
Discord ID: 323597554271125505

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2017-07-17 02:00:56 UTC

They arrested a guy for dressing up as the joker. The law will mean what they want it to mean

2017-07-17 04:48:46 UTC

Does it say anything about patriotic face paint?

2017-07-17 05:53:08 UTC

i wouldn't risk it

2017-07-17 14:23:45 UTC

@Erika Official speaker lineup?

2017-07-17 14:25:54 UTC

Like... the timeline basically

2017-07-17 14:33:03 UTC

We haven't set arranged speaker times yet. We'll be setting that up within the next week or so.

2017-07-17 14:39:06 UTC

Okay sounds good

2017-07-17 23:53:20 UTC

has anyone thought about general logistics? We are going to need a first aid station, water to hand out, comms co-ordination etc.

2017-07-17 23:57:06 UTC

@Kurt I'm already taking care of organizing the medical end of things. We'll have EMTs, medics, and first aid/CPR certified individuals on staff. We can probably have a water station, but I've just advised my people to bring a couple bottles of water with them. Comms coordination would be up to the <@&330422727447937024> and @Heinz - MI

2017-07-17 23:57:45 UTC

We should have bottles of water to hand out for sure.

2017-07-17 23:57:56 UTC

Heat is our most dangerous enemy

2017-07-17 23:59:29 UTC

Nobody thought about that in DC, and I am suprised that we didn't have heat casualties.

2017-07-18 00:00:29 UTC

I can bring an ez-up if needed too

2017-07-18 00:03:50 UTC

@Kurt okay thank you. I'll talk with the other coordinators to set up having water available for everyone.

2017-07-18 01:39:12 UTC

Not sure if this is too out in the open, but someone let me know what intel regarding the need for burners and cash only? Well aware of need in certain instances, but antifa?

2017-07-18 01:39:49 UTC

if you're concerned about doxing and plan on going out using a card might not be the best idea

2017-07-18 01:41:44 UTC

@WhiteTrash True, but almost always needed for hotel. Are there concerns of hotel employees handing over info? As for burners, is it more just so not lost at event and personal info/contacts extracted?

2017-07-18 01:43:00 UTC

@DavidOrlando basically, just get a burner phone, or factory reset an old phone, and use a paid paid SIM card for it. Don't put contacts real names into it. And absolutely don't use your card to pay for anything over the weekend. There's always a concern of employees of places handing over your info. Just keep a low profile if you choose to stay at a hotel.

2017-07-18 01:44:14 UTC

@Erika Great advice. Really impressed by the OPSEC & PERSEC details. Good job whoever put that togther!

2017-07-18 01:45:16 UTC

it's always a concern with hotel workers but a sure way to get them fired

2017-07-18 01:46:56 UTC

Sad this is the current year, but all the more reason to pushback and why I joined. Freedom of speech, Freedom of association etc is in extreme danger.

2017-07-18 01:48:19 UTC

Non of us are high profile like Spencer or Damigo. As long as you don't throw parties in your hotel room, blast The Daily Shoah, or go around goose stepping and sieg heiling, you'll be fine.

2017-07-18 01:50:03 UTC

Also, don't go walking around in Daily Stormer tshirts over the weekend if you're worried about being noticed.

2017-07-18 01:52:09 UTC

@Erika Oh no, was going to wear my old NWA shirt...:)

2017-07-18 02:30:52 UTC

Wait, why would we need a burner phone?

2017-07-18 02:31:53 UTC

I think a burner phone is pushing it

2017-07-18 02:32:03 UTC

but I can get behind cash only at restaurnts

2017-07-18 02:32:23 UTC

has there been documented incidents of locals doxxing in Cville?

2017-07-18 02:35:15 UTC

Organizations do send observers to dox

2017-07-18 02:35:33 UTC

Best way not to get doxxed: Dont go

2017-07-18 02:39:07 UTC

Doxxing becomes an issue when you become an event. If they can tie you to an organization or you put yourself out there is when it's an issue, If you are low key you're better off. But if you're holding a sign that says GTKRWN or the goyim know while wearing a daily stormer shirt you're tied to that, If there is a video of you punching a commie in the face like Nathan (pbuh) you're tied to that. Worst case scenario you're found out you're an innocent bystander who was in town visiting family etc

2017-07-18 02:39:53 UTC

They can review all the footage they want but unless there is a massive effort, they're not going to be able to doxx every person there

2017-07-18 02:41:07 UTC

And we would immediatey know about such an effort because we have so many of our people who have infultrated their organaizations. The aclu isn't going to be able to identify some 19 year old bystanded from some small town in arkansas who flew in to see the rally

2017-07-18 02:41:27 UTC

if that kid does something event worthy, yeah thats a different story

2017-07-18 02:41:36 UTC

just lay low if you're worried

2017-07-18 02:43:43 UTC

Also, I am sure the ACLU is looking for violation of rights and inhumane treatment from LE rather than some kid holding a kekistani flag

2017-07-18 02:45:02 UTC

I'm just gonna feign ignorance and pretend like I was on a road trip and I had heard this was a "Unite the Right" rally, and I decided to just stop by because I thought it was just establishment conservatives lol. My boss knows I follow Richard and other Alt-Right figures. It could be a different story if I'm on TV next to a guy waving NatSoc insignia though.

2017-07-18 02:50:46 UTC

@AltRightMick Won't be any windmills of friendship at the rally. Afterwards though....

2017-07-18 02:55:13 UTC

@Goldstein Riots Interesting, I thought every group was given authority to do their normal thing.

2017-07-18 03:09:20 UTC

I think there is a general concensus about optics at the rally proper.

2017-07-18 03:09:51 UTC

But ask @MadDimension for the final word.

