
Discord ID: 178305053390667776

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@Reinhard Wolff Real or fake Christmas trees?

This. โ˜

Louis XIV is the only choice.

Yeah, let's keep it clean in <#481597551272001546> folks.

Yeah, that's a neutral term from our perspective.

Based Natalie Portman?


Stallone? Really? I actually didn't know that.

It was a sarcastic poast, fellas.

I'm well aware of her origins and the lack of based-ness of her comments.

Ironically, the last Hollywood flick I saw starred Portman.

It was bad.

Annihilation, yes.

I read the books, which were pretty good.

Yeah, I watched this stream. It's not as suspicious as it sounds.

He basically hit up a list of millionaires to fund a science show hosted by his then-girlfriend.

Epstein just happened to be the one who responded. This is of course from JF himself, not an independent third party.

Yeah, I think that's the one, @Reinhard Wolff.

Ha ha! No kidding.

We just need a woman POC to host it.

Epstein cut him the check because "muh women in STEM".

Lulz. Not a bad idea, honestly.

She's sort of already on their radar due to her association with the Warski/Ralph crowd, though.

Nah, you would need a rando not publicly affiliated with politics.

No worries on the false alarm, @Sonic. Good on you for using a VPN. ๐Ÿ‘ Peak OpSec.

@The Eternal Anglo He is not. I'm the CTO.

The first two Dune books are amazing.

I just re-read them this year.

โ€œConstitutions become the ultimate tyranny," Paul said. "Theyโ€™re organized power on such a scale as to be overwhelming. The constitution is social power mobilized and it has no conscience. It can crush the highest and the lowest, removing all dignity and individuality. It has an unstable balance point and no limitations.โ€
- Frank Herbert

DM me if you have software development skills!

Boomer-poasting here, but if I only had ten hours of time to waste a week...

Get off the internet and into the gym!

DM me if you have computer skills!

@Sonic Thanks, bud!

Economics + culture? I want to say something about this but I'm afraid Nate is watching. ๐Ÿ‘€

Well done!

@apronandlace It's not a bad idea. Might be illuminating and help us to focus on the things that work.

Though I suspect that everyone more or less joins for the same reason - they look around and realize society is broken and they want to do something about it.

Welcome, @Dan - NY ! Glad to have you aboard.

It will be Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome.


Man, Nancy Pelosi sounds really _weird_ in the Democrat response. Her speech is slurred and everything.

Yeah, pretty creepy overall.

Unfortunately, no, @Wood-Ape - OK/MN .

"Amerikaners" <:really:453005408064241674>

Ha ha!

Fair 'nuff.

Yeah, that's what I thought of when you said it.

Thankfully we're a _little_ better off than them at the moment.


We may stave off the genocide for a few more years with our big, beautiful steel-slat-barrier-thing.

Heh. Yeah, the demographics in Utah are doing _okay_ currently, but it isn't trending well.

The speech wasn't a total black pill, but it wasn't impressive by any means. As long as he doesn't cave, I suppose it's a win.

Meh. More of the same. He did use some very good normie-tier rhetoric, though.

It's only ten minutes, regardless.

Yeah, it was the right move. I seriously wonder if his aides listen to FTN.



DM me if you have web development skills!

@Bjorn - MD Learn Node.js. There are tons of tutorials out there. _Always_ use a linter when you code.

@Bjorn - MD JavaScript is the _lingua franca_ of the software world.

Well said, Patrick!

Get off the computer and live your life, gents!

Hey, you have to pay the bills. I don't sit here in this channel all day.

When the CTO says you're spending too much time on the computer, that means something. <:4dchess:439923932062154782>

Ha ha!

@Reinhard Wolff Thoughts on Tucker's recent "third-positionist" rhetoric?

Absolutely. Tucker 2024!

We don't have a coordinator for every state.


@Anthony Sealy - MO I prefer "CTO", but "webguy" works, I guess. Just don't confuse me with Spiderman - we're two different people.

You can't redirect a WHOIS request.

@Anthony Sealy - MO I'm pretty sure that domain resides in the same account as the rest. A DNS redirect would be ideal.

@Anthony Sealy - MO Thanks for bringing it to my attention.


DM me if you have computer skills!

Yeah, Zero to One is good. Own your niche.

Every chapter should have a @Valaska.

Can we clone him? ๐Ÿค”

FEMA camps! <:sad:366743316475281408>

Well, his atrocious backtracking apology was wrong.

Solid. Great photos, @Aaron O'regan!


Looking good, @Aaron O'regan ! ๐Ÿ‘Œ

Seems to me like he's just demonstrating that they're leaving him no option.

Love me some Mike.

Do we know why the Twitter account was suspended? I've been very busy all day.

Blood for the Blood God, eh @Freiheit - CA?

Thanks, @Conway - OK. Seems reasonable.


Ha ha!

Did not know that.


Valaska, the tracksuit flyer ninja.


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