name, we wouldn't lose much in the way of brand recognition. Identity Columbia has a certain European and American ring to it that people can get behind.

@Bjorn - MD The capital of the USA is the District of Columbia

@The Eternal Anglo Columbia is a romantic name for America and has a long history of usage here in the US. Afterall our Capital and numerous other large cities and areas are named Columbia.

@ThisIsChris Exactly, plus she'd make a good mascot for us

@Asatru Artist - MD He was in several documentaries

@Grossly Incandescent Not bad, we should definitely use Columbia woman as a mascot though

@Jacob We' d be reclaiming the american name and culture from the civnats

@TMatthews We wouldn't change our idealogy, just our aesthetics so we can distance ourselves from mistakes made in the past.

@Asatru Artist - MD Slippery slope fallacy, it would be aesthetic, not ideaological. By the same logic you could say, not embracing a swastika logo will make us civnats 15 years down the line

@TMatthews It wasn't always like that, for 99% of our history we were an extension of Europe and a European people. Just like the Germans, Italians or Poles. The whole reason why IE exists is so that we can reclaim our birthright and our nation.

@Asatru Artist - MD Right but that can work both ways, if embracing a more marketable name is cucking than using slippery slope logic in reverse, one could say that having s swastika logo would make us idealogically pure and uncucked

@TMatthews Non-whites have always existed in America but they were seperate. Until the very late 20th century. They weren't considered part of our nation just a foreign people occupying our land.

@TMatthews Doesn't really matter if they're 12 or 40 percent. The core genetic stock if the American people still exists regardless. Should Greeks have given up on Greece because it was occupied by Turks. Should the Castillians have given up on Spain because of the moorish demographics?

@TMatthews That's not quite what I was getting at. The point was that if the Greeks and the Spanish had given their nations up and accepted multiculturalism as integral parts of those nations, they wouldn't exist today.

@Eugene of Savoy I can agree to that. I think we should accept, Africans right to maintain a supermajority in Africa, ditto for every other group. We shouldn't exclude non-whites from the broader Identitarian scene. But they shouldn't be members of European and American Identitarian organizations.

I'll be 24 very soon, I feel like i'm a boomer now

Almost exactly a year from today, I've been in IE

If you're below 19, you're also a boomer

Minecraft is for cucks, Fallout 4 is for chads

Chad Fallout player vs virgin Minecraft player

Diet Dr. Pepper ftw

Pie is degenerate, unless it's pumpkin

Most woke take on Macron

@Henrik Ask him why he thinks identity politics are good for jews but bad for everyone else. Also if he's wearing a yamulka, point that out as a symbol of collective identity

In light of the recent beef recall I say, Vegan nationalism when?


Polish American Day when? ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ฑ

@NateDahl76 That's pretty neat, is it commemorating the Polish Soviet War of 1919?

The official mascot of Casapound

@Jacob My family isn't that interesting. Other than the fact that we're related to Angela Merkel potentially

@Asatru Artist - MD Sounds about right, I've lived in Appalachia most of my life and I've noticed the exact same thing

All those Soros bucks and this is the best they can do...not impressed

Who is Taylor Michael Wilson?

Sounds like a lunatic, maybe we shouldn't be selling merch with the IE logo on it to the public

Even without this situation, somebody from antifa could buy IE merchandise, do something and then blame it on us.

@NateDahl76 Maybe, but from what I understand we are forbidden from associating with groups like the NSM, and for good reason.

@NateDahl76 I see your point, but there would be a much smaller chance of something happening, if we stopped selling merch to the public

@Deleted User Maybe having a policy of only selling merch that we don't use in activism. The NRA has millions of dollars in funding, lobbyists and entire teams of lawyers to lobby on their behalf and defend the organization from legal trouble. We don't, at this point. So I don't think that comparison is all that valid.

@Tyler0317 At a certain stage absolutely, but do we actually have the infrastructure to withstand the blowback lunatic or antifa going out and commiting a crime, while wearing IE merchandise?

A stenciling is much different from official merchandise that IE members would wear

@Deleted User That's not what I'm getting at, we don't have the lobbyists or lawyers who could defend us in case of something terrible happening. I think we might be jumping the gun a bit and leaving a hole in our opsec At the end of the day, we aren't GI and our views are not as normalized as they are in Austria, Italy or even France.

@Tyler0317 We shouldn't be timid, I agree 100%, but we need to be smart. Furthermore if an individual has even a spurrious connection to us, we could get caught up in a RICO investigation

But I of course, support the decision of leadership, I just have some concerns I'm expressing.

@Tyler0317 I should also clarify, I'm not against selling merch per se, I understand it is a valuable source of income. I think we should just understand and prepare for potential consequences

How about this, what about having a set of merch that we sell to the public, while having a completely different set of merch we sell to members. Of course wearing the merch that we sell to the public during activism won't be allowed.

@Deleted User It would add an extra layer of protection and provide proof that said person was not an activist or member. But I suppose the issue has been decided. Which is fine, I see your point.

@Deleted User Agreed, I understand and If I came off as being too personal, I apologize. But I have been a part of this movement for a long time. I've seen my fair share of trends/people and organizations with potential disappear. So I guess I'm little overly cautious at times because I don't want to see the same thing happen to us. I'd be devastated if that happened.

@Reinhard Wolff Will your three round MMA match against Avenatti be on pay-per-view?

Reese's puffs are for cucks, Cinnamon Life is for Chads.

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