2017-07-18 03:14:41 UTC

I don't even know all of the organizations taking part in this event. Just know that IE, Vanguard, and TWP are involved.

2017-07-18 03:22:57 UTC

They're are a multitude of altright organizations operating these days. What a time to be alive! @AltRightMick

2017-07-18 03:27:33 UTC

<@&321389309162815488> <@&321762201083838464> who can help a Stormer club in Indiana?

2017-07-18 03:32:00 UTC

@Johnny O'Malley at cville 1.0 somebody put hitler did nothing wrong or something on a reciept and it got photographed and put on social media

2017-07-18 03:32:28 UTC

word is person got fired tho

2017-07-18 03:33:40 UTC

@Chef Goyardee Help them how

2017-07-18 03:38:26 UTC

@Hand Banana Sorry, I'm on my cell. I meant with carpooling.

2017-07-18 03:46:28 UTC

@WhiteTrash if they did thay with thier name on the tab it's pretty shitty opsec. I plan on using cash for everything

2017-07-18 03:57:34 UTC

@Chef Goyardee @Jack "Ajax" Richardson is your Indiana contact for setting up carpools.

2017-07-18 03:59:53 UTC

@Erika thanks !

2017-07-18 05:10:25 UTC

Going back to that doxxing stuff, some people will be carrying flags, this is a surefire way to get noticed, are you suggesting that that would be too highkey? I want to be able to fly any flag of my choice without having to worry about getting doxxed. @Johnny O'Malley

2017-07-18 05:11:45 UTC

If you're flying an IE flag you can't make the argument that you're not IE

2017-07-18 05:12:56 UTC

But if you want to fly a flag just fly the flag, wear sunglasses and don't try to recreate any based gook wife man shit with your flag pole and they won't have a reason to dox you

2017-07-18 05:13:02 UTC

That's all I was getting at

2017-07-18 05:13:26 UTC

I'm not trying to discourage anyone from representing who they are with. I actually encourage it

2017-07-18 06:07:28 UTC

Got it, thanks for the clarification.

2017-07-18 21:03:15 UTC

So what is the plan in the even our space is occupied by the antis?

2017-07-18 23:57:26 UTC

It will be dealt with by the event coordinators and LE

2017-07-19 00:26:41 UTC

Are there going to be porta John's there? Taking a leak might be a big mission otherwise.

2017-07-19 01:28:55 UTC

Maybe I missed it, but what exactly is the dress code requirements for attendees? Business casual? Is there anything prohibited other than masks and swazis?

2017-07-19 01:39:22 UTC

khakis and button up/polo is good

2017-07-19 01:40:22 UTC

What about Cargo shorts and a button up over a tank top?

2017-07-19 01:40:41 UTC

Swazis aren't prohibited.

2017-07-19 01:55:23 UTC

I understand that the polo/khakis look is good, I'm asking that if someone shows up deliberately negating that professional look, for example with a huge swastika on their t-shirt, will they be turned away or allowed to stay?

2017-07-19 01:55:45 UTC

Or flip flops and a wife beater tank

2017-07-19 01:56:03 UTC

I'm showing up with a swastika shirt and i'm not being turned away

2017-07-19 01:56:04 UTC


2017-07-19 01:56:06 UTC

@Jack Danson - KG I think it's up to whatever group you're coming with, but might as well not make it trashy. Polos and khakis looked good last time.

2017-07-19 01:56:15 UTC

If you're wearing flip flops you're not the brightest person

2017-07-19 01:56:31 UTC

but you wont get turned away

2017-07-19 01:56:33 UTC

National Socialism is trashy huh?

2017-07-19 01:56:41 UTC


2017-07-19 01:57:01 UTC


2017-07-19 01:57:06 UTC

Oh the swastikas. No, I was just responding to the general question about dress code.

2017-07-19 01:57:07 UTC

Are you saying the symbol of peace is trashy?

2017-07-19 01:57:15 UTC

Oh, okay ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2017-07-19 01:58:06 UTC

But yeah, flip flops are a really dumb idea

2017-07-19 01:59:55 UTC

This is a Unite the Right rally, not a "I get to do whatever I want with unconditional support from allies" rally.

2017-07-19 02:00:36 UTC

I know that, I'm asking what is going to happen to people who give zero shits about optics. The ones that the media focus on and use to brand the entire crowd/event with

2017-07-19 02:01:11 UTC

Well, when you're uniting with NS, there might be a swastika or two.

2017-07-19 02:01:38 UTC


2017-07-19 02:01:42 UTC

I'll put in a good word for you, Jack.

2017-07-19 02:01:55 UTC

I'll be sure to tell fox news what's up from you

2017-07-19 02:03:18 UTC

I like to dress down in the office from time to time, but when I'm meeting with a client or a business partner, I put on a blazer and slacks even if I'd prefer to wear a t-shirt.

2017-07-19 02:03:42 UTC

No flip flops.

2017-07-19 02:03:58 UTC


2017-07-19 02:04:14 UTC

No contact lenses either.

2017-07-19 02:05:08 UTC

^^ that should be stickied

2017-07-19 02:05:13 UTC


2017-07-19 02:05:31 UTC

people dont think about that shit if they have never been gassed or sprayed before

2017-07-19 02:05:39 UTC


2017-07-19 02:06:06 UTC

I don't have glasses and only have contacts. I'm willing to take that risk.

2017-07-19 02:06:13 UTC

I have no choice lol

2017-07-19 02:06:39 UTC

just wear safety glasses.

2017-07-19 02:06:42 UTC

wear sunglasses at minimum with the contacts then

2017-07-19 02:06:58 UTC

Will do.

2017-07-19 02:07:10 UTC

I've seen people with contacts get spray

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