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has anybody heard if it is true that President Trump has put an end to the "anchor baby" policy? someone was telling me that at work today.,

this coworker of mine swore it was true... i would be happy if it was ... but i had not heard...

anchor baby and chain migration are two major issues that he should address RIGHT AWAY

trying to find the motivation to work out today ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

@The Eternal Anglo i have thought about the same thing. i mean.... I know a lot of them here where i work; they seem to be smart about certain things perhaps (IT stuff...) but they seem to lack the common day to day, social, street smart (?) i don't know.... hard to explain it but they sure as heck want to be White that's for sure. This one guy i know is trying to find a way to stay in the US after his visa expires and since he comes from a very wealthy CHinese family, he has decided to adopt a couple of kids (he is not married). of course he is trying to adopt two blond haired blue eye kids. i told him that if he does,it won't make him White nor American, and he got mad LOL

don't get me wrong i think China and Japan have very rich histories and traditions and i love the fact that most of them are proud of their Identity; Some of my friends have been told by their parents that they MUST marry other Chinese (or Japanese) which i totally support.

@The Eternal Anglo i think you put it well. I agree. I am always encouraging them to go back to China and to marry within their own race ! hahaha I am like: :"Hey dude CHina is a beautiful Country, very rich history, great traditions, beautiful nature, you need to go back and preserve your heritage! "" and they are like: "Yeah maybe you are right !!! yeah .... good point!" ๐Ÿ˜‹

Good morning fellow Identitarians. I had you all in my prayers this morning and I hope you all have a productive and safe day ahead of you. Cheers

@Valaska what do you mean, DNA composition ? what do you want to know exactly bud?

i had a terrible work out at the gym this morning and now I am craving KFC food LOL dang it !

give me KFC now ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

๐Ÿ˜ฉ i have opted for oatmeal

right !?? hahahaha

right ?! haha

i might have an Activia yougurt too

i think Montana, Wyoming or Idaho are the last White bastions of hope

i was talking to some friends of mine from California who were telling me that they are sending their kids to College in Moscow IDAHO and when i asked them why (I already figured why but i still asked) they said: we took a tour of their campus and it was predominantly white students! haha

yeah my own Church (the LDS Church) is responsible for bringing in a lot of converts from Latin America and India ๐Ÿ˜ฆ who join the Church so they can use it as a ticket to come here. Once they get here, they stop being active in their congregations.

Well i don't think there are any places left that are entirely exclusively 100% White; don't you guys think? But there might be some counties within some States that are.

in Utah there are pockets of exclusively white communities, especially where the more hardcore Fundamentalists Mormons live. they don't allow non whites in their communities

Exactly @Asatru Artist - MD i was just typing that !!!! lol that's what the hardcore Fundamentalist Mormons do; if a non white family tries to move in, they make their lives miserable; their kids won't talk to the non white kids, they won't play with them, they won't invite them at activities and neighbourhood events, they won't trick or treat there, if they walk into a store, nobody talks to them etc.... eventually they drive them out

@Felix i would not be surprised ! Mainstream White mormon families were brain washed into adopting non white kids back in the 70's and 80's. After the new revelations on the Negroes was announced.

In 1978, the First Presidency and the Twelve, led by church president Spencer W. Kimball, declared they had received a revelation that the time had come to end these restrictions. After this revelation, people of African descent could hold priesthood offices and could be granted temple admittance.

As early as 1908, a church publication stated that blacks could not receive the priesthood because their spirits were less valiant in the pre-existence. Church leaders used this explanation until 1978,[1] when Kimball publicly refuted it; later church leaders have called the explanation a folk belief.

Joseph Smith and Brigham Young reasoned that black skin was a result of the Curse of Cain or the Curse of Ham.[2] They used these Biblical curses to justify slavery. Young believed the curse made black people ineligible to vote, marry white people, or hold the priesthood. Successive church presidents continued to use the Biblical curses to justify excluding black men from priesthood ordination and excluding black men and women from the Church's temples. The idea that black skin was a curse was not officially contradicted until 2013

Before the civil rights movement, the LDS Church's doctrine-based policy went largely unnoticed and unchallenged for about a century with the First Presidency stating in 1947 that the doctrine of the LDS Church which banned interracial marriage and black people from entering the temple or receiving the priesthood was never questioned by any of the church leaders. In the 1960s, the NAACP twice threatened to protest the LDS Church if they did not support civil rights. The first time, Hugh B. Brown made a statement in general conference supporting civil rights; the second time, the LDS Church refused to support

sad .. sad... sad....

horny teenagers will be horny teenagers.... i mean... i doubt it is true but even if it is.... i don't know man... i have had girls in high school come onto me very forcefully and aggressively and i have even had older women make advances to me when i was still a teenager; some of these women have become prominent members of the community and i would never dream of ruining their careers or lives by accusing them of molesting me or whatever so many years later. When i was attending College, i had several people trying to turn me into the Honor Code office making false accusations against simply because they wanted to get back at me for rejecting them or turning them down. People can become very vendictive when they get shot down! Nobody likes rejection. Females can be as bad as guys! Girls would get completely wasted at parties and they to sleep with the jocks and if you turn them down, i can guarantee you, the next morning you would get called into the Honor Code Office. SO I am a little tired of women always crying rape.... If it was such an aweful traumatic experience, come forward as soon as it happens! dont wait decades when the guy is in the public eye.

(Sorry I am getting caught up on what you guys have been posting about all day so I am backtracking the subject LOL )

i know it is not true... i did not want to offend the IE ladies by saying that i absolutely do not believe the accuser.

i do not condone that behaviour ... i am just saying.... teenagers are teenagers.... boys and girls have one thing in mind at that age.

it's like minors going to bar and clubs with fake ID's .. then they go home with someone... and lie about their age; then .... they feel guilty about it and turn the person in.

Anyways.... people are nuts

Girls; dont go to frat parties and get shit faced and drunk and pass out !!

i am just talking in general.

when Patrick walks in we should all stand up

@Arvon Hi Arvon

welcome Nik

@Sherlock Sicilians?

Why Sicilians? if Sicilians are questionable then Greeks should be too

I am getting pretty tired of people questioning whether italians are white. Nathan Damigo was of Greek ancestry.... i rest my case

@Sherlock i have met some dark haired olive skinned Scandinavians...

@Rabbidsith thanks budy !! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ i appreciate that.

well someone on here tonight was insinuating that Italians are not white so .... I guess Columbus was not white either.... ๐Ÿ™„

actually in the Mormon Theology we have a similar belief; that Columbus was lead by God to discover this continent so that it would become the "promised land for God's chosen people"

the no sex part is fine... . but the "semen overload from lack of ejaculation" is totally unrealistic and biologically impossible lol

yeah Sandpoint had quite a few of those

interresting...... you should reply and tell him that you are a black person and see what he says lol

Are there any IE brothers in the Ocala Florida area? I am flying there next week, flying into Tampa and then renting a car to Ocala.

@Chaos Dionysia thanks for sharing that video bro

all of my friends from Northern California tell me that they hate southern California because of the Mexicans and they all want to build a wall dividing the State into two separate states.

i work with a Muslim from Iran and a Jew from Buffalo NY. and those two talk crap behind their backs all the time. They are a perfect example of how stupid people are to think that that in their diverse multicultural Utopia everybody is going to get along and there won't be any tension. The Iranian also mocks the femminist movemement; the other day he told me that "women are only good at one thing: laying on their backs...... and opening their.... well i can't say the rest..)

but Iranians are Persians right ?

my Colleague likes to say he is persian

well this guy has fought in that war they had between Iran and Iraq and he hates people form iraq

skin colour aside, their facial features are definitely not white..

i remember that episode of " Anthony Bourdain parts unknown" in Iran and he was dining with this Iranian Family and they sure looked arabs to me, maybe slightly more Europeanish perhaps but still Arabs.... but they do seem to take pride in their heritage and history.

interesting.... so do we accept Iranians in IE then ?

LOL ok just wondering

Patrick said no to Armenians so .... i would hope we say no to iranians LOL

@Nemets Dude you are so knowledgeable! it's quite impressive

i don't even know all those names you are using <:nervous:359009898115104770>

good for you for researching all that stuff though. great knowledge to have

they are literally washing up on European shores.... we need more sharks

Every European nation needs a Salvini. that would make a difference.

just saw these on the UofU campus.... Can i put some of our flyers next to it ? ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

i know we should make the same posters but with the picture of a blond haired blue eyed person

@Deleted User LOL we said the same thing

the beauty of being in an organization with like minded individuals.

@Deleted User Dude sorry i got busy at work and had to log off. Dude those are beautiful flyers !!!!! i wish i had them so i could put them up next theirs.

did that one guy with the hand gun really shot at someone?

Hmm i see.


may i ask, is that guy an IE member? just wondering...i dont want to know who he is or anything like that....

haha i gotcha

๐Ÿ˜ƒ indeed

@micbwilli we need that guy 's genes in our Ethnostate

@Freiheit - CA i saw one. did you catch the Asian kid singing in russian... LOL

i guess i 'll share with my fellow Identitarians this interesting anecdote before i go to bed: i know this guy from Guatemala who was adopted as a tiny infant by a well-to-do white Mormon family here in Utah. This family already had 6 or 7 biological children. All of the kids in the family are good looking blond haired blue eyed young men and women. my friend told me that even though he was only a few days old when he was adopted and was basically raised Mormon in Utah all his life , he has always felt different not just because he looked different (he is extremely short, chubby and very dark) but he felt different inside too. He kind of resented his adopted family for adopting him because he felt that he never really "fit in". Even though he was not told that he was adopted at first, it did not take him long to figure it out of course. he just "stood out" and he hated taking family pictures with this entirely blond family. He was raised the same way as his adoptive siblings and yet he always felt "different". it wasn't long before he turned to drugs and alcohol and made some poor choices. Moral of the story: race matters, our genetic make up matters, it's more than just skin tone.

Mr McConnel, you could turn your iphone off before speaking LOL

@Cell_Technician Hi bro !!! welcome man.... so glad to have you..... we all look forward to meeting you in person someday. what part of California?

blueberries (antioxidants)

@micbwilli i love the animal of the day thing!! keep it up. i have a zoo at my house!

@Virgil Aww ๐Ÿ˜‰ don't listen to Ian . you do whatever you want bud!

how many people have signed up for the "Defend the Rockies " Conference so far? .. just curious. i have paid my $70 so i 'll be staying in the AirB&B

sweet !!! i can have all the privacy i want ....

HAHAHAHAHAH Goose you are cracking me up bro !!

@Goose LOL we can carry you I am sure... if needed LOL

I am flying to Florida in the morning and I worry about how humid is going to be there!!!

@Asatru Artist - MD I am ashamed to admit that - years ago - i was one of those dumb blinded fooled Democrats who would have voted for Pres. Obama for third term. Damn i was dumb! and i wish i could go back and do things differently. but today i had a small victory at work: i was talking to a single lady in my office who has always been very Liberal and feminist and pro-diversity. Well today she asked me about my trip to FLorida over the weekend and i flat out told her what a rude awakening it always is when i travel outside of Utah and go to places with a lot of blacks and mexicans. I told her how trashy and rude the blacks were to me there and i told her that i felt out of place and scared for my life at night. I told her about the overweight black hookers that were checking into the motel i was put in. i told her about how rude the black lady at the front desk was to me and how lazy and over weight they all were. SHE FINALLY ADMITTED THAT YEARS AGO SHE LIVED IN THE SOUTH FOR A FEW YEARS AND SHE HAD TO WORK WITH A LOT OF BLACK WOMEN AND SHE SAID IT WAS AN AWEFUL EXPERIENCE AND THEY RUINED IT FOR HER;SHE SAID SHE USED TO THINK THOSE WERE JUST MEAN STEREOTYPES but she said it is true; they were lazy and very discriminatory against her and SUPER LAZY at work !!!! FINALLY !!!!!!! she has always told me how racist I am and all that shit. Now she is finally admitting I am right.

boy we sure do!

Mr Taylor in WHITE IDENTITY does talk about how some people who dont have to deal with these non white folks tend to be more pro-diversity than those who have to deal with them daily. White people who come out of prison admit that they come out more "racist" than when they went in.

I was sure glad to come back to Utah guys! i wanted to hug the first white clean cut person i saw !

i saw this white mormon blond couple at the baggage claim and i kept staring at them and smiling like a creep !!! hahahah

i was carrying my luggage to my hotel room and had walk by all these drunk blacks and mexicans sitting outside their rooms in the hall and i was being stared at and i heard the word 'gringo" a few times. i was like: "poor gringo here.. poor gringo!!" hahahah

i want to vomit. Good idea for a shirt though.

yes.... yes indeed... Wakanda forever...

WE just had the semi-annual Mormon Conference in which the President and Prophet of the Mormon Church announces the new LDS Temples that will be built: Check out this list of freaking trashy non-white places... gosh dang it (besides California and New Zealand)! Mendoza, Argentina; Salvador, Brazil; Yuba City, California; Phnom Penh, Cambodia; Praia, Cape Verde; Yigo, Guam; Puebla, Mexico; Auckland, New Zealand; Lagos, Nigeria; Davao, Phillippines; and San Juan, Puerto Rico.


my local Bishop has been on my case because i have stopped paying my tithe a long time ago. I am not going to give a dime to this apostate Church which has forsaken its history and doctrines. Gosh dang it I am so mad !

I am so ..... disgusted and disappointed... They are slowly trying to rebrand themselves.... it is pathetic.

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